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  1. In Delenda Est, there is the "Civic Spaces" aura which prevents farms from being built within X meters of a Civic Center. Just an example of something that addresses your concern.
    5 points
  2. Hail to all modders! (@Exodarion, @darkinterloper, @borg-, @Nescio, @Angen, @wowgetoffyourcellphone, @Trinketos, @Stan`, @FeXoR, @asterix, @DarcReaver, @nani, @azayrahmad, @Loki1950 and all those not mentioned (we gotto have a list or something for this).) When working on improving support for armour (D2229) there rose some questions during discussion with @wraitii. I've seen some mods with directional damage support and, because templates ought to be changed anyways, I thought I might as well try to add some support in SVN, or at least make it easier. Template code as it stands: What I propose: The code to calculate the resistance to a specific attack would allow for resistance types to be circumvented. However, the condition as to which resistance type(s) to circumvent still needs to be coded in component files, by you. This leads to the loaded question: do you think this is worth a shot? (For those interested in the actual code and perhaps willing to give some feedback on that specifically: D2229.)
    4 points
  3. This idea came to me while spectating a game. We all know placing your farms next to your CC is the best way to go currently because the workers can drop off the food without having to walk far and they are also protected by the CC; arrows shoot enemies in range and workers can go inside it. Though I am no history expert I assume that an ancient civic center wouldn't be surrounded by farms, but rather would be part of an urban center. To represent the efficiencies of urbanization, how about giving the CC an Aura where nearby buildings work more efficiently? Some ideas: Tech researches complete faster Units get produced faster Discount for technology costs Trade profit bonus for traders going to the markets near the CC Resource exchange rate bonus in the market Discount for unit-cost I don't know either way if historically this bonus makes as much sense for military buildings as civilian buildings.
    3 points
  4. There are. I'm not sure they are compatible with 0 A.D.' s license though. Someone with enough motivation could take the STK code. Maybe @fcxSanya could like he did in the past for the STUN code. @wraitii worked on something like that. With a little polish and the suggestiona I made thete we could make the game a bit easier on low end pc. @Alexandermb I have no issue whatsoever with you making higher quality art (lol) My focus at the moment (For 0 A.D. not the mods) is making the art assets repository robust. Consistency, Tidyness, Low Maintenance requirements. On consistency the important thing is to avoid big gaps of quality between assets so nothing looks out of place. Respecting Texel density is important because it basically tells you what resolution objects will be. If your unit is 512x512 then your big shield is gonna be 256x256 because it takes half of the unit while your helmet with either be 128x128 or 64x64 depending on the size it has. A kite shield would be something like 128x256 because it doesn't need to be square. One thing that is also important is to not use useless geometry. In general you are fine but some little optimisations can be made here and there like I remember deleting all the hidden faces of some peytrals because they never could be seen. And while one or two units were fine when 200 are moving it can make a significant difference. Last but not least I think we should prioritize the assets dragging us down like the bear or the stuff missing animations. Art is also everything else than the units and it has to be up to par. I still suck too much to update the terrain texture but it'll have to be done at some point. Just look at how hyping is the new vegetation by @LordGood and @Bigtiger (Keep them coming guys !) We have to remember that we are also the showcase of the good art open-source world. How many time have I heard : "if it's open source it's ugly", "Artists working for free are either lame or a disgrace because they make people think they can demand things for free". On the mod front my goal is to showcase the power of the Pyrogenesis engine with mods covering all eras (pyrogenesis-1944, pyrogenesis-1861 - Civil war, Stella Artis, TM, Millenium AD @Bigtiger's mod) even the futuristic ones so we are not" just an AOE clone", just a starcraft clone" Good art is good for reaching people and future contributors. That creates the missing links. With @Sundiataupcoming devs reports maybe we'll reach more people. There is a big and important caveat with that. Since we have the time to do good we should not rush things like current games do. People care less and less about optimizations since you can "Just buy more RAM man". I believe it's not okay to waste 100GB of HDD just because you can. Sure we can't support everyone but we also have to remind that a lot of devs in the open source community ( the guys actually making the engine worthwile) work on thinkpad laptops with no dedicated graphic card on some obscure linux distribution and we need those guys too :))
