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  1. I've looked though the components but I'm not sure if it is possible to access the global lighting from component for use in a trigger. I think it would be neat to experiment with a day and night cycle that changed the global lighting options (sun angle, color, etc) and also increased and lowered building and unit line of sight to correspond to the time of day. Is this possible?
    3 points
  2. The Kingdom of Kush: Miniatures for Wargames (Units) In this post, I will present a collection of miniature figurines of Kushite/Nubian units designed and made for a variety of miniature wargames. The units represent many archaic Kushite units, but also from Meroitic Kush. The archaic units are somewhat stereotyped varieties of ancient units but they're still quite accurate. Every single one of them would have been present in the Meroitic period, and they're good reference stuff for basic units in 0 A.D. The unit types represented here are: (a lot of) Archers, Spearmen, Swordsmen, Clubmen, Cavalry (spear-cav and standard-bearer with scale-armour), Kings, Chiefs & Command Units and Chariots:
    2 points
  3. I checked; there is a bug in the code. Petra will still try to expand in some cases with Sandbox difficulty, even though it shouldn't. Patch: D764
    2 points
  4. Not without changes to both the simulation (to enable it to set the light environment; currently it doesn't even know that there is one) and the renderer.
    2 points
  5. We are hashing the password on the local machine and only storing that. If you are worried about your password getting compromised you should be more interested in getting TLS enabled, which might need some work to get some Let's Encrypt cert handed to the lobby server, and then switching the authentication mechanism used to one that only stores the hash on the server (in our case the hash of the hash of whatever the user enters) (and yes, this would mean invalidating all accounts currently existing). Your attacker definition seems to include at least read access to your local file system, in which case you are more than screwed already. If you are considering backups, well encrypt those, same for your file system in case you are worried about that. The keyring "solution" has quite a few issues. What if a user changes their OS? What if they just change their desktop environment? What if they don't use one? And all of that doesn't really do anything but protect you against an attacker that allegedly already has quite some access, at which point they could just hook the game and get your password. If you really don't want that hash to be stored in the config file, write a patch that adds a checkbox to save the password only when it is checked. While you're at it you might also want to prevent copying the text that is in the password field. Also don't use the same password for some random game you found on the internet as you do for your banking or your nuclear power plant controls. And don't use quite a few other programs that save passwords, you might be surprised by quite a few (I'll just list Pidgin here, since that seems somewhat similar to the lobby).
    2 points
  6. Hi vladislavbelov, Thank you for your assist. I found the problem (which I should have noted in the beginning) In the error output it says "Location: ogl.cpp:480 (ogl_Init)" ogl is openGL and the problem is it cant initiate the graphics. I looked around and found my graphics drivers were not loaded. I think a system update might not have added the modules into the new kernel. So if anyone else sees this you can check you graphics drivers first. Thank you
    2 points
  7. Danubius is the precursor of a great storymode, isn't it? Unfortunately it took weeks to implement the map and attackers. Campaigns are usually scenario maps, so it will be at least a bit easier to create than a random map script. A good campaign would also include some story, subtitles and cinematic cutscenes. Would be great to have that possible to play in multiplayer too, but that has the problem that we can't really script the opponent if it can be player-controlled. For the "King of the Hill" gamemode, checkout the map Extinct Volcano with rising water. We should have something like that where players have to fight for a hill (that is more usable than the volcano on that map). The water could also recede after some time which would allow players to capture their old buildings.
