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  1. Multi-threading has own overhead: more complicated code (may crash and dead-locks) and time to sync data between threads/processes. So it needs to be very carefully. Btw, I have some ideas about a threaded rendering.
    3 points
  2. The Zora are coming, hooray:
    3 points
  3. Oh hey, would you look at that? Only little gripe I have with these new skins is the discernability between ranks and unit types. Wackyserious certainly knows what he's doing in terms of design/materials. I would echo his request for useful references, perhaps have a discussion regarding the unification of say, the swordsman line and easily distinguish it by rank, and from similar spearman textures at a distance.
    3 points
  4. There are some examples. https://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/why-do-movie-posters-look-alike1.htm
    2 points
  5. Whenever you're experiencing any errors or warnings, please access the interestinglog.html file (its location typically depends on your operating system, see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths), and copy the message from there; plain text is easier to read than a screenshot. My guess is that if you fix whatever is wrong in the hero selection screen, the gui file error will disappear as a consequence. And welcome to 0 A.D., darkinterloper! Hyrule Conquest seems to be a very promising mod
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. These are the textures which I submitted to wowgetoffyourcellphone several months ago for DE. I'm sometimes loosing details in the texture when I use the transparency for player color.
    2 points
  8. I would agree with toning down contrast for the most part, Semitransparency will apply player color at differing intensities, so you can get consistency between player colors. The real punchy contrasting elements should be used to highlight distinguishing features between different troop types, if at all
    2 points
  9. Hello, I'm one of the on-off two members of "Hyrule Conquest Team," we haven't had much to do as with the engine switch neph is able to do most of its without needing any additional help, so I've been keeping myself busy trying to understand the 0 AD engine and help fix errors and bugs to the best of my ability. I've noticed, at least in my game, the temporary hero selection screen has stopped working in single-player, with the attached error message. If anyone has any idea as to what problem with that GUI file is please let me know. And thanks for all the help with Hyrule Conquest, it's nice to meet you all @Lion.Kanzen That armor is being used for the Lanayru Zora faction, these Zora Neph is working on, the Dominion Zora, have a much fancier gold/sapphire aesthetic
    2 points
  10. Congratulations, @LordGood ! For a second I thought, Enrique resigned from the project. I'm glad my assumptions were wrong.
    2 points
  11. That's assuming one of each. Except for the wonder, you'll want several of each. It's almost always better to build another tower, fortress, or civil center than any walls. If you actually get to build the max of each (10 fortresses, etc.) there probably isn't enough stone left for walls.
    1 point
  12. Interested to watch indeed for da reasons grugnas wrote (ie. tactics to counter early cav rushs && to rush vs towers building booming players) Something I tried in that matter with some success is to add a layer of defense by surrounding towers with outposts (as satellites). Hinders my opponents' archers surprinsignly faster vs having just towers in phases I-II. I noticed Kizitom was a bit lazy in his early eco dev IMHO, eg at 2:30 he'd gathered only 1/2 wood and as much food as Skirmish -who didn't wait 5' to start his 1st tech upgrade. Skirmish still had an eco advantage untill well after kizitom's effective raid.
    1 point
  13. If one is particularly interested in networking, the said improvements are still valid. But the main performance issue is making the pathfinding able to thread and running the renderer independently from the simulation. There are similar design documents about 0AD and the developers took inspiration from AoE design documents like this too. Actually I think exactly that one was (or could have well been) part of it.
    1 point
  14. Thanks @Servo i check it yesterday and will see which frames i have to adjust to fix it, the lithobolos was the only one i couldn't load in blender
    1 point
  15. @fatherbushido @Zeta1127 Unfortunately no. We were waiting for @wowgetoffyourcellphone to finish tweaking the Kushites for their integration in the mod, and when he did, life had caught up some us... So in order to publish the mod we need the kushites, + name + release announcement to be written. Also some stuff needs to be reverted. @leper was kind enough to update the actors following the recent changes. I'd like to to integrate @Alexandermb 's Xiognu while we are at it as well. So unless I get external help I don't think there will be a release before at best A23
    1 point
  16. This is always a good idea. You never know what can happen (computer failures, etc.). I would make a separate topic for your work unless you consider it part of your application.
    1 point
  17. @darkinterloper hello and welcome to the forums! As @Nescio correctly said, all the following lines are subsequences of the syntax error in civ_choices.js The syntax error must be consistent (rather than depending on some data), so someone must have changed the file (comparing to its 'original' state in the civ choices mod ). So please share the file itself (or even better a repo where both the file and the changes history may be seen).
    1 point
  18. Too many patterns and different colours causes a lot of noise to differentiate the unit classes, and this is from a gameplay POV, very crucial. Your brain should see the units classes in 1 second. I would go for something like the spearmen textures that you submitted to DE. And I don't know how to explain, but I find sometimes the textures a little bit mate (specially the greek shields). There was an interesting topic of somebody that wrote things about contrast and theory colour in 0 a.d, although it was very rude. But don't take my into account seriously, I don't know next to nothing in art.