    3 points
  5. Going to add this to the Seleucid Cataphract texture variants.
    3 points
  6. I just thought I needed to amp up my content somehow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4WKHSY25fE
    3 points
  7. Especially when using machine learning in 0 AD, it is really valuable to be able to record game states as this enables things like off-policy reinforcement learning, imitation learning, and facilitates quantitative analysis of gameplay. That said, it would be great if we could "expand" a 0 AD replay into a log of state, action pairs which could then be used for the beforementioned tasks. I am imagining a command line flag for logging state, action pairs when running an existing replay. Currently, I have implemented a primitive approach to this [here](https://github.com/brollb/0ad/pull/1) which simply prints states to stdout. Although this is not the ideal interface, it has enabled me to wrap the game with a script to reconstruct the states with the actions from the commands.txt file. If anyone is interested in trying it out, there is also a docker image for the branch on GitHub which I have used to "extract" the rich game states from a replay. I am interested in cleaning it up and adding this capability back to 0 AD but thought I would start here to get feedback and input from the community!
    2 points
  8. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
    2 points
  9. @The Undying Nephalim might want to take a look for Hyrule Conquest as for other mods the more options, the better (more useful) it will be. By the way, thank you for your hard work, I am definitely interested in what are you doing.
    2 points
  10. What I've seen other games do is keep the noise baked into a single map, there is no noise bake on the base texture or normals, but in specular to give it varying shinyness for an ever so slight dirty texture I've been wanting to give this a try for a while, though helmets and shields are probably the best candidates to test this out on
    2 points
  11. Again, the "noise" is the procedural material of metal i've use for bake the "metal" like textures, because baking whitout any noise at all will look just like a plain plastic texture not in preparation of a feature "i want" i've already seen the whole bake, because i don't just do the firtst bake i see, i do several bakes looking wich one doesn't look dull and blurry. Before the textures being 128 doesn't even have any detail and no one could say if a helmet had bronze rivots or if it was just a cap: A shield i can't really say what im looking with this, unless i have the proper knowledge of what is behind and aspis or how it looks and aspis handgrip I can't really tell if the right side shields are a shield or just a bread slice if they wouldn't have the theban club painted: Here they are at a "gameplay" distance, don't see the noise from here But here, in the left side shield i can see the whole "noise" with that outdated texture wich didn't have any detail in mind besides the pattern and the player color plus the way too low resolution for an asset in this time, while back in those days it was "standard". having the shield in 512 was just a mistake of mine because props should be 256, thats the amount of files i've handle every time wich i don't always remember wich ones were resized or if they would have been resized, but that doesn't mean having 512 texture for assets is bad just because they won't be seen in "gameplay" perspective. Minerals aren't just a shiny glassy looking material whitout imperfections in fact imperfections make the texture have the realism: Perfectly handle dand polished materials aren't accurate, they are just hollywood look. a helmet used in battle would be dirtier and filled with scratches same goes to aspis, same goes to greaves, they would have mud, dirt, dust, scratches, creases, blunts. wish i had a perfect material with all those details mixed but that require me to work for weeks in a material with a proper computer where i could preview the material every second and not every 2 hours. And yes, for a new player lover of art, andwich properly appreciate the assets of any games they will be like: "Oh let me pause the game for a second to Appreciate this Helmet, This Horse, this Tree, this Sword, this Sheath, this Bodie Texture" otherwise there wouldn't be modders at all like the ones in the skyrim community wich turned the game 1000000 times better than the actual developers, because they had vision, and they wanted to improve with their vision the artistical assets because they took the time to stop and look a prop and think: Mmmh this could be better if i do something. Same would happen to 0.A.D. maybe not tomorrow, maybe not today. But maybe after alpha 24 release wich have the greatest art improvements from flora to props, Maybe this will call the attention of a new artist or a new dev saying "im interesting on how it is looking this game, i will take a closer look" As an artist i consider what is best graphical speaking for the game, because the community of player will accept what is given and if not, feedback will be taken into account and will prob do something about. This is like a restaurant, if someone would ask something new, they wouldn't give the same dish from any other restaurant, they will give the best they can. Same goes to 0.A.D. if the oportunity of giving the best graphic is given why would be refused just because 1 player is used to look the game as it always gonna have the same look? Thinking "it works now" is giving up on "it could work better", same case would be if the game is finished with pathfinder with 0 lag and devs think, this is it, this is done, no more work will be done from this point. What about Navmesh? What about implementing physics to walls and capes? What about adding ship boarding? But as my point of view, giving an alpha with lets use an example "ray traicing" gives a good impact, why it would care the opinion of 1-10 players against 1000?. Same case applies to reflections on helmets and shields, same goes to instancing. If some dev wishes to implement it even as a toggleable option, and it gives a good impact would i ask ? Nah, the game works now, why i would implement that if the game works just like this. Games works perfectly whitout antialias, but someday a guy wished to implement it and was working on it and now its gone i belive. Would i say Nah, its really needed in an RTS Game when i played AoE 2 and Empire Earth i didn't had Antialias and never enabled it because my pc wasn't good enough, why should the game and the community would want Antialias because i don't want it. Maybe one day, standard resolution for games would be even for low end pcs 1024p and we will end having with outdated textures again.