    2 points
  8. > can you please sum up and illustrate simply? been trying to figure out the frequency of Gaia unit spam in land and sea. In case the description in the code isn't simple enough, it should be rephrased. (The balancing changes from alpha to alpha and is expected (just as survival of the fittest) to require changes later. So it should be possible to fix the balancing even without understanding the code.) CC Attackers: /** * Time in minutes between two consecutive waves spawned from the gaia civic centers, if they still exist. */ var ccAttackerInterval = t => randFloat(6, 8); /** * Number of attackers spawned at a civic center at t minutes ingame time. */ var ccAttackerCount = t => Math.min(20, Math.max(0, Math.round(t * 1.5))); So time * 1.5 units (-> minute 10 = 15 units), but at most 20 units spawn at the civic centers all 6 to 8 minutes and are ordered to patrol near the map border (so players are attacked from all sides as opposed to only from the river). They stop spawning once the CC is captured or destroyed. Ship Attackers: /** * Time between two consecutive waves. */ var shipRespawnTime = () => randFloat(8, 10); /** * Limit of ships on the map when spawning them. * Have at least two ships, so that both sides will be visited. */ var shipCount = (t, numPlayers) => Math.max(2, Math.round(Math.min(1.5, t / 10) * numPlayers)); /** * Order all ships to ungarrison at the shoreline. */ var shipUngarrisonInterval = () => randFloat(5, 7); /** * Time between refillings of all ships with new soldiers. */ var shipFillInterval = () => randFloat(4, 5); /** * Total count of gaia attackers per shipload. */ var attackersPerShip = t => Math.min(30, Math.round(t * 2)); All 8 to 10 minutes the script respawns ships so that there are at least 2 but not more than 1.5 * players ships (so at most 12 ships when playing with 8 players). There are 2 * time attackers per ship (i.e. 16 attackers minute 8), but never more than 30 per ship. All 5 to 7 minutes the ships unload. One more thing to note is that the script doesn't distinguish between alive and defeated players. So there are still 12 ships if there are only 2 of 8 players alive. Ships only land units on that side of the river if there is at least one Unit on that side. Otherwise they patrol the sea forever. Attacker composition: /** * Likelihood of adding a non-existing hero at t minutes. */ var heroProbability = t => Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (t - 25) / 60)); /** * Percent of healers to add per shipload after potentially adding a hero and siege engines. */ var healerRatio = t => randFloat(0, 0.1); /** * Percent of siege engines to add per shipload. */ var siegeRatio = t => t < 8 ? 0 : randFloat(0.03, 0.06); /** * Percent of champions to be added after spawning heroes, healers and siege engines. * Rest will be citizen soldiers. */ var championRatio = t => Math.min(1, Math.max(0, (t - 25) / 75)); After minute 25 there each Gaul hero might appear (but no hero can occur twice simultaneously), certainly after 60 minutes. There can be 0 to 10% healers per ship / CC wave. After 8 minutes, there are 3% to 6% siege engines per ship (i.e. one or two). Before 25 minutes, there are only citizen soldiers, but then the number of champions per ship increases until after 1h there are 100% champions (besides hero, healers and siege engines). Gaia Defenses: The buildings are garrisoned only at gamestart. The defensive ones with random champions, the houses with random ratios of women and healers. var gallicBuildingGarrison = [ { "buildings": ["House"], "units": [femaleTemplate, healerTemplate] }, { "buildings": ["CivCentre", "Temple"], "units": championTemplates }, { "buildings": ["DefenseTower", "Outpost"], "units": championInfantryTemplates } ]; The CCs get a bunch of random champions to defend at the start: var ccDefenders = [ { "count": 8, "template": "units/" + pickRandom(citizenInfantryTemplates) }, { "count": 8, "template": "units/" + pickRandom(championInfantryTemplates) }, { "count": 4, "template": "units/" + pickRandom(championCavalryTemplates) }, { "count": 4, "template": "units/" + healerTemplate }, { "count": 5, "template": "units/" + femaleTemplate }, { "count": 10, "template": "gaia/fauna_sheep" } ]; The CC defenders and ritual participants are set to defensive, so if you retreat, they will retreat as well (otherwise it would be easy to lure them into your defenses). Gaia Ritual: The number of units at the ritual place depends on the mapsize (maleCount used for every skirmisher, fanatic and healer (unless there was a weird 'wall placement' bug): let mRadius = scaleByMapSize(4, 6); let femaleCount = Math.round(mRadius * 2); let maleCount = Math.round(mRadius * 3); > Ships spam in proportion to the highest tech/phase of any player imo Just as on Survival Of The Fittest, all players should have the same chance of being destroyed, so it depends on the players abilities whether he/she can survives Gaia, is able to cross the river and destroy the enemy.
