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  1. Hello 0.A.D community, I think currently siege engines in general are not interesting to play as they are handled as simple as any unit. I was thinking of introducing following changes to make them more interesting to play. Top level idea: A siege engine shouldn't take popluation to produce but it will not move or attack untill units are garriosned. The attack and movement will depend on unit garriosned. Siege engine popupulation utlization: A siege engine shouldn't take any population or train, that means from current population of 3 to 0. Movement, attack & armor: Movement & attack will varies with respect to the number of units garriosned in the siege engine. While other statics will remian the same. The current and expected values can be seen in following table. Current Expected Inputs Siege type Attack Speed Attack Speed (current*x/pop utlized) Currently pop utilized Unit Garrisioned Crush Pierce Interval Crush Pierce Interval Battering Ram 150 1.5 7.2 50 0 4.5 2.4 3 1 Siege Tower 2.5 12 1 6.3 NA NA NA 2.1 3 1 Bolt shooter 160 4 8.1 0 80 8 4.05 2 1 Catapult 210 7 7.2 0 105 14 3.6 2 1 *Siege tower has impact only on speed and not other stats, as attacks depends on indivudual unit and not on siege iteself. Lets take an exmple of battering ram. With 0 unit garriosned ram will not move or attack. With 1 unit garriosed, its attack damage, speed and interval will be 1/3rd of what is currently there. With 2 unit garriosed, its attack damage, speed and interval will be 2/3rd of what is currently there. With 3 unit garriosned, it will behave as it behave currently. More than 3 will not have attack on stats but you can garriosn in it as per current state. Gameplay cases You can train as many siege as you want but in order to use them, you will need units inside. Depends on your requirement you can garrsion 1/2/3 or more. You are not pop constrained here but at same time you are, but tactically. You can park the siege out of fight and after fight when you wants to kill buildings garrsion units and start. This will also insure to use garriosing units in siege. There are many use cases I can go about. But i hope you got the idea. @borg-, @Stan`, @ValihrAnt, @Lion.Kanzen, what do you guys think? Open for suggestion if you find it interesting.!!
    4 points
  2. I much like the idea and i think it will bring interesting new gameplay to the table. Instead of adjusting damage values i think it may be more logical to only touch movement speed and attack speed values with the exception of the ram. I think it'll be fine honestly it not costing population because siege is still expensive and it indeed technically still costs pop to be able to effeciently use them.
    3 points
  3. It's in new maps, and it's a naval map. hence why it doesn't show in default.
    2 points
  4. Stepping outside of my comfort zone and started modeling some village phase houses.
    2 points
  5. I'm still hoping for a proper lioness portrait. I don't know if our big cats are up to date anyway. Maybe our doggos (wolves) aren't either, but I care a little less about them.
    2 points
  6. WORK IN PROGRESS (Open to suggestions and help) 12-13th Century Castle Simulator A.K.A (Stronghold in 0ad mod, loljk.) Repository: https://github.com/0ADMods/xiiiad STRUCTURES CIVIC CENTER: Village Hall (Village) | Town Hall (Town) | Citadel (City) BARRACKS: N/A (Village) | Town Barracks (Town) | 1.) City Barracks 2.) Castle Barracks (City) DOCKS: Village Docks (Village) | Town Docks (Town) | City Docks (City) FORGE: N/A (Village) | Town Forge (Town) | 1.) Castle Forge (City) FARM FIELD: Village Farm Field (Village) | N/A (Town) | N/A (City) FARMSTEAD: Village Farmstead (Village) | N/A (Town) | N/A (City) HOUSE: Village Dwelling (Village) | Town Dwelling (Town) | City Dwelling (City) STOREHOUSE: Village Storehouse (Village) | N/A (Town) | N/A (City) TEMPLE: Chapel (Village) | Church (Town) | 1.) Cathedral 2.) Monastery (City) MARKETPLACE: N/A (Village) | Town Market (Town) | City Market (City) OTHERS: APOTHECARY HOSPICE *Monastery TAVERN GUILDHOUSE *Town Phase COURTHOUSE *City Phase UNIVERSITY *Monastery CASTLE STRUCTURES WALLS Stone Curtain Wall (Hoarding Upgrade) *Town Phase Single Stone Wall (Hoarding Upgrade) *Town Phase Double Stone Wall (Hoarding Upgrade) *City Phase TOWERS Square Lookout Tower *Town Phase Small Square Tower *Town Phase Large Square Tower *City Phase Great Square Tower *City Phase Round Lookout Tower *Town Phase Small Round Tower *Town Phase Large Round Tower *City Phase Great Round Tower *City Phase KEEP Small Keep Large Keep Great Keep UNITS CITIZEN-SOLDIER Serf Spearman (Basic) | Militia Spearman (Advanced) | Sergeant Spearman (Advanced) Serf Archer (Basic) | Militia Archer (Advanced) | Sergeant Archer (Advanced) Serf Crossbowman (Basic) | Militia Crossbowman (Advanced) | Sergeant Crossbowman (Advanced) Mounted Serf (Basic) | Mounted Militia (Advanced) | Mounted Sergeant (Advanced) CHAMPION Bannerman (1 Bannerman = 1 Fortress) - 1.) Provides military bonus 2.) Can train units Squire (Basic) | Knight (Advanced) | Royal Knight (Advanced) Mounted Squire (Basic) | Mounted Knight (Advanced) | Mounted Royal Knight (Advanced) MERCENARY Mercenary Spearman (Basic) | Experienced Mercenary Spearman (Advanced) | Veteran Mercenary Spearman (Elite) Mercenary Swordsman (Basic) | Experienced Mercenary Swordsman (Advanced) | Veteran Mercenary Swordsman (Elite) Mercenary Archer (Basic) | Experienced Mercenary Archer (Advanced) | Veteran Mercenary Archer (Elite) Mercenary Crossbowman (Basic) | Experienced Mercenary Crossbowman (Advanced) | Veteran Mercenary Crossbowman (Elite) Mercenary Rider (Basic) | Experienced Mercenary Rider (Advanced) | Veteran Mercenary Rider (Elite) HEROES Bishop Lord Marshal
    1 point
  7. Hi everyone, I've created over 2000 tracks of original music and sound effects that you are welcome to freely use in your games and projects. All I ask is to be attributed as described on my website: soundimage.org/ I sincerely hope some of my tracks are helpful. Enjoy! :-)
    1 point
  8. sometimes others flare and add a comment like: - 5 to you - help and sometimes i got flares without any comment. then last games i ask "whats up?" and often i get no answer. then if i have cavs i take a look to this position. if i have most pike-man and rest most female workers i not run to this position, it was sometimes happens i run with all military to this position and there is no help needed. was a miss-click he said. i sometimes confused about my own behavior. so it happens that i flare and don't add a comment. sometimes the other players are very very angry if they feel not understood correct. many enable the card update very late, and some others very early. the often think then flare is enough without comment. but if you update this card update, to see your aliens, short time behind p3 your often don't understand what a flare is. i recommend. please add a little comment, like "help". or "help to many" or something. or "help, maybe i could do it" .... anything. if you have other ideas. an audio talk within a team could also be very helpful. those were a few thoughts.