    2 points
  12. New compounded linothorax. I was thinking of assigning them to the Seleucid Chrysaspides
    2 points
  13. Hello, AOE fan and seasoned "graphics worker" here. I am an illustrator, 3D modeler (this includes UV, texturing, characters with correct anatomy, props, buildings, etc), comic author, pixel artist (as in pixel art for mobile games, and also pixel art for UI stuff), UI (not really UX) expertise, web designer (only coding HTML and CSS), worked in several game titles (at 4 game companies, but not big ones), also free mods (back in the day when I had time, lol), and currently freelancing for board (and card) games illustration and design, 3D for miniatures 3D printing (I mean, gigs for that), and eventual oil portraits (some people still like that for a wedding, mascot, and etc...). The problem is I have very little time, and can't justify to work in unpaid projects, because my full time freelancing already provides low income, and as part of it goes to help some in desperate need (so, not really can allow myself to dedicate big chunks of time to free contributions). But I could have time after lunch most days (some minutes, but that's a lot in what it can produce....), if is there some possible way to contribute. In the case you have tasks that are not involving too much team coordination, neither require a lot of tech specs. Mostly as those require often more work than making the art (have worked a lot in mods, and in actual games, I know that). IE I've seen the specs for blender anims, and of course it makes sense, no engine would require less than that (I've seen quite worse) but this help would be more artistic than technical (when I'm into doing those complexities, gotta be paid, and then I do whatever it takes, no matter what). So, things I might be helpful at... Icons for UI, interested/motivated in large ones... "Maybe" full page illustrations. Maybe UI designs. Largely interested in Blender animations IF someone else could take care about the importing stuff (to the engine) and I could start from already compliant 3D models (ie, having its bones properly named and all stuff, for the game). Specially motivating would be complex animations, as the purpose (the part for my own benefit) here would be to add some animation sample to my portfolio page. I have only animated as a helper guy to the animator of every studio, being a worker covering mostly all the other areas mentioned (and some more...SEO, some scripting, video editing, etc). The other stuff also adds portfolio samples (to my site), but animation is what I'm lacking more of samples. It's always good to add more big scale illustration work. So, that could be fine, too (due to clients work, I'm used to adhere -and research- to specific historic references). My experience at companies was 100% with 3DS Max (a bit of Maya), but since many years (v. 2.28c) I've been using Blender for my eventual 3D freelancing. That does not mean I'm a Blender expert, only that it served for my particular freelancing. I'm expert in modeling/texturing in general, anyway. My strongest point is illustration. Pardon my English, is not my first language. So, I know is a large IF, and probably no collaboration would be possible. But well, just in case. If ends up as not being possible, I'm a huge fan of RTS games, specially Age Of Empires (Conquerors), so, I guess I'll be just chilling around, anyway. Attached samples to be removed soon, they have copyright, and rights, so, shall not be used in anything, other than me showing samples (I know about all of the contributions needing to be open sourced, and the thread where I'd have to post that paragraph, in case I'd contribute, before the fact). Edit: Removed the samples (I believe most team members had already seen them), as I am about to paste that legal waiver in the particular thread, while these samples wouldn't be part of the deal. But yep anything that I'd make from now, for this project. So, heading for that thread.