    2 points
  9. RE WhiteTreePaladin: > There definitely were hundreds and hundreds of units. Yep, just looked at the code and the FAIL case is true - forgot to add the check whether that side of the river has any units on it for the CC units (it was implemented for ships at least). Thanks for the report (We never had this case when testing) > was just a free for all (That case with spawning indefinite units on one side of the river can still only occur if the game isn't won after one side of the river was defeated, i.e. more than 2 teams or equivalently FFA). > Generally the AI can survive if there are teams and often does not survive when alone. I was worried Petra was overwhelmed most often. Relieved to hear that! > The lag is pretty bad If there are too many units, that's definitely the foremost cause. > It's quite a fun and unique map though. I really do like it Thanks > new map category We have a map filter "Trigger" for maps with trigger scripts (they can occur on every map type). > for players that don't want anything but a pure random map, it could provide a nasty surprise Yep, odd maps showing up when using the random filter can be a problem (for example with Survival Of The Fittest, Extinct Volcano or Polar Sea too). However if we exclude the maps from the "Default" map filter, then they will be even less discoverable. (I was thinking whether to rename "Default" to "Land Maps". We might then add "Land Maps & Not Trigger" maybe, but that sounds ugly). Still wouldn't mind to see more replays :-) (The only thing more entertaining than playing this map is spectating a match on that map)
    2 points
  10. That's not a bad map at all! (Especially since it's your first attempt) I agree with the comments Sundiata made. I noticed similar tiling in the underwater textures. It's definitely by far the most time-consuming part of map designing to fix texture tiling... You can get away with less textures than Sundiata used in his example though it's all a matter of smart texture selection Why don't you try and practice your texture skills by painting a section of the community map?
    2 points
  11. I don't agree. This does not seem to be an exploit that could compromise security of a computer system or privacy of an individual.
    2 points
  12. I agree. We will likely change this in alpha 23. Unfortunately, alpha 22 was released recently so it will take a few months.
    2 points
  13. There definitely were hundreds and hundreds of units. It was a decent sized map and there were so many gaia units moving it looked like a huge swarm that completely encompassed the other side. I don't think I had any teams that particular time - was just a free for all. Generally the AI can survive if there are teams and often does not survive when alone. The lag is pretty bad, but that could just be pathfinding for lots of units? It's quite a fun and unique map though. I really do like it. I think perhaps we should make a new map category for the ones that have significant trigger work. Maybe "scripted"? They provide a unique experience and I think it would be nice if they were more discoverable. Also, for players that don't want anything but a pure random map, it could provide a nasty surprise if they don't read the description carefully. Of course, that would be one way to make people read descriptions.
    2 points
  14. New Release: 0 A.D. Alpha 22 Venustas Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, proudly announces the release of 0 A.D. Alpha 22 “Venustas”, the twenty-second alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source real-time strategy game of ancient warfare. Easy Download and Install Download and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. 0 A.D. is free of charge and always will be. Although you might find some people selling copies of 0 A.D., either over the internet or on physical media, you will always have the option to download 0 A.D. completely gratis, directly from the developers. Moreover, you can redistribute the game and modify it freely as long as you abide by the GPL. You can even use parts of the art and sound for your own projects as long as you abide by CC BY-SA. No “freemium” model, no in-game advertising, no catch. Top New Features Remake of many models, animations and textures, two new music tracks Configuration-free Multiplayer Hosting Capture the Relic Gamemode Aura and Heal Range Visualization Twelve new maps, including scripted enemies, rising water and a tutorial Espionage Technology, Team Bonuses and Hero Auras Petra AI Diplomacy and Attack Strategies Summary Screen Graphs Cinema Path Editing Buddy System A complete list of user-relevant changes can be found in the changelog at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha22. Capture the Relic Mode A relic is a wagon that holds the sacred remains of a great leader. Like to have your armies boosted or construct buildings with a discount? Venture into the unknown and secure these priceless items before they fall into the hands of the enemy! The team that