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New Release: 0 A.D. Alpha 23 Ken Wood Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, proudly announces the release of 0 A.D. Alpha 23 “Ken Wood”, the twenty-third alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source real-time strategy game of ancient warfare. Easy Download and Install Download and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. 0 A.D. is free software. This means you are free to download, redistribute, modify and contribute to the application under the same licenses (GPL v2 or a later version for code and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 for artwork, see license). Although you might find some people selling copies of 0 A.D., either over the internet or on physical media, you will always have the option to download 0 A.D. completely gratis, directly from the developers. No “freemium” model, no in-game advertising, no catch. Top New Features New Civilization: Kushites Mod Downloader Cavalry and Spartan Building Models Combine Victory Conditions Attack Range Visualization Diplomacy Colors Destruction Damage Unit Information Dialog AI Behavior Lobby Authentication to prevent impersonation Nomad Mode on all Random Maps New Random Maps: Lower Nubia, Jebel Barkal, Elephantine, Fields of Meroë, Hellas, Dodecanese, Scythian Rivulet Civilization: Kushites The most prominent feature of the new release is the introduction of the Kushites. The Kingdom of Kush was a Middle Nile Valley civilization between 785 B.C. and 350 A.D. The region became known as Nubia and is located in present day Sudan. Steeped in pharaonic traditions, Kushites considered themselves the true heirs of the New Kingdom. They were fierce in the defense of their homeland, facing Persian, Ptolemaic and Roman invasions as well as constantly testing the strength of their northern neighbours. The armies of Kush are diverse, with contingents recruited from all across its vast domain. With a wide array of trainable units, they can adapt to almost any kind of opposing army. Boosted both economically and militarily by their monumental pyramids, ingenious leaders and special technologies, Kushites gain a variety of benefits. Lead the Nubian kingdom to bloody war and see the emergence of the mighty Kingdom of Kush. Learn more about ancient Kush here. Economic and religious Kushite sites (10MB 6k-HD) A nubian city in full bloom ( 6MB 6k-HD) Temple Of Amun Pyramids of Meroë, photograph by Fabrizio Demartis, CC-BY-SA 2.0 Nubian Pyramid Two Apedemak Champion Guards and a Blemmye Camp ( 4MB 6k-HD) Harsiotef, Kushite King of Meroë (404 B.C. to 369 B.C. ) Looted bust of the first Roman Emperor Augustus, found in Meroë, photograph by Steve F-E-Cameron CC-BY-SA 3.0 Mod Downloader Beginning this Alpha, players can install mod files just by opening them with 0 A.D. This new version also comes with a mod downloader, that allows you to connect to the new mod.io platform and fetch mods from inside the game. Wildfire Games and the mod.io team have worked together to bring you this feature, and 0 A.D. is one of the first games for which mods are available from this new and powerful platform. Please note that only mods that Wildfire Games has tested against blatant security issues will be available through mod.io. However, you are always free to install mods manually from other sources. 0 A.D. Mod Downloader Millenium A.D., a free mod featuring Anglo-Saxons, Byzantines, Carolingians and Norse civilization at the of Charlemagne and the Viking Age Terra Magna, a free mod featuring the Han Dynasty of China and pre-columbian Zapotecs New Models Similar to previous releases, meshes, animations, textures and materials for a number of units have been reworked. This time with a focus on helmets, shields and clothing. But 0 A.D. Alpha 23 also comes with many new artwork, as the Spartan faction has received an entirely new set of models. All Cavalry units have been replaced with much more realistically looking, more fluently animated high-poly models. New Spartan Buildings ( 9MB 6k-HD) New Helmets and Siege Firing Animations ( 7MB 6k-HD) New animal type Zebu and new Cavalry models ( 6MB 6k-HD) Combine Victory Conditions The addition of new victory conditions throughout the last releases, such as Wonder Victory, Regicide and Capture The Relic gamemode have made it reasonable to allow players to combine all these modes arbitrarily. So if you ever wanted to play a game where you can choose between defeating the enemy by taking out the hero or starting an ambush on the relics after building a citystate and assembling an army, now is the time! Two heroes fighting for victory ( 9MB 6k-HD) Attack Range Visualization Similar to the aura range visualization of the former release, fortifications and mobile towers now reveal the range they cover upon selection. Furthermore, the attack distance is also drawn when in the building placement preview, so that the player can find the best suitable location prior to settling the position. Attack Range Visualization during building preview mode ( 7MB 6k-HD) Diplomacy Colors Both in traditional games with two teams and in diplomacy teams with interactive alliance buildup, players could have often used a quick way to find out where the border to the enemy lies and which parts of the