    1 point
  14. The blacksmith upgrades seem rather meaningless to me for a number of reasons. First, they affect things too universally. Compare things to Age of Empires II, and the difference is stark. In 0 AD, there is a distinction given in attack upgrades but not defence in the case of ranged versus melee. Also, the technology cost seems outrageous in the case of the wood necessary to research the armour upgrades. Last, only two upgrades make concern of teching into a specific unit combination practically a nonexistent other than worrying about the cost. My proposal is to have three upgrades that are cheaper but have a less wide range of effect: A line of melee armour that would primarily affect infantry but also cavalry to a small degree. A line of armour upgrades for horses that only affect cavalry. These upgrades would be a bit more expensive than the former. A line of armour for ranged units. Lines of separate attack upgrades for melee and ranged units. There could be armour upgrades for elephants specifically, but that might be too situational. All of these upgrades would also operate under further limitations. Basic experience level infantry would only benefit from tier 1 upgrades, advanced could enjoy the benefits of tier 2 as well, and elite and champion units could work with the tier three upgrades. Ranged units would have fewer available armour upgrades since armour was less prevalent for them, and the upgrades available would probably only affect advanced, elite, and champion units. The reasons for using this system to me would be that the experience system would fit more organically into the game design and veterans would matter more. The third tier for armour might also, with a benefit, have a tantalising choice such as what was originally hoped for like heavier armour at the cost of movement speed.
    1 point
  15. Using an elaborate enough data visualization, it might be possible to also give interesting data to players watching the game in replay mode
    1 point
  16. Im afraid of touching sometimes the colors because of the aspis bug, but here it is with increased brightness in the gray areas:
    1 point
  17. And getting to topic: ive done an itallic helmet: And downscaled to 256 looks like this:
    1 point
  18. I wouldn't mind giving the players 4 free (Sentry) towers at the start, like in AOM. You can then upgrade them individually to Defense Towers in Town Phase as is now. (Delenda Est does this already with 4 free wooden towers that can be upgraded to stone later).
    1 point
  19. Well, if you take away the possibility for fields to be near Civic Center there should be an appropriate rebalance of the game, because the protection offered by the CC (both garrisoning and arrow firing) is a big deal to defend against rushes. Without this, if you don't have an equal or superior army in the location of the rush, you're as good as dead. Also, if you just have garrisoning but not arrow firing, an enemy raid can stay in the economy and idle it until it gets chased, you also have to consider this for rebalancing. Also fields surrounding Civic Centers is kinda intuitive for players coming from AoE2 i suppose.
    1 point
  20. oh! I forgot those instructions were already available. Thank you guys.
    1 point
  21. It depends on your OS. You also need the SVN or the GIT version of the game.
    1 point
  22. Hello @Iakobos First of all let me welcome you to the forums and let me thank you for your interest. Before I begin with what you can do there are a few things I need to clarify first. Some of those maybe obvious, but it is important things are clear before you go on (And I hope you will). All new artists start as external contributors (understand without the possibility to commit art to the repository) . Then after a certain amount of contribution a consensus among the current team artists and the expression of the will to join us, the contributor gets an invitation All external contributions (especially animation) must come with ALL the source files (.blend, .psd, .max, .maya...) (So do internal contributions, but that's another topic) All artists should sign the legal waiver See also : Art Dev. Task tracking Now that I'm done with this, I will actually answer you with the best of my abilities. Notice the post is quite long which is why it took me so long to answer (It wasn't possible to do it on a phone) We also have limited time, so this won't definitely be a problem. Having regularity is nice but is by no means a requirement. Artistic only contributions are fine, as we don't have funds for art anyway. However I'd appreciate it if you could point out flaws in our documents when/if you find some. Collaboration is definitely possible, artists willing to work for open source projects definitely do not come out of the sky. We do value people's privacy. So I won't reveal anything you told me unless you want me to. I understand your concerns about working for free