manages to keep all relics for a manually set amount of time wins the match. Spartans guarding a captured relic A Catafalque captured by three enemies (10MB Super-HD) New Graphics Hundreds of models, animations and textures were handcrafted to replace the lower quality art. Together with the improved icons and new main menu backgrounds, both new and experienced players can (re)discover 0 A.D.. Damage Variants and Scaffolding present (only) Carthaginian buildings in new variety: Scaffolding at construction sites (21MB Super-HD) The new unit models bring both visual and gameplay balancing improvements. Here we present the never-seen-before Ptolemian Infantry Champion Pikeman: New Ptolemian Infantry Champion Pikeman (11MB Super-HD) New Music The original soundtrack was extended by the songs "Tale of Warriors" and "Sunrise". You can hear the former in the trailer. Listen to or download the entire 0 A.D. soundtrack at: https://play0ad.com/media/music/ . Lossless quality versions can be found at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/audio/trunk/music/. Configuration-Free Multiplayer Hosting This release of 0 A.D. brings hosting multiplayer matches to the mass of players. It features a new "STUN" option that enables most players to start a match without any prior internet router configuration. STUN option when hosting a lobby match Aura and Heal Range Visualization Mauryan Hero Healer Chanakya (23MB Super HD) Finally players can judge the effect range of aura bonuses and healing abilities of their fighters and supporters. A solid line indicates an aura, while the plus-symbols indicate the heal radius. New Maps Players of the new release will be able to enjoy the game in twelve new worlds! New Tutorial A new tutorial, that can be started from the "Learn to Play" option in the main menu, was put in place to help beginners find their way into the game mechanics. New Economic Walkthrough New Scripted Maps Three new maps come with scripted events that shape the story of each match. On Danubius, teams are separated by the Danube river, which is defended by reoccurring Gallic ships that focus the players fleet and land invasion forces. Each side of the river comes with a Gallic stronghold that spawns attackers until it is wiped out by the players. Danubius (9MB Super HD) On Extinct Volcano, players have about twenty minutes to rush their enemies until the water starts to rise. Attacks and marches will become risky as the water level can rise suddenly anytime. Units below the sea level will drown and buildings become unusable, so you better get the ships ready to evacuate! Extinct Volcano (9MB Super HD) On Polar Sea, there is virtually no vegetation, so players have to use their initial wood treasures and market wisely. Wolf packs reappear from time to time and look for meat. Any kind of meat! Polar Sea (11MB Super HD) Notice that these maps have not been optimized for computer players. New Regular Maps Wild Lake (15MB Super HD) Corinthian Isthmus (4) (8MB Super HD) African Plains (15MB Super HD) River Archipelago (15MB Super HD) India (12MB Super HD) Arctic Summer (13MB Super HD) The Botswanan Haven and Cinema Demo map are not depicted here. To live up to its title, the unique "Survival of the Fittest" map was reworked to spawn heroes, some never-seen units and to become exponentially more difficult in later stages of the game. Espionage Technology After having researched the Espionage technology, players are able to bribe a random trader of a selected enemy, letting it share its vision and thus supply potentially invaluable insights into the enemy's home base. The diplomacy dialog is used to select an enemy and initiate the conspiracy. Team Bonuses Each alliance between players now confers bonuses upon the allies, depending entirely on their choice of civilizations. For example, if you choose to be an ally of the Macedonians civilization, you get 20% more sales when bartering resources at the market. The exact team bonuses can be found in the History section of the "Learn to Play" menu and in the changelog at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha22#TeamBonuses. Hero Auras Many heroes' auras were added and rebalanced that require players to decide more wisely which leader to announce. Wish to see what our "Swag" aura can do? Play Iberians and have a great experience discovering new additions at every corner! The details are revealed in the Structure Tree of the game and in the changelog at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha22#Heroes. Petra Diplomacy and Attack Strategies Like to play single-player games with bots? The AI bot, Petra, became much smarter this release. It can strategically plan attack and defense strategies depending on the different types of victory conditions (Conquest, Regicide, Capture the Relic, Wonder Victory). It also fully takes capturing into consideration. The economy of the AI was improved as well. Petra now avoids establishing trade routes that cross enemy territory and researches economic technologies