    1 point
  19. Good references @Lion.Kanzen! Some of these re-enactors take reenacting very seriously.. PS: overweight people were ridiculed and shunned in Celtic society
    1 point
  20. Use transparency or alpha channel. no too much much contrast use black to dark and white to bright , is kind of gradient effect if you see from far. By the way here I remember post nice references.
    1 point
  21. Wouldn't more harmonious colors make it easier to incorporate player color? Or at least help make the player color stand out.
    1 point
  22. I prefer set them before Gallic wars. but nor set them before 490 The last two are some older fashion. May be try with harmonies instead contrast
    1 point
  23. 1. The skybox proportions are also wrong if you look at it. Looks like a pizza box. The sides are squished, compressing the texture. 2. Also, the skybox doesn't seem to move upward with the average height of the map, so that the "ceiling" of the skybox by default is very very close to the terrain on the default blank map in Atlas. This causes some problems, notably with water reflection of the sky on user-created maps. The solution to that particular problem is to lower the default height of the blank map to something like height="2048". As always, see Delenda Est for this viable and easy solution.
    1 point
  24. Ufff the Zora armor.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. We are starting to be old, some are busy with personal life. or may be trying to get next step. Enrique still member, but may be lordgood is more active. Whatever for us is best choice. we need to much to commit and discuss together.
    1 point
  27. Woaaaaaa department Leader thanks to god. congratulations.
    1 point
  28. a22 style. 1 game borg won, i won second and the third one, unfortunately his internet went down. Rly bad luck because i think i could won the last fight of 24cavs vs 17 and 2 slingers with almost no scape, unless he lost some cavs if i remember well. Sometimes happens the network, so sumering very happy for my first victory against borg. Legal guy, he missclicked in the game i won which the rank didnt count, so he made other one and insta loose for that. (if anyone has read until this, it means is very bored) 1.game.zip 2.game.zip 3.game.zip
    1 point
  29. The github repository or branch of andy5995 contains the net threading code (not the official github mirror). The local client works like every other client. Besides having the advantage of being able to put the server on some other machine, it also means actually having less complexity, as there is only one mechanism that servers every player equally. networking overhead is completely negligible. Replacing spidermonkey with something else will be as simple as changing about every file. 0ad uses the enet protocol which implements reliable communication via UDP. The lobby part works via xmpp. enet does use peer vocabulary and easily allows p2p communication, but don't let that vocabulary fool you - the 0ad protocol still implements a NetServer and a NetClient, i.e. a star architecture / hierarchy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_network. The single point of failure issue is addressed by every clients hashing the simulation state and thus being able to determine that noone is messing with the gamestate (otherwise the hash fails and people can assume to not really play in the same gamestate anymore). "Reduce lag" -> Forget about the networking unless we're talking about a some special kind of situation that shows up as actual network lag in the top right hand corner. (Though lost packets should also be displayed there sometime). The 0AD game stuttering happens just as well in singleplayer and replay mode often because there is more data to process than the CPU can handle. There are only few kilobytes sent via network (the commands, no state).
    1 point
  30. I really have no conception of the complexity of the issue, but perhaps it's possible to generate a huge image of a static, low poly, unplayable "map" (a fake map) surrounding the playable-map, giving the illusion of infinity. Then the skybox can be extended far below the horizon without an issue. If you approach the edge of the map (demarcated somehow), it would feel like you could almost continue, and if you look up, you'd see a perfectly believable horizon with a generated image of a believable continuation of the map. Or is that way too complex?
    1 point
  31. Maybe resources are being spent faster because of buildings, units and techs that are being used more often than in previous alphas? Resource amounts might not have changed, but I also get the feeling that the map is emptied of recourses faster than before.
    1 point
  32. @JuKu96 Yes, there is google's javascript engine V8, but there is no reason to make the switch. Looking forward to see what you'll come up with.
    1 point
  33. I find Premake 5 much easier for small projects (for 0 A.D.… Well it's a mess anyway )
    1 point
  34. Hello @jeffnz! First of all, I shall recommend you to add a Reamde file with a description and instructions how to compile it (i.e., you need SDL to compile). Because currently it's just a set of files. You could add Code::Blocks .cbp files, CMake file or Makefile, any what you want. Also it'd be good to have few screenshots, as you want to share the game. I can suggest to read http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/, it's has a good code style enough and basic SDL principles. Also it'd be good to have knowledges about the game architecture at all: http://www.gameenginebook.com/ (on Google Books), or something like that.
    1 point
  35. k a little heavy on the whole... exaggerated everything
    1 point
  36. That sounds like a good idea at first, but it's an insane amount of work, for little benefits. Since we have building damage variations, one could also add fire prop points for wood and hay buildings. New wackyserious textures.
    1 point
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