and the issue that would arise for customer you charge for it. Hence if that's okay with you we will only use your username in the game credits, or none at all depending on how you want to be credited. As for the portfolio itself I cannot say much as I am not as seasoned artist as you are, other than : you should be able to help Okay so as I linked a bit earlier in this post all the current tasks are (or should be in this post) Here are a list of things you might be interested in Icons For icons it would seem the only thing we currently need is a "back to work" icon https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4019 (Mileage for mods may vary) That being said if you feel like improving some of the existing icons feel free to go ahead. Icon size vary, rasterized image are for the art source (for the future only) the game only uses png. Illustrations For illustrations the main thing that would be nice to have are some new main menu backgrounds to complete the missing factions (eg the celtic factions) I will give you more information on how it's done if you are interested Another type of thing we need are hero portraits (see the "Portraits" section of the art dev task thread) If you have some time you can look at this Modelling If you are up to the task you can finish the gate of all nations We also need more sizes of rubble for destroyed buildings. Animation (Plenty of work there) Animal list (not exhaustive). All those animals need to be either made, textured, or animated. Yes of course. Most of us are using it now. You might no be aware of it but we use a NON-PBR workflow (Diffuse, Spec, Normal) and we use texture atlases to reduce the number of texture needed. All the buildings from a given civilization use the same texture. Hence why ambient occlusion is baked separately. Some of the objects have only a diffuse, some have more. Some use object color where you specify a color that will be multiplied using the alpha channel. Some have alpha transparency, the rest use player color (where the alpha channel is replaced by the color of the player owning the entity) Normal maps are DirectX height is in the alpha channel to generate a parallax effect. The engine is OpenGL though. Don't worry we will guide you through this I wrote a script that will basically make it really easy for you, (if you know how to copy files in a folder and run a python script) https://github.com/StanleySweet/0AD-Skeleton-Generator Some of the animated objects reuse armatures, but you can't do that for let's say a hen an a human. Well @LordGood is the leader of the art dpt, I just happen to be the messenger...
    1 point
  23. This is spot on That (a percentage of damage based on the position) is currently not implemented, but is not that hard (see @Angen's battalion mod). What I envision is that a unit attacked from the front has a ~95% chance of using the shield to block damage (when not preoccupied, perhaps) and decreasing that percentage to "0" at the edges of the LOS of a person. But that has to be coded in seperately in "Attacking.js". (D2175 combined with D2182 and properly working formations, as @Alexandermb noted.) Glad to be of service!
    1 point
  24. Plus with proper formations working
    1 point
  25. I think I understand what you're getting at, and it does sound intriguing, but maybe you can give more examples of how it can be used. Right now, I'm thinking something like this: Using your example, "Armor" could be body armor and "Shield" is, well, the shield. So, using directional attacks, an arrow from the front is blocked by both the "Armor" and "Shield" resistance, while an arrow from the back would only be blocked by the "Armor" resistance. Is this close? Could even extend it to an arrow from the left gets blocked by 100% of the Armor and 75%of the Shield stats, while an arrow from the right is blocked by 50% of the shield and 100% of the armor resistance stats, making flanking even that much more dynamic. (historically, generals had to place their best troops on the right flank to counteract this and other phenomena. This stuff is pretty cool, but frankly only makes sense with battalions. I can't imagine having to worry about flanking and directional attacks while microing 100s of individual little soldiers on the screen. Makes more sense to include such a tactical feature with dozens of battalions instead. But having that functionality in the engine would make it that much better for potential mods, definitely.
    1 point
  26. Lol yes. In general making Civic Center as a dropsite doesn't make sense logically, especially in the game where player has enough starting resources to build a separate dropsite closer to said resources. I mean, civic center is an administrative building, we recruit worker here, not dropping raw meat. I believe this is only a leftover from AoEII where 0 A.D got a lot of inspirations from. Although yes I also would like to know pro player opinions about this.