territory can be considered a safespace. With 0 A.D. Alpha 23 players are rewarded with a way to toggle between the player colors and team colors (one color per diplomatic stance), enabling them to react to every threat to their city instantly. Blue indicates the player, green allies and red opponents ( 12MB 6k-HD) Destruction Damage One of the new features that targets 0 A.D. (but also mods and other RTS that once might use the Pyrogenesis engine) is the ability of units to deal damage to surrounding enemies when they are destroyed. The effect is demonstrated by Fireships that can and will sink enemy ships if not taken care of by the enemy combatant. An Iberian Fireship sinks nearby fishing ships ( 4MB 6k-HD) Unit Information Dialog Players and observers can now open a dialog that displays all the game related details by rightclicking on a unit during a match. It is also designed to provide sufficient space for historic background information in future versions of the game. Everything you wanted to know about the Amun Temple AI Behaviors The Petra AI now supports configuration of different behaviors, such as Aggressive or Defensive. Although still in an early stage of development, it aims at more diverse singleplayer experience. AI Configuration Dialog Lobby Authentication To establish a safer multiplayer environment, the possibility of player impersonation was ruled out by an improved connect mechanism that requires lobby players to remain authenticated at the lobby server when joining games. The new match setup option Furthermore, the lobby chat was made accessible in the match setup, running games and the summary screen, so players can stay in tune with upcoming games without having to leave the party early. Nomad on all Random Maps Players have enjoyed the "Unknown Nomad" random map since years. It required players to scout the randomly generated map and find a suitable location to lay the foundation stone of their city. With 0 A.D. Alpha 23, this game mode is not restricted to this map anymore but can freely chosen on any of the random map scripts. A Persian player starting the city at the river ( 10MB 6k-HD) New Maps The entire random map generation code has been revamped. The results of this endeavor are many more possibilities and comfort for map authors to generate landscapes and a new quality standard in map design. With Alpha 23, 0 A.D. was enriched by seven random map scripts and three new skirmish maps. Six of these maps take place in the domain of the Kushites. New Random Maps Lower Nubia Lower Nubia is the area between the first and second cataract of the Nile and formed the traditional border region between Kush and Egypt. The hostile and merciless Sahara desert makes defending your position on the river and its steep banks an absolute necessity. This map, like most other realworld maps below was created using realworld elevation data from the NASA Blue Marble series. New random map "Lower Nubia" ( 10MB 6k-HD) Abu Simbel Temple of Ramesses II, photograph by Than217, Public Domain Jebel Barkal The "Jebel Barkal" is the holy mountain that was used as a landmark by traders crossing the Nile river, near its fourth cataract. It is located near the Nubian city of Napata, which later became the capital of ancient Kush. The remains of the Napatan temple complex and the nearby pyramids were declared a world heritage site in 2003. Stone Ruins and the famous Pinnacle of the Hill, photograph by Maria Gropa, UNESCO, CC BY-SA 3.0 "Jebel Barkal" is the first 0 A.D. map to present a vivid, procedurally generated cityscape combined with regularly spawned attackers of adjustable difficulty. City Walls of Napata ( 11MB 6k-HD) Procedural Generation of the City ( 10MB 6k-HD) Temple Guards patroling Napata ( 9MB 6k-HD) Players start near the fertile banks of the Nile river. In order to attain resources, players have to either establish a tradeline there or reach the mineral abundance in the shelterless desert. Contrary to the average map, players find complementary advantages and disadvantages depending on the starting location, making cooperative teamplay and strategic decisiontaking much more relevant. New random map "Jebel Barkal" ( 8MB 6k-HD) The Pyramids and the Hill, photograph by Ron Van Oers , UNESCO, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Elephantine Together with Philae, the fortified Island of Elephantine was situated on the Nile River at the first cataract and an important Egyptian city, often under Kushite control. As the border between Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia, Elephantine became an important way-station for the trade in ivory and other goods. It was considered to be the home of the god Khnum, guardian of the source of the Nile, and boasted an impressive temple complex whose remains can still be visited today. This map was created using OpenStreetMap data. New random map "Elephantine" ( 10MB 6k-HD) Temple of Isis on Philae Island, photograph by Olaf Tausch, CC-BY 3.0 Temple of Aswan on Philae Island, photograph by Osama Awny, CC-BY-SA 4.0 Goddess Hathor in the Satet Temple on Elephantine Island, photograph by David Stanley, CC-BY 2.0 Fields Of Meroë The "Island of Meroë" is a vast peninsula flanked by the Nile and Atbarah rivers and formed the heartland of ancient Kush. This map comes in two