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-Oniversalis : Age of Exploration is a total conversion project for the game 0 A.D Empires Ascendant. This modification will bring the era of colonisation and European dominance of the world to the game. Oniversalis : Age of Exploration is set in the time period of 1492 (this is when Christopher Columbus made his famous voyage across from Spain to the new world, only reaching the mainland parts of Central and South America), and 1800 (we picked this year because this is when still a lot European nations had colonies around the world unlike later on when it is practically just Great Britain and France dominating the world, as well as because this is just before the industrial revolution in most of the world began to seriously take off, for example factories didn't seriously take off until after this date as well as a lot of industry still being rural). The mod as is the base game, is split into the 3 ages which you must research via your town centre, these 3 ages are "The Renaissance" for tier 1, the "Age of Discovery" for tier 2 and the "Age of Enlightenment" for tier 3. The player for these 3 eras will a course receive access to new types of technology as well as upgrades to current ones of the previous era (for example in the base game you can upgrade from having a wickers basket researched in tier 1 to a wheel barrow in tier 2), recruit different units (When you complete the research to the next era, you will notice that your units will change) and unique units for that specific era/tier. (however if these unique units are going to be unique for all factions, that is yet undecided). The thing that really sets this mod apart from other mods, is it's unique gameplay of gunpowder units as well as a variety of other weaponry and their use and evolution throughout the mod's matches, for example the renaissance will have access to gun powder units, however these will be very expensive to produce while developing on to tier 2 and tier 3 will becoming increasingly cheaper and will have more variety of uses. If anyone is wondering the gunpowder units will mostly work like the archer units from the vanilla game. Further more the mod focuses on slow pace realistic gameplay, with units being very expensive to produce as historically, most countries of the period the mod covers did not have professional armies until the thirty years war, however in tier 3 units will be much cheaper, than tier 1 and tier 2. The list of nations/factions included in the mod will be the following; Kingdom of England/Great Britain, Kingdom of France, Spain, Portugal, Ming/Qing China, Aztecs, Inca, Mayans, Iroquois, Mughal Empire and the Ottoman empire. Questions you may have? Will there be a diverse range of units for each faction upon release? - The answer to this question is no and has uncertainty to it. Indeed we plan on making each faction as in the base game have a completely unique set of units with different stats etc, but for the first release of this mod we will give the 2 European factions both the same set of units however we will try and include in this first release the unique units for the specific eras/tiers as mentioned above. Further on in future releases we will increase the unit diversity a bit, this will overall improve the quality of the mod, but we will try to keep the balance somewhat. Will there be unique building models for each faction on building types? - The answer to this is similar to that above, we do plan on making this for certain European factions but some European factions will have the same set of building models. Again in future releases we will increase the diversity for building models. Will the native factions be playable and have diversity? - A course we are going to include the native factions, luckily for us in the present day when for say the Spanish went around and conquered these people, they recorded everything they could find about their civilisations so we will try to do our best to make every native faction a unique one, we will only really include some major native powers such as the Aztecs, Incas or Iroquois. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask below, or if anyone is interested in helping in the development of this mod please contact me (Dan The Strategist) The mod's Mod DB page ---> https://www.moddb.com/mods/oniversalis-age-of-exploration Current things we are looking at doing - Cannon artillery, musket mounted elephants, possible introduction of new resources into the game. When the majority of the mod is done we will look at adding a what if Byzantine faction, just as a proper meme they will not be OP or anything but they will make for a extremely interesting what if faction. If anyone is interested in playing matches upon the mod's release please join the "Total War: Romania" Discord, from here we will host games and tournaments, using the code below copy and paste it into the text box when you click "join server" KmQz4AX Developers of this mod; - Vasikle - Dan the Strategist3 points
Hello, everyone after much time, me and Vasikle have decided to return to this mod, as of now we do not wish to make any major returns, however there will be a new forum page/topic for this mod soon, as well as the mod db page being updated with a far more in depth description. I very eager to show you our works, and we will take our time with this mod, and only promise to show work that is in game to be evident that it exists, however if we are sceptical about adding a piece of content we will simply have to make a showcase for it outside of the game as a image. Thank you for your patience, - Dan The Strategist (Danny), Developer on and Community Manager of Oniversalis : age of exploration3 points