sooner. Find a complete list of changes at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha22#PetraAI. Team Notifications To improve the cooperation between players, chat notifications have been added that inform allies of tributed resources and researched phases. Summary Screen Graphics The chronology of all military and economic game statistics is now visualized in the summary screen. Track your and your team's progress throughout the game on a graph and derive factors that decided the winner of the game. Summary Graphs Buddy System Keep up with your friends and locate them in-game with this feature. As a host, you can optionally prefer buddies to become players in the match setup and allow only buddies to join running games as observers. Cinema Path Editing With Alpha 22, our map editor Atlas has received new controls to create and edit cinematic camera paths (like the ones seen in the release trailer). Try the Cinema Demo scenario map in the game and in the Atlas to see an example. Consult the Atlas manual for further instructions: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Atlas_Manual_Cinematics_Tab. Cinema Path Editor Under the Hood Creating a custom mod of 0 A.D. has become easier. Hobby developers can now add new resource types and match options with a few keystrokes or debug AI matches by simulating many games in a row. The Windows and macOS helper libraries have been updated to resolve security issues. Several ways to cheat in multiplayer games were plugged. If you couldn't play the game before due to a crash, try this release! Make sure to checkout the options page and hotkeys, since new entries were added there as well. Why "Venustas"? "Venustas" is latin for "attractiveness" and was picked to match both the foremost feature of the release (the new models and animations) and the release numbering (V being the twenty second letter in the alphabet). This time we will not ask the community to find a name for the next release, Alpha 23. We have decided that we will name it after Ken Wood, one of the founders, who passed away in 2006. Support Us The work is still in progress and can use every helping hand. You can support us by translating the game into your language on Transifex, contributing art or code or simply by donating. If you experience a technical problem with the game, please report it at trac.wildfiregames.com. This is also the first address to visit when you wish to dedicate some of your time to help patching the code. Got any further questions or suggestions? Discuss them with other players and developers at the forum or talk with us directly over IRC. (The "C" stands for "chat") . Subscribe Contact info for press, bloggers, etc.: aviv@wildfireCAESARgames.com without the capitalized name of a well-known Roman dictator, whose family claimed to be the descendants of Venus.
    1 point
  15. This map is my first serious attempt at making a map for 0 A.D. and after spending some time on it I still feel like it is missing something. So I am here looking for some criticism, tips or whatever to try and make it a better looking map/improve gameplay. The map is loosely based of a height map made from the Firth of Fourth (Linne Foirthe in Gaelic) in Scotland: The map is not accurate in any way though and neither is the scenario in which the north of the firth is inhabited by 4 celtic players (2 gaullic 2 briton) and the south is occupied by 3 Romans and one Iberian (will probably change this...). Screen Shots (the AI has already began placing some buildings in some of these shots): Actual map files: FirthandFourthMap.zip Slightly updated version: FirthandFourth2.zip
    1 point
  16. This isn't so much a huge suggestion or anything monumental, but simply speaking, it's been a while since I've played 0 A.D. (I used to play multiplayer on a regular basis and was pretty decent; nothing more), but I decided, with the new alpha out, to give 0 A.D. a couple more goes to see how development has been, and given the fact that I've not followed the meta or developed a proper build, I decided to stick with single-player. Simply speaking, I was pleasantly surprised by the diplomatic options available to me. While before it was simply a matter of turtling enough to kill off the AI's army while exploiting home-turf advantages, the diplomatic options made the formerly static interactions much more intriguing. Beyond my expectations for the AI, I began to have an emotional connexion with those which I played with/against. With those whom I had formed a stalwart alliance, I felt glad when I saw them actively participating in my border conflicts after requesting their assistance, and those who had refused my offers of friendship or even went as far as to declare war against me became actual rivals. All to say, awesome job! Given the fact that this has been a wonderful addition for me, I was wondering if you could clarify some of the mechanisms dictating their interactions. Specifically why they like/don't like players. What are the future plans in this direction?
