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Hi! In the past, there was only one kind of reaction on the forum, perhaps was it . It could be confusing to give a like when something sad happens, so I guess it was thought that giving some nuances was better. Now we have 5 choices Thanks Like Haha Sad Confused I often see people receiving the last one, without any comments. I guess that if someone is confused, he could just ask clarifications. Last time I received it, I was really disturbed. I really think that we could only give positive reactions. If something is not of our taste, one can just skip it or discuss about it. Any opinion?2 points
2 points
Could be. On windows DEL /Q /S %localappdata%\0ad\cache should do the trick. On linux / mac it would be something like rm -rf ~/.cache/0ad2 points
I don't have jurisdiction there. You'll have to wait for @user1 ... Sorry for the inconvenience.2 points
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I'm opening this topic for two reasons. Firstly as an example of how a new civilization/faction is made from its concept. The second point is the facet of the title to be dealt with, we who are outside the internal forum of the team assume that there must be in private, forgotten somewhere, the topic of the Numidian faction. ------------------------------------------------------- Numidia, under the Roman Republic and Empire, a part of Africa north of the Sahara, the boundaries of which at times corresponded roughly to those of modern western Tunisia and eastern Algeria. Its earliest inhabitants were divided into tribes and clans. They were physically indistinguishable from the other indigenous inhabitants of early North Africa and, at the end of the Roman Empire, were often categorized as Berbers. From the 6th century BCE points along the coast were occupied by the Carthaginians, who by the 3rd century BCE had expanded into the interior as far as Theveste (Tébessa). Numidian cavalry was frequently found in the Carthaginian armies by that time. The inhabitants remained seminomadic until the reign of Masinissa, the chief of the Massaesyli tribe, which lived near Cirta (Constantine). During the Second Punic War, he was initially an ally of Carthage, but he went over to the Roman side in 206 BCE and was given further territory, extending as far as the Mulucha (Moulouya) River. The Romans under Scipio Africanus and Numidians under Masinissa burned the camp of the rival Numidian chief Syphax near Utica and then overwhelmed Syphax and his Carthaginian allies at the Battle of Bagrades in 203 BCE. Syphax had been wooed by Rome, but his allegiance to Carthage was cemented when he married Sophonisba, the daughter of the Carthaginian commander Hasdrubal. Syphax was captured and exiled to Rome, where he died at Tibur (modern Tivoli). Masinissa wished to claim Sophonisba as a wife, but when Scipio demanded that she go to Rome as a captive, Masinissa gave her poison so that she might escape the fate of a prisoner. (That tragic event was often depicted in later Western paintings.) Numidian horsemanship, animal breeding, and cavalry tactics eventually contributed to later developments in Roman cavalry. In his history of Rome, Polybius underscores how important those cavalry advantages were to the outcome of the Second Punic War. Numidian superiority was demonstrated by the cavalry leadership of Maharbal under Hannibal at Trasimene and Cannae and later by Masinissa at Zama under Scipio Africanus. For nearly 50 years Masinissa retained the support of Rome as he tried to turn the Numidian pastoralists into peasant farmers. He also seized much Carthaginian territory and probably hoped to rule all of North Africa. On Masinissa’s death in 148 BCE, the Romans prudently divided his kingdom among several chieftains, but the progress of civilization among the Numidians was not seriously interrupted, and, indeed, after 146 BCE it received new impetus as thousands of Carthaginians fled to Numidia after the destruction of Carthage. In 118 Jugurtha, an illegitimate Numidian prince, usurped the throne and forcibly reunified Numidia until the Romans again took control in 105. Rome continued to dominate Numidia through client kings, though Numidian territory was considerably reduced. The third and final attempt by a Numidian to found a powerful state was that of Juba I, between 49 and 46 BCE, ending with his defeat by Julius Caesar at Thapsus. Caesar formed a new province, Africa Nova, from Numidian territory, and Augustus united Africa Nova (“New Africa”) with Africa Vetus (“Old Africa,” the province surrounding Carthage), but a separate province of Numidia was formally created by Septimius Severus. The Roman army’s Third Legion took up its permanent station at Lambaesis (Lambessa), and, as a result of the increased security, the Numidians’ population and prosperity increased substantially during the first two centuries CE. A few native communities achieved municipal status, but the majority of the population was little touched by Roman civilization. Christianity spread rapidly in the 3rd century CE, but in the 4th century Numidia became the centre of the Donatist movement. That schismatic Christian group was particularly strong among the Numidian peasantry, to whom it appealed as a focus of protest against deteriorating social conditions. After the Vandal conquest (429 CE), Roman civilization declined rapidly in Numidia, and the native elements revived to outlive in some places even the Arab conquest in the 8th century and to persist until modern times. https://www.britannica.com/place/Numidia1 point