variants, one depicting the dry season and one for the rainy season. The map demonstrates the new possibility to select the map biome in the match setup. "Fields Of Meroë" - dry season ( 9MB 6k-HD) "Fields Of Meroë" - wet season ( 10MB 6k-HD) Temple of Amun in Naqa, photograph by Coordinamento delle organizzazioni per il servizio volontario, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Hellas This unique random map script choses a random area of Greece each time, yielding a much greater surprise effect each terrain generation. A "Hellas" map generation showing a part near the Aegean Sea ( 9MB 6k-HD) Dodecanese "Dodecanese" is greek and translates to "twelve islands". It names a group of 15 large and 150 small islands in the southern Aegean Sea . This is the first random map script placing little bridges. New random map "Dodecanese" ( 10MB 6k-HD) Scythian Rivulet This is a map focusing on the beauty of pristine winter, featuring crispy mounds of snow, shown under a not-too-bright sun. New random map "Scythian Rivulet" ( 8MB 6k-HD) New Skirmish Maps Alpha 23 "Ken Wood" comes with three new Skirmish maps: Egypt, Butana Steppe and Via Augusta: "Egypt" (6 players) comes with prebuilt cities of geographically accurate civs ( 10MB 6k-HD) "Butana Steppe" (2 players) ( 11MB 6k-HD) ""Via Augusta" (3 players) ( 14MB 6k-HD) Under The Hood This release consists of almost 1900 patches (r19923 to r21819), i.e. several hundred of bugfixes, commits restructuring of the engine code and small features that can barely be listed. It also includes solutions to prevalent crashes and performance bottlenecks. Finally, the Pyrogenesis engine can be compiled using Visual Studio 2015 and premake5. The name "Ken Wood" Ken Wood, also known as Phoenix-TheRealDeal or tonto_real, was one of the three original gameplay designers of 0 A.D, together with Wijitmaker and Acumen. He was a retiree in his 60’s from Arizona, but he sadly passed away in 2006 after a long fight with cancer. It is thanks to the amount of energy and passion he poured into the early stages of 0 A.D. that we are celebrating another great release of our favorite game! We managed to reach that symbolic letter W for our twenty-third Alpha, and we keep remembering him through the development of the project. Ken Wood was instrumental in conceptualizing some of the core concepts of 0 A.D. Most notably, he laid the foundations of the citizen-soldier concept, and its female villager counterpart. He was also fascinated by Celtiberian civilizations and designed the Iberian and Carthaginian factions. He designed a Rock-Paper-Scissors counter system for units of the game, biomes for maps, and had big ideas for naval combat and realistic ship movement. If you want to know more about the story behind 0 A.D., see this article. We have also re-published an interview from the old website here. And let us not forget his famous quote, which gives us all the motivation we can need: For the next alpha, we welcome fan suggestions for words relating to the ancient world beginning with the letter X. Keep it original and related to the time frame portrayed in 0 A.D. (appx. 500 B.C. – 0 A.D.) and post your proposal here! Support Us The work is still in progress and can use every helping hand. You can support us by translating the game in your language at transifex, contributing art or code or simply by donating. If you experience a technical problem with the game, please report it at trac.wildfiregames.com. This is also the first address to visit when you wish to dedicate some of your time to help patching the code. Got any further questions or suggestions? Discuss them with other players and developers at the forum or talk with us directly in the irc chat. Subscribe Contact info for press, bloggers, etc.: aviv@wildfireTROYgames.com without the capitalized name of a city Ulysses spent some time in.11 points
Jebel Barkal - Illustrated Walkthrough Jebel Barkal is the holy hill at the Kushite city Napata at the Nile river, see release announcement. The procedurally generated Napata city spawns attackers reoccuringly. This article presents some common strategies and tactics to become successful. Introduction 9 weeks of development, including 6 weeks of playtesting went into both this map. The guide is the result of the experience made while playteting and most of the screenshots come from these matches. Time to thank @Skhorn for the creation of the mountain template, @Sundiata for the consultation on the history and geography, and the playtesters: nani, Hannibal Barca, smiley, bb, temple, fpre, Dizaka, faction02, ValihrAnt,Uran238cz, s0loooy0, FeldFeld, causative, servo, borg-, mapkoc, CAGD_lulofun, ITRELLES1, gaius22, Dunedan, Imarok, santa, tgodtaylor, AlexanderKirck, s0600204, Emperior, d_stan, mord, Vladislav, Cesar, Vick, Retardado, Medrannozz, TYLER1, Angen. "Jebel Barkal" random map Procedural Cityscape Generation (The following screenshots were taken at the lowest quality, because my graphics card is cheap.) Attacker Waves The city starts attacks on players about all 5-7 minutes. Each of the buildings of the city spawns a different set of attackers. For instance the temples spawn only champions and the elephant stables only elephants. Players can chose a difficulty level at the gamestart. It will influence the total attackercount