    1 point
  17. Patches welcome. Yes. See the comment earlier about us needing to invalidate all accounts if we were to switch to another SASL mechanism, since at least last I checked there was no way to nicely upgrade that otherwise. By the standard definition of "Web" this isn't a "Web Application" :P Yes, this does suck a little, however so far nobody really cared about passwords for some random game, and we don't even send the actual password (true, one could build a table for that, but the same is true if one hashes on the server; so whatever you do you just make it harder for some attacker once they have already gotten too far). Secure against what? A server compromise? Well, no, but neither would it be if we did hash it there too. It just makes things a lot more work intensive. One could store the password in some password manager or keychain and just copy it into the game every time one logs in. That'd require not storing the password as an option though. So they should use file system encryption, or encrypted containers. And how many multi-user machines are likely to run games and include users that don't trust each other? I haven't heard of anyone deciding to run it atop of a rump kernel so far, but I don't consider that impossible. Without a desktop environment, I haven't run one of those for years. If someone uses the same password for their nukes (instead of the default 00000000) and some random game they deserve what they get. The user will get more stupid to work around your "fixed" technology, so you can either make things useless to people able to read the documentation, or you should stop rewarding people unwilling to read.
    1 point
  18. Sure I'll add that to my list. *Crumble under the list.
    1 point
  19. @stanislas69 @wackyserious We need Claudius Marcellus be different , all romans heroes are place holder,
    1 point
  20. Ptolemy Soter, lol (someone else is using my art)
    1 point
  21. Maybe research super tech super healing. incresing champion attach or armor by 25-33% economic boost team boost bonus?
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Yes, this is what I do. "Conquest Structures" as the victory condition tends to work well.
    1 point
  24. Right, that's what I thought as well. Just didn't see where I could get access to lighting from a component. There is a WaterManager component.
    1 point
  25. Is more easy use a existing feature. You can play victory destroying all structure.
    1 point
  26. Well if it's anything similar to waterheightit should be as easy to do as the new map script was.
    1 point
  27. To me next step is adding a serie of objectives, add hints to the GUI and a map representing the scenario..
    1 point
  28. Not trolling, just saying, but if a dev says that there's no problem, I don't mind it.
    1 point
  29. The hashing of the password is done in JSI_Lobby::EncryptPassword and the PBKDF2 algorithm is used, which still appears to be secure. The hashing only protects the players from having their original password leaked in case the lobby db is leaked. But if an attacker gets the players config file, he can just use the hashed password to connect with that account. Implementing N different ways to protect the user pw that only work on a subset of supported OS seems like too much work to be supported for a long-term realistically. Also if someone hacks your computer, then the keystore is most likely accessible too, so it wouldn't help much.
    1 point
  30. Thanks for the report. The HTTP interception of the hardware info transmission would require the attacker to be a Man-In-The-Middle, at which point he's tracking the target directly already (and then only that one target (or sitting in front of our server which would require him to do worse things already)). Don't see a reason to push out a release quickly for that. It would be safer to disable the UserReporter while noone maintains it. daker had also reported on 2017-06-28 that we still use an old django version for the UserReport tool and it was discussed with Philip.
    1 point
  31. I think he is trolling a bit to get a new version faster
    1 point
  32. is posible similar sistem (soft) gaia and objective take the city ,destroy fort or Keep the hill (x)-time???