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Hey @Vasikle & @Dan The Strategist Nice to see you guys back. If you haven't already have a look at mod.io It's a new way to share your mods I don't remember if you wanted to go open source or closed source, but let me know if you need help with packaging. Also, keep us updated, post screenshots2 points
Due to the recent increase in interest for mods as well as the relative simplicity with which you can install them (either through .pyromod files or mod.io) I decided to make a little guide to explain how to package mods. It's a relative tedious process when you are not familiar to it, so don't worry if you do not get it right the first time. Requirements: You need to have the package_mod installed First go to 0 .A.D.'s root folder (This the one that contains the binaries folder): In the adress bar type "powershell" A wild window will appear. (Notice the path is correct one): Type or copy paste the following command, but replace "{yourmod}" by the mod folder name, for instance, terra_magna, delenda_est, milleniumad binaries/system/pyrogenesis -mod=package_mod -mod={yourmod} -archivebuild="binaries/data/mods/{yourmod}" -archivebuild-output="{yourmod}.pyromod" -archivebuild-compress You should have something like this after copy pasting/typing: It will take some time to compile the modfile. For Ponies Ascendant which is like 300MB big, it takes like 5 mins. Optional: You can monitor the output of the packaging in Visual Studio or using a tool called DebugView by SysInternals (Recommended as fewer setup steps are required) Open the zip and double click on Dbgview.exe: It will open a window like this, and the output will appear when you run the packaging steps above. Hope it helps.1 point
Sharing links, memes, images and even quoting articles all become subject to EU copyright directives. No exception for fair use. It's only one of many similar assaults on internet freedom, and the full effect will only be felt in a few years from now, creating a false sense of "oh, but it's not so bad". This is what fascism looks like (sorry, but that's what it really is). They're creating the architecture to stifle all "undesirable" content. Which is basically anyone that isn't big business. It will create an environment were politically, socially or economically sensitive information can be prevented from ever even being published (think of sites like WikiLeaks, or even Wikipedia) Our "leaders" are clueless, self-serving crooks that have sold out to faceless oligarchies a long time ago... In my eyes, most policy makers the world round have systematically proven themselves unworthy of our approval, and they delegitimize their own authority through the immoral nature and effect of their actions. We shouldn't accept this. No one should. I don't want to sound like some out of touch revolutionary or something, but International Civil Disobedience is the most appropriate way to respond to this. We have power in numbers. 3.5 Billion internet users worldwide. If we say NO, it's NO. They can't arrest/sue/fine us all over some darn memes (or videos of American attack helicopters shooting up wedding parties in Iraq)... Did I just commit a crime by making that meme? According to the new directives I did... Bite me, EU.1 point
The EU is a darn mess. Within the span of a couple months they'll go from implementing consumer friendly privacy regulations to doing @#$% like this at the behest of media conglomerates. But maybe I'm reading the situation wrong.1 point
You better credit Microsoft with that Warchief's Expansion Pack Art :)!1 point
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I am the copyright holder of original works I post in the Wildfire Games 0 A.D. Art Development forum. I hereby release all original works I uploaded to this forum in the past, and those I will upload in the future, under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.1 point
@Lion.Kanzen He is friend of ours sorry :D, he is currently learning how to 3D model for the game.1 point
Had it been the first post of a user, not in the relevant topic, the link been to a suspicious looking site. Then I would have thought it might be. In this case I don't though.1 point
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As much as possible we should avoid any capitalization; This is because versioning systems might go havoc on platforms where the files are not case sensitive (e.g. Windows) Also the game sometimes ignores it, and sometimes it doesn't, and that changes across platforms. So as much as possible we should not have caps. The 'v' might suggest that it's the third version of it instead of the third variation, maybe we can find something better. Keep in mind that changing the sound name schema, which is a good thing, will break every mod that uses them. So we should get a consensus with the biggest mods around here, some of which I manage, and some others like Delenda Est from @wowgetoffyourcellphone. I thought we had something for that, but apparently it was never finished/committed https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3578 Yeah it's old, it would be nice to update it at some point. Yeah it's called in the JavaScript code, Maybe @elexis know why it's called there https://github.com/0ad/0ad/search?q=day_temperate_gen_03&unscoped_q=day_temperate_gen_031 point