and city fortifications proportionally. However, since the city is randomized each matchstart, the resulting difficulty level can vary tremendously (most importantly the number of elephant stables on a normal map can be between 0 and 9). In Nomad mode, the first attack is delayed. Docks and Naval Warfare The nile river makes up less than 10% of the map area, yet it is vital to survive and thrive. Some players (most famously nani) start building docks in the first two minutes already. The dock gives you faster food income than fields. Additionally it continues to generate food income while your units on land are either fighting or garrisoned. The dock also adds as a dropsite that is far away from gaia as possible. So women have a good chance to gather there without being killed off. Even outside of the territory. Notice that players sometimes can only win by having some ships around while all enemies wiped out on land. So the river is important from the first to the last minute! Players compete for the final stand on the sea When gaia was too strong for all players, the winner is decided on the sea. So always keep an eye on your enemies ship activities. Don't keep the backside of your city unattended. Once the sea is indisputed, the shoreline can be wiped without great losses. Hunting Elephants, rhinos and boars are valuable huntable animals, because once attacked, they follow you back to your base where you can easily kill and hunt them. Use this trick to boost your economy in the first 5 minutes while already getting some units to defend. If you start out as Mauryans, use your Worker elephant and immediately start hunting in the desert. Wood The players that start in the desert start with much less wood than the players that start in the fertile banks of the nile river. To compensate, these players start with treasure that give them an huge boost. Deserted players can and should build a dock much sooner. The roads leading from and to Napata provide some desperately needed trees for deserted players. Metal/Stone In the fertile banks of the river, there are very few mines. Players have to get out into the desert. Since it can be more sustainable than fighting for mines in the desert, it is recommended to start trade near the nile soon (which incidentally is historically accurate too :-)). Few trees but abundance of mines north of the river. Treasures/Hill There are few treasures at the pyramids and many treasures on the hilltop. They are guarded by Kushite defenders however. Experienced players will find the best opportunity to hunt the treasure at the pyramids. After taking out the Kushite units on the hilltop, players have a chance to build a civic center on the hilltop which can be very easy to defend and provide a perfect place to remain the Last Man Standing. The city contains treasures too, but these are hard to reach due to the Walls and City Patrols. Not a cakewalk. The hill is easy to defend once conquered. A long wonder victory duration ensures that players - or gaia for that matter have chance to break fortifications. Surviving the first wave Gaia attacks all 5-7 minutes and leaves a bit more time between waves in later stages of the game. Make sure to have at least 30 ranged units to defend your base then. Place your fields in the back of your base. Until the first wave started, keep your units in the back of the base. This way the gaia attackers might be deflected by your enemies encountered on the way. Don't expose your units to enemy fire unless it is really important, as here In Nomad mode, players end up with one piece of the fertile land each Walling After the first wave, quickly build a palisade, so that gaia units have no chance to reach your units. Pay special attention to elephants. Rebuild destroyed palisades as quickly as possible. Remember at which places gaia units managed to walk past your walls and fix all holes. The irrigation canals act as a natural barrier, so you only need to wall a small area. Multiple layers of walls provide additional security and obstacles. Do team walls. Mauryans benefit from their stone walls that only cost wood and Carthaginians have walls that are three times as strong. Irrigation canals provide a natural shield Cheap but effective - wooden walls Quickwalling - Fixing walls even during an attack The first line of defense fell Irrigation Canals can only be crossed at one point each Close the gate quickly! double palisade walls to defend an elephant rush A successful team wall Attacking The Opponent Unless you are playing with custom rules, remember that the goal is to defeat your enemy. So in general it is recommended to not invest resources on destroying Napata, but focus your attacks on the enemy players. If you wait for a Napata wave to end, you can be sure to have enough units remaining for an attack and your city is not left empty when an attack starts. Focus on the player opponents first Only invade the city when overwhelmingly outnumbering the enemies. This fortress was too close - an easy target for Elephants.4 points
Yeah, if you're more of a "political" player it gives you grey hair to see units start a cycle of all out war and destruction all on their own... Makes me want to delete units just to punish them for their insolence!3 points