I copied that word from the basic tutorial. I think you guys either have to update the tutorial to fix the typo or I screwed up badly1 point
So it was a typo this whole time. Why is everything that is hard is always fixed with something with a simple fix1 point
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-Buenas ; Como posibles unidades de soldados ; -Infantería númida; 1)-Lancero .(Nombre específico;"Aanatim Mookdamim") 2)-Espadachín .(Nombre específico;"Aanatim Dorkim ") 3)-Arquero.(Nombre específico;"Aanatim Qasatim ") 4)-Hondero.(Nombre específico;"Aanatim Qala'im") 5)-Guerrillero.(Nombre específico;"Aanatim Mitnagsim ") -Mercenarios; 6)-(2 Mercenarios Garamantes). 7)-(2 Mercenarios Bereberes). 8)-(2 Mercenarios Gétulos). 9)-(2 Mercenarios Libios ). -Caballería númida; 10)-Caballería ligera de contacto (lanza/hacha/ espada).(Nombre específico; "Parahsim Mamla'ha ") 11)-Caballería a distancia ligera.(Nombre específico;"Parashim Mitnag'him ") 12)-Caballería pesada de contacto.(Nombre especifico;"HaParashim Gldgmtk")- 13)-Caballería a distancia pesada.(Nombre específico;"HaParashim Mepaqet")- -Unidades pesadas númidas; 14)-Elefante de guerra (como arma de asedio) 15)-Elefante con torreón de arqueros. -Unidades campeonas númidas; 16)-Legionario númida.(Nombre específico;"Noshei")-(como unidad campeona) 17)-Carro de combate.-(como unidad campeona) -Unidades de civiles númidas; 18)- Mujer. 19)-Sacerdote. 20)-Comerciante . -Unidades de Héroes númidas ; 21)-Héroe 1.(Nombre específico; "Masinissa"). 22)-Héroe 2.(Nombre específico ;"Yugurta"). 23)-Héroe 3.(Nombre específico;"Juba Primero"). -Extras; 24)-Navío mercante. 25)-Guerrero a camello. Fuentes ; 1) https://erasdelmundo.foroactivo.com/t598-los-numidas 2) http://www.campaign-game-miniatures.0catch.com/corvusbelli_ants1.html 3) https://makarren.wordpress.com/category/dba/page/4/ 4) http://caballipedia.es/La_caballería_en_África 5) https://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?754653 6) http://bennosfiguresforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=21601&p=236367 7) https://europabarbarorum.fandom.com/wiki/Pelakim_Mashliyim_(Numidian_General_Bodyguard) 8) https://www.taringa.net/+juegos/megapost-numidia-rome-total-war_iz0piUnidades 9) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=hungarian&id=342869852 10) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=451516300 11) https://hesperiana.wordpress.com/2016/09/19/numidians/ 12) https://divideetimperamod.com/masaesyli/ 13) https://www.totalwar.com/blog/masaesyli-roster-reveal/ 14) http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?524392-Preview-Mamla-ha-biMassylim 15) https://bucellarii.blogspot.com/2018/06/numidian-elephants.html 16) https://www.mundusbellicus.fr/forum/total-war/total-war-attila/mods-modding/ancient-empires/518697-aperçu-les-numides 17) https://www.moddb.com/news/preview-mamlaha-bimassylim1 point
Hey @Ceniros Nice to see a fellow artist. To help you can you tell me what you tried, what didn't work, and what errors you got? You can see the errors in the interesting.log.html file. To find this file have a look at wiki:GameDataPaths. If you want to share the errors please attach the whole file instead of copy pasting its content. Ask me every question you need to make it work, I'll be happy to help. @feneur Can you lift his post limit?1 point
The forums are literally full of stuff of which some would fit this 'extras' content, and in various fields of interest. E.g. (and just e.g.), having studied history I have a vivid memory of the whole Kushit research and the interest it created for me (« Jee, these guys do a sh*t ton of historical research before even starting the graphics/modelisation that'll eventually lead to adding a new civ into the game! ») i.e. it inspired me respect as well as a will to contribute. For other it'll be more Graphics, or Code efficiency... Now the forum is also a time heavy place for newcomers to find such valuable 'extras' imho. atm though I have no specific idea on how we, as a community, could select and vote for some of the best contents around here. Just that it'd be nice if it also helped newcomers to (easily, visually) get where some more luv would do great to further improve the game -- and sorry for my English.1 point