    1 point
  33. @elexis can you please sum up and illustrate simply? i like Danubius and been trying to figure out the frequency of Gaia unit spam in land and sea. The land forces are not hard to contain but the ships are, they are garrisoned with around minimum 10 units and it's hard to counter that without sacrificing Econ. . It's going to need P3 for the player to dispose the Gaia methodically and they are good use farm for units to have experience though needs micro. Each Gaia CC side has a beginning of un garrisoned combined champs and citizen soldiers and it's hard to penetrate without destroying the defenses and structures one at a time. In addition they have so much healers. Each side has initial ungarrisoned 20 naked fanatics (around 6 in ritual place, 14 in CC defense), 4 melee cav champs and citizen soldiers. But each temple has I guess 16 naked fanatics and 4 cav champs garrisoned. Each tower has maybe 3 naked fanatics and 2 champ swordsmen. The CC I guess has the same number and quality of units as in the temple. Civs with catapults and bolt shooters are in the advantage. The island towers have the same garrisoned units but some have more sword champs than naked fanatics. Once you dispose the ungarrisoned ones they are not replenished I think but they keep on spamming Gallic cavalries and citizen soldiers. Ships spam in proportion to the highest tech/phase of any player imo. They start with non garrisoned at P1, around 10 garrisoned at P2 (I think 3ships each side) and ram garrisoned in P3 with Gallic melee cavalries and soldiers. I currently have a game of same 5 AI and me at very Hardest and the game lags between 600 to 800 units even in slowest speed on a giant map.
    1 point
  34. Okay, first, quick and dirty proofreading: Secondly, where would we put this? I wouldn't want to add it to the athen.json file - not really the right place for it IMHO. I'd be very wary of adding such a lot of text to the respective template file. To be honest, I've been coming to the realisation that there are some entities in this game of ours that warrant a fuller description, and heroes are some of those. We've taken important historical figures, some for whom an entire book could be written - and we're limited to expressing their life, achievements, and legacy in a few paragraphs. Hardly does any of them justice. *sigh*. Anyhow, keep going. Next draft?
    1 point
  35. One issue with this map is that gaia seems to not have population limit checks. I was playing with 5 or so computer players. I couldn't understand why the lag was so horrible because I often use 5+ computer players on maps. When I was declared the winner even though I had not attacked yet, I checked the other side of the river and there had to be a couple thousand or more gaia units roaming around and the river was filled with their ships. I know triggers can ignore population limit rules, but I think this map should only produce gaia units up to some predetermined limit. (The limit could vary depending on number of players, max pop limit size, map size, etc.)
    1 point
  36. Does it happen immediately after the "Start Game" button, or on loading, or after loading? Most possible it's the driver/SDL/GL functions pointers problem, because we don't use Xorg in the direct way, but it could be some dependencies. Do you have any logs in this (freeze) time?
    1 point
  37. Beginning resources, eh? For your Starting Wood Storehouse, Farmstead, House --> A lot of players begin with 2 of these as their options. The Wood Upgrade is almost an immediate investment from the Storehouse as well. For Your Starting Food Spend them all on Women.
    1 point
  38. The Kingdom of Kush: Unit: Kushite War Elephant 0 A.D. Concept art by Malcolm K. K. Quartey (Sundiata) Since becoming more familiar with Kushite history, ancient references and archaeological sites such as Musawwarat, it has become apparent that this civilisation wouldn't be complete without elephants (known as abore, in ancient Meroitic). This rather simple, war-elephant, occasionally fielded by the Meroites, would have been trained from Aborepi ("The Place of the Elephant"), known to modern archaeology as Musawwarat es Sufra. The particular type of elephant employed by the Kushites, was the now extinct North African Elephant (Loxodonta Africana Pharaoensis). The closest living relative is most probably the extremely endangered African Forest Elephant (Loxodonta Cyclotis). At only 2 - 2,5 meters at the shoulder, both of these species are significantly smaller than the enormous and more common African Bush Elephant (Loxodonta Africana), which is considered untrainable, as well as the Indian and Syrian Elephants. This unit, however strong, has one major weakness: other elephants. These small Kushite elephants were absolutely terrified by their larger Indian cousins. This is echoed by Pliny when he wrote "The African elephant is afraid of the Indian, and does not dare so much as look at it, for the latter is of much greater bulk". The size, smell and noise of Indian elephants makes "Ethiopian" war-elephants not stand against them, but rather turn and run. I based my illustration on the statuette found at Meroe (now in the Nubian Museum in Aswan), showing an elephant with mahout carrying a typical, East African round shield, strengthened and decorated with metal (brass) strips and shield boss. I added some javelins as the weapon of choice. The design of the blanket is based on the blankets worn by the elephants in one of the reliefs at Aborepi, sometimes referred to as "Apedemak's War Elephants". The mahout is also seen wearing a (brass) rimmed skullcap/helmet with nose-guard. Here are the written sources of the use of war elephants by Kushites, as well as the visual references: PS: For the other three illustrations I created, I made sketches first, digitalised them, and then adjusted and colored them in photoshop using my laptop's trackpad. For this war elephant, I created my very first, purely digital painting, using a Wacom sketchpad. As I am new to illustration, critiques, remarks and tips would be very much appreciated.