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Hi all, For starters, here are a few rain, nighttime, thunder, and wind sounds to take a listen to. I tried setting up some SoundGroups, but ran into some bugs (well, more likely user error) when loading them in with a mod- I'll have to pick that thread up tomorrow or whenever I next have time to work on it. Nonetheless, here are some storm and weather sounds so far in .ogg format- https://s3.amazonaws.com/SamulisRandom/Delivery/Weather.zip For these, I'm using a more descriptive naming scheme based on the one we use for sample libraries. The original naming scheme was- [name]_[intensity][variation].[extension]. It also specifies long names should be split up with underscores (e.g. 'Camel_run_13.ogg'). This has several failure states including when there are more than 10 (0-9) variations or intensities, it's impossible to tell which is which. I've already ran into a whole bunch of cases where the naming convention wasn't followed anyway- even the documentation mentions the placement of the intensity value, but then gives an example which appears to just contain variations. Thus I propose- [name]_t[type]_i[intensity]_v[variation].[extension], with long names either hyphenated or camelcase. (e.g. 'Camel-run_t1_i1_v3.ogg' or 'CamelRun_t1_i1_v3.ogg'). This standard is both more human readable and more machine readable, and also makes it so multiple types of the same sound can be easily set apart (e.g. one type might be thunder storms with rolling thunder, another with cracking thunder, or, for a better example, a Greek line read by one female voice actor versus the same read by another female voice actor). Here are a few advantages of having the type specified- We can [easily] have unit variations within a nation each have consistent, cohesive voices (i.e. no more alternating voice actors every other line with only one unit selected). We can [easily] have different sounding storms on each map/biome/season, but be able to cohesively vary among the same storm "style". We can [easily] have multiple readings of the same line per actor, per unit variation. But the real killer feature is that I will hopefully be able to make a little script which can auto generate the XML files in batches just using the underscore-separated values in the filenames- stick 100 or 500 or 1000 properly named files in one side, get the exact XML files all ready to go on the other. Obviously they need to be hand-finished with certain properties, but it could save enormous amounts of time going forward. Let me know what you think of this naming scheme/batch mapping! Happy to modify the idea if anyone has ideas/suggestions. In addition, I've been continuing to update my spreadsheet as I make my way through the files. Just finished up Actors. I noticed there already is an (older) sheet from May 2010 which has many of the sounds listed on it tucked away at the top of this page- https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Audio_Design_Document I've started going through their doc to pull out any info and update descriptions to more properly match what is supposed to be there, and basically import whatever data I can to preserve the lineage of the project. Obviously a lot of it is very deprecated, but there's still some info in here that is useful. It's a lot better to just port it all over to a sheet so it can be accessed and updated anywhere at any time and have actual version control. (it's also sort of spooky but cool to see assignments and names from a decade almost to the day on it). I did notice the looping ambiance is coming from day_temperate_gen_03.ogg, I believe. I couldn't find any SoundGroup associated with it to apply new sound files, and the only one in there ('day_temperate.xml') appears unused atm.1 point
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@stanislas69 The potential issue I see with starting a mod through an ingame option option, is that if someone is playing without internet access, then that feature wouldn't work if it couldn't be downloaded. We could include the mod in the main download, but at that point it kind of seems like it should just be built in directly.1 point
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Lately I spend time with the people that I love or I have respect. the life is like a simple micro-second in the real world. See the war or natural disasters...1 point
Wow, such true. (Won't search the right emoticon, as that is a waste of my valuable time and hinders me living in the moment ;))1 point
I have worked on my layout concept. Here it is. The resolution of the 4/3 area is 1024/768. You can see that the whole bottom UI is a little bit smaller than the old one, so the corners are empty. You can also see that I haven't made that much changes at the bottom panel. A UI which supports lower and higher resolutions isn't that easy. I also try to get the panel a little bit more minimalistic. Maybe someone of you have an idea which buttons can be taken to the menu? I've also made two styles, one cornered and one curved style. Focus was to get better ultra-widescreen support. The UI should stay to the middle and don't scaling with the wide.1 point
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@Shiyn like others, I like your attempts at redesigning the gui, keep at it, I would say. A historically relevant themed gui for each civ would be insanely cool, and adds a lot to immersion and aesthetic civ-differentiation, but is probably a lot of work. One of the things I actually like about Empire Apart is that the circular map doesn't feel heavy or obstructive, because its corners are transparent. An "independent" map in the lower left corner would be my personal preference. One of the annoying things (possibly the only annoyance) about a map in the lower left corner is that you often can't see enemy units approaching from that corner. With these transparent sides that wouldn't be an issue... You can also increase the map size somewhat, because its less obstructive, increasing functionality. Being able to click a button to expand the map to see a far more detailed/realistic map version would also be very very cool, but I guess that's not so simple... That epic Mauryan fortress is pretty cool, by the way...1 point
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https://gizmodo.com/the-end-of-all-thats-good-and-pure-about-the-internet-18269637630 points
Hello friend and fans ... oh sorry it's not a youtube channel... Hello, guys, I'm here ready to break the skies0 points