    1 point
  27. @Alexandermb I really love the work you do! But I guess you know that by now. Maybe it doesn't get said enough, but you art contributions all look fantastic, and I love to come to the forum and see what you're up to this time. I'm one of those people who zooms in a lot. A lot! In single player I remove the camera restrictions almost by default, and love to bring the camera down to a really low angle every once in a while to "see things from my soldiers' perspective". I've been doing this for years before ever even joining the forums. I've noticed friends of mine zooming in like that to appreciate the art up close as well. We notice details a lot, and love them. The more the better, lol... I also agree that it's good practice to make new art assets of the highest quality, even if they're not immediately useful or need to be downscaled for their final inclusion in the game. I think it's obviously a bad idea to constantly be playing catch up with bigger titles... Currently there are issues on the game-engine side, which limit the productivity and effectiveness of the art contributions. Artists should make the best art they can, and game engine needs to be updated to implement industry standard functionalities like anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, instancing and LOD systems (aren't there dynamic LOD systems that don't require any new modeling work?). Aside from all the other stuff that needs to be done to bring the performance up to scratch, like pathfinder improvements, moving as much as makes sense to C++... if I understand correctly there was even some GUI stuff that causes lag... I think asking artists to make sub-standard models or textures, because the engine can't handle what is considered low-poly by most other engines is not so good. (20.000 poly's is considered low-poly, pretty much everywhere these days). I don't think anybody still uses 256x256 textures anymore, so having 512x512 or even higher variants on hand for when the engine gets on point is a good idea. We shouldn't be thinking about what looks acceptable today, but ask will it still look acceptable 2 or 3 years from now. The game is still in alpha, and if it gets released with models and textures from the previous decade, it's going to look like a game from the previous decade. We need to think ahead about these things... The same person that's complaining about not being able to run this game on a 10 year old potato is eventually going to buy a new computer, and ditch 0AD in a heartbeat because it looks so outdated compared to all the other games he can now run on his system.
    1 point
  28. Hmm.... Seems to me that mod-makers are generally unified: Fields surrounding Civic Centers don't make sense! Of course, I'm talking about the mod-making community. I want to know what the hardcore players have to say about this. @ValihrAnt especially.
    1 point
  29. @azayrahmadI just tried your mod out. Very cool! It took me awhile to get my eco going, but that's probably to be expected since it was my first time.
    1 point
  30. My mod has similar implementation on auras. Although I spread different auras into different buildings, with many of your mentioned effects are assigned to houses, and also some negative effects to build house beside dropsite and military buildings. The result of this is quite closer to your vision, with ideal city have Civic Center surrounded by houses and civilian buildings, with economy buildings like farms and military buildings spread on territory borders. Another planned modification in my mod that might be of interest is that Civic Center should change name and functions on phase upgrade as in village center to town and city center later. After upgrading to Town Phase forward you should not be able to use Civic Centers as dropsite anymore, as at this point you should already have all dropsite buildings to use instead. The caveat of this is that one aura assigned to a building can only have a set of effects that affect a set of entities. Every aura is also listed in building description, with its range displayed and every affected entity have floating icon if aura source is selected. As @wowgetoffyourcellphone and @sphyrth have said, if you put various auras to a building, this will cause a clutter of aura range visualizations, floating icons, and building description. In my mod I tried to make all aura mod visual as subtle as possible by thinning range lines and smaller icons, but overall they are still look cluttered.
    1 point
  31. Nice presentation and graphics!
    1 point
  32. Creo, creo que el de 64 bits luego avisame cuando lo tengas. Lo que vas a bajar es un programa que te permite tener el codigo del juego en desarrollo. Lo que seria el A24 hasta estas fechas.
    1 point
  33. Currently our moderation staff is experiencing lack of manpower. for now we will only note offences and act in dire cases
    1 point
  34. The other bonuses are interesting. The only visual problem with that is that's going to have overwhelmingly large text in its description.