    1 point
  9. Yesterday I realized, when I destroy a house which is in Construction albeit half built: The loot goes to the owner of the house not to me. Is this on purpose? It enabled my enemy to train new units, If i knew that I would not have destroyed the construction lot.
    1 point
  10. wow Sevda, stop trolling with smurf accounts. Isn't that rollo account from way back?
    1 point
  11. Hi everyone, I have updated the LocalRatings mod, including a new match filter: the date of validity. This means that the mod now allows to filter out games played before a certain date to the aim of computing the rating. See picture below. This is probably the last update including new features before A26 is officially released. There have been many ideas on how to improve the mod and I wish to collect more feedback from users before committing to new changes. Download: as usual, you can download the new release (v0.25.7) of the mod from the zip file attached to this post or from the zip file attached to the first post of this thread or from the official page. LocalRatings-v0.25.7.zip
    1 point
  12. My thinking was also same @Grapjas. We maybe leave other values like damange & armors but modify movement and attack speed. Also, give bonus for extra garrion so people prefer garrsioning them instead of treating them like normal units which cost more pop but comes with high damage.
    1 point
  13. I'll try it, looks fun.
    1 point
  14. Corrected, sorry, thank you for noticing it!
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Interesting the speed, but I think it must cost population. One idea I've always had is that siege tower can capture towers and forts with ease. The more units inside, the higher the capture rate. I don't like this unit being just a mobile tower.
    1 point
  17. I think of it as "unused material"; if you only build a house halfway, then you have half the material left. It works the same way when you destroy your own buildings during construction: 0% built = 100% resources "refunded", 50% built = 50% resources refunded etc.
    1 point
  18. Yes, I do that when I use building placeholders, thanks for the reminder!
    1 point
  19. An old thread but relevant: Edit: Personally I would say it is not the polygon count the issue but the texture resolution. 2000 is good enough with better textures.
    1 point
  20. If you do placeholders please don't copy actors reference those of the public instead.
    1 point
  21. https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/ Kind of. We have lod support through the model quality drop down. But not all the models have lower quality alternative.
    1 point
  22. Done with the initial unit commit. I need help fixing errors and adding simulation file placeholder for structures (Either Spartan structure set or Gaul structure set?) Repository: https://github.com/0ADMods/xiiiad
    1 point
  23. It's complex, not necessarily outstandingly so. But mostly I don't think it 'breaks' the flow of anything, it's really just a long reloading time and with some cleverness it could be hidden. I don't think it's particularly a problem here.
    1 point
  24. these were the first ideas for mods and the origin of the Council of modders.
    1 point
  25. yes. and by game settings I mean the one for starting a new game, like the map etc.
    1 point
  26. Idk what to say, this is impressively toxic wow! Also crocodiles are outstanding creatures, Salties in particular , they can be eaten ofc but we should not eat too many. It might be nice if a player could initiate a vote-ban system, but of course these things can be abused and they rely on the majority of players being good people who make a proper decision.
    1 point
  27. Compared to the European Union(actual), the CCP looks like a utopia. The world is not perfect. The Chinese have known how to be pragmatic.
    1 point
  28. I released Community Maps 2 v0.26.0 today, which is compatible with 0 A.D. a26.
    1 point
  29. more than all the capacity of the engine. and to modding the game. An example.
    1 point
  30. Now we need the other spices of parrots xd.
    1 point
  31. we should have a focused video. you know in the engine. I kind video trailer of possibilities.
    1 point
  32. Seems contradictory to me. Wouldn't the lesson of the vids be to concentrate on single player and campaigns, while allowing the game to be modded? And add flashy swoops and explosions for spectacle. To promote mods in MP I guess it would be nice to keep the surface (lobby) running, while restarting the needed components for playing ~invisibly.
    1 point
  33. better yet, a filter from date x, to avoid scanning many replays
    1 point
  34. GDPR, data processing, need to change privacy policy and is a bit tedious because not all platforms work with TLS.
    0 points
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