@Sundiata do you have any names to propose that come from one of our included non greek/roman civ?2 points
I loled at the Youtube comments concerning Steam. Lion has beat me to the punch. So far the main complaints are optimization and AI toughness. Because of that "other game" the latter complaint seems beautiful to look at. I'd prefer a tough AI than a "cheating AI" or "unplayably broken AI".2 points
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I'd like to stress that the "Ptolemaic" name Naukratis (alpha 14) is obviously not Egyptian, but Greek. The Egyptian name was Piemro. The "Ptolemaic" name Timosthenes [of Rhodes] (alpha 20) is obviosly also Greek and not Egyptian either... [Even the Celtic Loucetios sounds Hellenized...] This would mean that out of 23 alphas so far, we already have 10 Greek names... We have 13 civilizations in game, and 10 out of 23 alphas have been given Greek names... In addition to that we have 5 Latin (Roman) names... That makes at least 15 Greco-Roman names out of 23 alphas. But so far we have 6 Greek suggestions in this thread... I get it, Greeks were cool, but seriously... What the fudge... How about finally merging Rise of the East with the main game and naming alpha 23 "Xiongnu"?2 points
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Sorry this is the wrong letter, 'Y' will be in A25. For A24 we need a word with 'X'2 points
Thanks for noticing, it's been fixed (Y) Thanks for letting us know, it's been fixed2 points
Vertical text scrollbar is no problem, we should add that for the civ text. Horizontal scrollbars and scrollbars for a "container" that contains multiple GUI-Elements are not implemented.2 points
I think the behavior of "defensive" stance right now is pretty weird too.2 points
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Hi all! I'm Michael from Arkansas, USA. I'm an associate student psychologist and I love to travel. I've loved seeing where everyone is from, both here and in game; and I would love to visit your countries! 0ad is turning into an amazing game and it is so playable at it's current stage! I look forward to seeing all of the people who have been interested in it as they start to jump aboard :) "Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also." —Marcus Aurelius2 points
Alright, I reduced the blur scaling to 1.0. Any less than that would defeat the purpose, but 1.0 seems to work fine as far as I can tell. As they say, the perfect is the enemy of the good. Mapgen turned out to be somewhat more involved than I expected, but nonetheless I've gotten some excellent results. I was intending to work on ardennes forest but ended up modifying the alpine valley generator to produce maps in the style of the handcrafted version. I needed the mountain range generator for ardennes anyway and it ended up producing some really stunning maps with really interesting divisions of space.2 points
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More like 300.000 BC The Mursi are a Nilo-Saharan people, who share similarities with the Nuba, who can be recruited as mercenaries when playing the Kushites. You could just build a bunch of Nuba mercenary camps (round huts, thatched roof) and pretend that they are Mursi I guess the Blemmyes and the Noba could have their own spin off, but they really wouldn't be all that spectacular during our timeframe (500 BC - 1AD). Having a culture like the Hamer as an independent playable civ would be impossible to balance. They'd have like 3 buildable structures (big hut, medium hut, small hut) and would only field primitive spearmen, clubmen and archers. Imagine them facing Greek Hoplites or Roman Legionaries, or an army from any civ in-game actually. It would be a slaughterhouse... They're also not historically connected to any other civilization in-game except for Kushites. You know Kushites are in the newest release right? The Nok culture is probably right up your alley. Right time-frame. "Typically African" (round huts are assumed), while also demonstrating a certain level of sophistication. Known for their beautiful teracottas (which can provide references for a number of units). An Iron Age people (some of the earliest in West Africa). They also fielded cavalry. We just know spectacularly little about them, know nothing of their language and they are far removed from everybody else in-game, geographically speaking. Garamantes, a Southern Berber people (basically "proto"-Tuareg) are really interesting and quite relevant (controlled trans-Saharan trade routes, and had Roman and Carthaginian interaction), and they could be done architecture wise. Units would be very challenging though, and they have no navy whatsoever (they lived in the middle of the Sahara). They didn't live in huts though, but mudbrick structures (sometimes several stories high)... And even some cut stone structures (temples). They had fortifications and an urban elite. Fielded chariots... Had a written script, "Tifinagh", derived from Phoenician. There's some nice beginning reference posts on them in this thread: The Numidians, a northern Berber people are equally interesting, but shorter lived and heavily influenced by Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans and Greeks. I would argue that Thracians and Scythians are a little more important for now, but Garamantes certainly have my vote for a possible future civ.1 point
