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I created https://github.com/0ADMods/yayoi_japan @LordGood maybe you could upload your buildings ^^"5 points
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Thank you for the report. A fix is being prepared... has been applied.2 points
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I have just push a commit (branch "gameplay-a24") to github - i'll hope i have this done correctly Norse, Byzantines and Carolingians seems to be ready - now looking for Anglo1 point
I find it interesting that while mostly concentrated on the north; there are also Carib speakers in central Brazil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuikuro. Is the language of the Marajoara culture known ?1 point
@wraitii committed some gameplay patches today, but these twelve are still open, and a few more have been accepted this week.1 point
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Very interesting and educational video for creators and youtubers to keep in mind about international law1 point
But I never said, or insinuated that these shields must have been invented by the Ptolemies. I'm honestly not that interested in who invented them. What I'm interested in is that the Ptolemies used them, making them a valuable art reference for Ptolemaic units. I agree with being cautious about sources, but, This keeps coming up. But in my opening post I said: Which I followed by providing 4 primary Egyptian sources in the form of terracottas depicting rectangular shields, now followed by a 5th marvelous example shared by Genava55. In hindsight I realize that I didn't provide the links to their original sources, which I should have done. I guess I thought people would just reverse image search them if they needed to. The Palestrina Mosaic was simply what alerted me to the possible existence of such shields, which made me dig deeper. It's the primary Egyptian sources that convinced me, which also add weight to the probable accuracy of those shields in the Palestrina Mosaic. So, to date, we've found 6 independent period sources supporting each other that those shields were in fact a thing. Today, I still stand by my opening post: "In order to distinguish Hellenistic units between the various Hellenistic factions, it's nice to include those little details that are unique to each faction. I noticed that Ptolemies used pretty unique looking, [small] curved rectangular shields alongside the more traditional types." LordGood doesn't disappoint! I love it man! I vote yes! It's historical. It's unique! A few of these will help distinguish Ptolemaic units from other Hellenistic units, without resorting to historical fantasies or misinterpretations. I think it's great I think he should even be able rank up with chainmail, as per Genava's latest reference. Also, how come Ptolemies don't have Machimoi in their roster? Or do they just have another name?1 point
About 1,500 at the time of" discovery." The main linguistic changes were: Tupi, Macro-Je, Arauaque, Caribe, Tukano, Remembering that there were tribes covering more than one language and also the opposite. Quick reference for Google search and wiki in Portuguese. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.uol.com.br/tilt/ultimas-noticias/redacao/2016/03/25/brasil-ja-teve-1500-linguas-indigenas-hoje- tem-apenas-181.amp.htm https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Línguas_indígenas_do_Brasil Interesting new discoveries, these probably related to Tupi speakers. https://www.google.com/amp/s/marsemfim.com.br/ilhas-artificiais-na-amazonia-sao-descobertas/amp/1 point
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I have installed 0AD on a Raspberry Pi 4 today (from Raspbian repo) and it worked out of the box like a charm at full screen with a 21:9 (2560x1080) monitor. No lags. Great graphics.1 point
@user1 rated game hosted by berhudar playing me jhamlett was abruptly ended 12 minutes in. commands.txt metadata.json1 point
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But the rest of equipment don't look Roman, the interesting is whole equipment.1 point
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I never seen an author dismissing this mosaic. I agree on the idea it is not the perfect representation for the entire Ptolemaic period and that is I kind of exotic representation of Egypt but at my knowledge it is a reliable piece of evidence for the end of the Ptolemaic period (1st century BC). The author of the mosaic has clearly seen Egypt. I don't see why the author would have made up the rectangular shield. It is not a common representation in heroic and mythological depictions of the Hellenistic period.1 point
Hydaspes River 2 players The Hydaspes, aka Jhelum, River in the Punjab of India. Here was the site of the great battle between the Macedonian forces under Alexander the Great and the Indian forces of the king Porus of Paurava. Map features: A broad river bisects the map. Players start with 6 free army tents for a population boost, a free Elephant Archer, a free Indian Dock and a free Indian transport ship for early river crossings. The river is unfordable except for a small ford at the south end of the map.1 point
Until the first half of the 1st century AD, I don't think the rectangular scutum has been popular among the legions.1 point
Corrals are broken because they are extremely effective. Players soon get multiple thousands of food in their bank. So food ceases to become a resource. And everything which costs food is free. With bartering at market, it outperforms even Traders. There shouldnt be 2 infinite sources of single resource. Because it just means one of them is redundant feature. Being an alternate source which is micro intense is not a good arguement. There are less people playing right now so it may seem just doing fields works against a guy doing corrals. But it would not in more intense competitive seen. The more skilled players with higher apm will always only use corrals, and not build a single farm. And the lower skilled casual players will always build only farms and not bother with corrals. There wont be an option here. Good players will be forced to use corrals to not auto-lose. And Corral is just a time consuming mundane mechanic, the kind which takes the fun away. Even those guys who can macro it, dont enjoy it. Garrisoning animals is to give it a strategic option. Assuming that first herdables are made to have faster gather rates than hunts. After finding a random sheep/goat. A player has an option to either garrison it in corral for a slow trickle. Or eat it up quickly for a fast but limited spike. Both these options would seem favourable in different situations. Also the additional build limit to sheep from corral will make it a finite resource so theres no conflict with farms. Posted in wrong thread1 point
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I'm not exactly angered, I'm more like ... annoyed. The thing is that game makers have to make decisions. You cannot please everybody. Every dev needs a certain vision on how HE/SHE wants the game to be. The player base will adjust to that. People who like the game will play it, people who don't will not. However, if you try to please everyone and include everything, all player sections eventually will abandon the game and there will be no players at all. Everyone will be like "meh it's kinda nice, BUT..." and at that point you've already lost as a developer. Because "BUT" means : not good enough, or even worse "it sucks". If you start arguing about integral parts and water down core concepts all you get is a strange mess of stuff with missing integrity. Better choose one way, go all the way until the end and have something proper finished instead of trying half-assed solutions which will not work properly in the long run. Which is something I sort of admire in your version of delenda est. You picked certain gameplay traits, put them together in a fitting way and continue to finetune them. Just like it should be done. Sure, there might be some details which could be changed or have potencial to be better, but the overall route of continuation is great. After playing like 2 games I noticed that there is a certain type of flow in the game, which makes playing enjoyable without becoming too repetitive.1 point
Sorry, I'm dumb. This is for a mod. Amazing idea! I will definately check it out!1 point
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That's exactly how I've imagined the battalion system and how it should work. Looks very promising.1 point