Actually, all the champions have the same stats. Nothing is balanced in this regard. This is something for the upcoming versions. And anyway, the Celtic two-handed swordsman will be removed because of lack of evidences. Over the thousands of swords found from this period, none are suggesting a two-handed use.1 point
That would work for Linux just a separate package while OSX could use a media bundle though I imagine curating that extra stuff would be a handful Enjoy the Choice1 point
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@Loki1950 @Lion.Kanzen actually I wouldn't mind having $ apt search 0ad (also 'pacman -Ss 0ad' and so on) ... 0ad-extra-artwork-20190630 A selection of 0 A.D. music, artwork, videos and ideas for the next development stage. Even though a few links would work, such an extra content would certainly help in certain occasions eg trip.1 point
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I suggest to developers put into game installer some bonuses folders with music, arts, videos etc. Just like at GOG store.1 point
The Origins. Numidians : before 0 A.D (Terra magna mod) timeframe. Carthege increases the quality of life of the region. that's why they are some kind of Hellenization(?). @Sundiata we must add Mauretania to these faction? ______________________________________________________ Who are Berbers? Metal trade Bonus?, second time I read this today. Ibero-Maurisia. a cruelty of Punics. Berbers factions1 point
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@Duileoga aqui esta. primer paso es crear un tópico. segundo paso. la información básica y resumida. ¿Quienes eran? sus origenes. ¿Donde habitaban? Historia resumida. Imagenes ulturales segunda etapa hacer documento de diseño.ejemplo Bonus de Facción Bonus en equipo. empiezas por las unidades de infanteria básica. la lanza Arquitectura y edificios. Heroes Maravilla Edificios especiales. o culturales. nombres de sus lideres para uso de las Ai. simbolos de faccion : (escudos, monedas, simbolos religiosos, ornamentación, cualquier cosa circular) Extras. Monumentos que son estatuas y ornamentación(en caso de aplicar) mercenarios y vasallos. (los vasallos son en caso de estar muy desbalanceados) unidades especiales mapas biomas del mapa. reliquias en los mapas pueden haber ruinas de civilizaciones anteriores(cosas extra) y otras cosas para los mapas. Dentro de las unidades estan. cascos. armas. escudos. simbolos monumentos @Duileoga empiezas con lo básico. luego vas a fuentes muy academicas para encontrar fuentes primarias, para saber el sustento de cada cosa. No nos gustan los anacronismos ni las unidades sin datos historicos precisos. o cliches de Hollywood. etc. por eso necesitamos fuentes de primera mano. como datos arqueologicos. por ejemplo con su fuente en caso de sitio web. luego información más relevante y profunda.1 point
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A good question for which I don't really have a ready answer right now. Hannibal did indeed probably equip his troops with captured Roman chainmail, but I don't know about the possible use of it before the battle Cannae. Osprey's "The Carthaginians 6th–2nd Century BC" says this on the matter: Perhaps there may have been earlier uses of chainmail/ringmail through a Celtic connection. Celtic mercs would have almost definitely used it. But I'm really not certain. Carthaginian arms and equipment are still quite a hotly debated subject.1 point
An overview of the current texture for the Carthaginian unit roster. Iron cuirass for the Sacred band is represented through iron scale cuirass partnered with a reworked version of the old texture to retain the Carthaginian-white appeal of its unit roster. Bronze scale was reserved for the elite rank Libyan-Phoenician spearman (I am having reservations on using chainmail, I want to suggest that Hannibal's veteran spearmen be represented as a separate unit) @Stan` @Sundiata Did the looting of Roman chainmail only occurred during Hannibal's period, or was this a thing even in the previous Punic Wars? Advanced rank armor was also reworked, I added modified visual assets from the Ptolemaic faction since it is a close neighboring region. Weathered linothorax was also used and for their tunics, long sleeved and sleeveless variants were added. I did not used player color since the shield is already effective.1 point
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Why are those things there in the first place? Wouldn't it be better to disable them all? Or at least hide them for everyone except those users who explicitly opt in?0 points
In Mexico the Popocatépetl explote xd. Not only do we have to deal with the "Drugs War" in Mexico and now this :(0 points
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