Jarkendia give to us another post. https://www.vidaextra.com/estrategia/0-a-d-no-deja-de-ampliarse-gratuitamente-ya-esta-disponible-la-alpha-23-ken-wood#to-comments1 point
Wow... This is insane! And somebody actually built Stonehenge on top of Jebel Barkal! Loooool! 0AD is gold!1 point
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Obviously the point is that the content would be used... A lot more than if it were a mod, actually more appropriately a relevant civilization pack that might as well be added. I imagine mod.io to be used for more comprehensive mods like Hyrule, or pro-balance mods, or testing-new-features mods on a larger scale. I have no problem whatsoever with it being published to mod.io, as an introduction/testing, but if it's found to be of good quality/liked, why not add a Pre-Columbian civ-pack as a built in extra? Separate from the other civs for obvious reasons. Of course not... You don't see the irony? The logo of the game developer is Chinese. We have a complete and historical Chinese civ lying on the shelf. Yet, Chinese names won't be accepted for the next release ... because there's no Chinese in the standard game... It's like, AAAARGH?!?!1 point
Just got A23 from the ppa on Mint 18 since I had A22 this was an update. Enjoy the Choice1 point
The sentence you quoted was an explanation, not a justification. I don't see what's subjective about merely pointing out the fact that we have book-shelves full of Greek and Latin texts. Etruscan? Thousands of inscriptions of less than three words, but only one text, which was preserved because it was recycled as mummy wrapping. Iberian? Not even enough to determine how it relates to other languages. Celtic? Mostly names, many of which were preserved in Roman sources. Illyrian? Macedonian? Thracian? Enough to determine they were Indo-European, but that's about it. Etc. Because so much more has survived in Greek and Latin means it's perfectly understandable that those are "over-represented". That doesn't imply that's good or bad. No, I'm not. The best name should be chosen. Language shouldn't matter, nor should previous choices. Much more must have been going on outside rather than inside the Greco-Roman world. The problem is we know so tantalizing little because of a scarcity of sources. Nor were Greeks and Romans overall superior; in some ways, yes, they were more advanced, in many others they were not. No, anachronisms we have already, they are unavoidable. The civilizations currently included have had or could have had interactions with at least some of the others included, so all factions are part of a single network. I'm in favour of including Chinese because they're arguably part of the Eurasian continuum. I'm opposed to including American (or Australian) civilizations because they did not and could not have interacted with the civilizations already in game. But I suppose this discussion is actually off-topic. To return to my point, let's not discount or favour candidates because of the language. Nor should previous results matter.1 point
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Nothing prevents you from installing unsigned mods All the mods I have are unsigned1 point
Never mind, I solved my own issue. I couldn't get the match setup screen to show up. However, a simple "rm -rf ~/.config/0ad" and relaunch fixed it. I should have tried that first.1 point
I mentioned the Zapotecs because there is a mod including them, or am I wrong? (Terra Magna?)1 point
@implodedok @feneur @elexis might want to roll back the Mac package to avoid further disappointment1 point
Glad to know people are eager for it. Told you the release would be soon... @Alexandermb @wackyserious @asterix Do you think we can get a release ready by the end of next week ?1 point
Stunning release! Congrats everyone! @Pyrophorus: Packages for linux distros always take a little bit longer to land in the repositories1 point
Hi, could you give your us computer specifications and which version of OSX you are using?1 point
@feneur on moddb http://www.moddb.com/games/0-ad and indiedb it still is not available the files and announcement.1 point
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I wanna thank everybody in the 0 A.D. Team for this great game.1 point
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From wolflance's other thread on reconstructed Han Dynasty clothing: Basically, thinner plates held together with string and lacquered black.1 point
Then it's time to remember Xanthippus. He is known for being the Pericles father. I will quote wikipedia (sorry I have nothing better to offer) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanthippus1 point
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Yes, you can How long is it loading for you? The brush seems not hard to implement. Let's see after the FF.1 point
Can we add there the civalazation the Jewish People ? hmm.. as heroes we can add some biblical figures like solomon , david , Kings ... etc .1 point
Guess it's irrelevant from a certain point of view. Don't think it influences anything. Also I managed to fix it by running clean-workspaces and make clean1 point
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If I can ask for something, Antialiasing, please! Thx for the work already done.1 point