    1 point
  35. Following that logic why would i've update horses, ships, helmets and any asset if we already had them? we are an RTS we already had the assets we just need to focus on performance but im not a programmer. So let just sit on the "throne" and let other RTS go above 0.A.D. The king AoE 2 DE is coming wich will take out some of the community surely but probably will return later when they get bored of the same formula over and over. Warcraft 3 Reforged will take also another piece of the community but this one is bigger since this have a bigger community and also modders. Really don't know why always reach the same question or the same spot of "Why would we need this? we are just an RTS for low end pcs" when there are tons of games with art ready assets and finished with proper mechanichs with their unique features, "People don't zoom often" People do zoom often if they have a reason to, just like every1 does in Total War saga, their assets, their units, their animations, their models, their real scale size buildings and siege artillery, their stunishing "dirty" assets: Since i have my own thoughts in my country i wondered "Why i would be satisfied with this when it could be better?" the real question is; Why would i stop here with this when it could be way better? Why stop the assets just with 512 textures if we could have an option to toggle texture quality from 128 to 2048 even if we are just an RTS. if it doesnt add a huge performance impact and if we could have an option to disable it, then why not add it? The game should focus on both communities, Low End and High End even when most of the community is low end. If i would have feel satisfied with the game in the current state, cavalry would still be the first meshes, helmets would still be the same, shields would be the same 128x128 blurried whitout details and just a paint over because that was the objective in those days. Don't get this as a rude answer, but thats my feeling as an artist whitout proper resources to work with, and as a player wich looks to the future of the game bored of playing a game over and over and over with the same formula, looking for something i could modify not only to satisfy my needs but also the ones of the community if possible. If i had a better pc or if my country would be in a better state i've probably will be playing Monster Hunter World, Assassins Creed Odisey, Final Fantasy XV, Bloodborne, Dark souls 3, Phantom Pain (Again) Resident Evil 2, Biohazard, The Evil Within 2, Rome total War 2 (Yes i can't play this) Total Warhammer 2, Total War Attila properly. i would spent my free time playing another huge game because this one doesn't really tie me at this stage. i've barely play and spent most of the time looking what i can improve from the art assets until others can fix the performance, until others implement a more realistic and immersive perspective of the game for play, maybe the city like mods being developed or the survival mod angen worked before, but at this moment i would spent my time playing AoE 2 DE if i wouldn't like mod the game. But again, this isn't a rude answer, this is just my feeling each time i've read "why would we need this if we are just an RTS?"
    1 point
  36. Hey guys, I want to tweak the colors from the player color picker list in order to make them fit better with the style of my MOD. Would somebody show me how to do that please?
    1 point
  37. Dude, would you share all your knowledge with me please?
    1 point
  38. About animation.... the specs are a bit complex (as in any game modding...), https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/AnimationExportTutorial I got a bit lost in the xml generation part....I thought you'd have some standard skeleton (even for animals) with the right (for the engine code) bone naming, scale, position... But oki, a matter to study. Or doing other tasks not involving an xml, hehe (or just provide the animated blend files....). EDIT: Wait... Is it just replicating the armature hierarchy in an XML file without minding about the particular bone naming (so, whatever can go except a "." dot ?), neither the bone count, or etc? Just a "dump" ? Also, I'm reading you are baking (this for modeling/texturing, not animation, as I know the baking of frames are necessary, and that's not a prob) AO and normal maps.. at the size it is seen in the max zoom, is not enough just to hand paint (I recon is my preference) the textures ? Tho I can see the advantage of using a spec or metallic map for metals if there's dynamic lighting. EDIT: Forgot to ask...is it fine to use Blender 2.8 ?
    1 point
  39. Sounds like the issue reported on trac recently. Would need Itms's fix for the CPu detection
    1 point
  40. `simulation/data/settings/player_defaults.json` [EDIT] Or did you mean the GUI?
    1 point
  41. The AI checks for the `Stable` class, then builds the `{civ}_stable.xml` structure. The problem in Delenda Est is that the generic template had a `Stables` (with s) class, which means the AI can't find any Stable and will continue to build more. I made a pull request to solve it for you: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/pull/20
    1 point
  42. Hey @Iakobos I don't have time to answer right now but I'll contact you in a few days to discuss possible contributions
    1 point
  43. More decals and a finished winter temperate biome.
    1 point
  44. Here's the finished file Amanirenas portrait.rar
    1 point
  45. Hey guys, here's the final version. Please let me know if you like it or have any feedback on how to improve Also, how should I send the file? I mean, which format and size? Please let me know so I can send it correctly, instead of downloading it from this post. I also lowered the saturation a bit in the interface preview. Ingame preview Full portrait
    1 point
  46. My plan is follow @Victor Rossi style, (painting) because that the standard digital technique in gray scale.
    1 point
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