    1 point
  39. @AgamemnonPhlemnon, I am by no means an expert (I've only once attempted making a map in 0AD, years ago...) What I mean is that, many areas of the open grasslands only seem to use 1 terrain texture, which, when zoomed out cause these ugly, unnatural looking, recurring patterns. I assume this is the standard ground texture when opening Atlas? Overpainting them with a large variety of different, yet similar textures, randomly overlapping each other, makes it look a lot more natural. The finer you work, the better the result (I know, it's a painstaking job, but I think it pays off in the end) I hope this helps.
    1 point
  40. Sid Meier's Civilisation VI just added "Nubia" as a playable faction "Amanitore rules Nubia" http://steamcommunity.com/games/289070/announcements/detail/1433685663556818536
    1 point
  41. Minimap improvements. why no use color like used by @wowgetoffyourcellphone in DE?
    1 point
  42. @LordGood Here I present two more possible reference-sites for Meroitic-period fortifications in Sudan, although I will immediately add that neither of them have been positively identified as Meroitic. The similarities are just too much to ignore. The first site shows the "ruins of a small fort between Sedeinga and Sai Island, Northern Sudan". The area features Ancient Egyptian, Napatan, Meroitic, Christian Nubian, and Ottoman-era ruins, and I don't believe they've been archaeologically surveyed yet. The fort itself clearly isn't ancient Egyptian, nor Ottoman (an Ottoman fort nearby is very distinctive from these ruins), which narrows it's dating down to the Napatan, Meroitic or Christian Nubian period (it doesn't look Christian either). I believe that the clear similarity with other Napatan and Meroitic sites makes it a useful reference. The second site is the fortress at Berenice Panchrysos, and almost definitely wasn't Meroitic. It was a Blemmye (Beja) town on the Red Sea coast in Northern Sudan, in the Nubian desert, probably used by the Ptolemies as a way-station, and an important source of gold, for both Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, Ptolemies and Romans. I'm sharing it because the architecture of the fortress follows the same layout and design of Meroitic palaces and fortified residences, (especially Karanog) and uses the same building materials and techniques as the fortifications at Qasr Ibrim and Gala Abu Ahmed, hundreds of miles to the West of it.
    1 point
  43. About the existing history tooltips, it was decided that they should be carefull reviewed and edited before they are sent to the translation teams: #4505. Since we're talking about #3212 for displaying them, we might want to ask @s0600204 directly how to organize the History strings ideally.
    1 point
  44. This is a guide for those who have not yet played 0 AD (or other similar games) yet, or are not familiar with the game + how to beat the enemy. Table of Contents: 1.0 Civilization Overviews and Strategies to Employ 2.0 Hellenes 3.0 Celtic Tribes 4.0 Iberian Tribes 1.1 Civilizations: Hellenes- - Best infantry- slow and immobile though... Spartiates are great =) - Navy is Average - Buildings cost more wood Celts -Cheap Infantry- easy to mass - Navy is horrible - Buildings are less durable Iberians -Average Troops -Horrible Navy -Buildings have strong Defense Romans -2nd Best Infantry -2nd Best Navy -Has not been implemented in game yet. Carthaginians -Average Troops -Best Navy -Has not been implemented yet Persians -Best Horsemen + Archers - weaker infantry -Average Navy -Has not been implemented yet 1.2 Healing: Station your troops in Buildings to heal faster - this is especially good for keeping your elite + advanced units alive if they have suffered damage. -Healers have no functions yet- but once they do, they can heal your troops - build them at your temple. There are basically 3 Different ways you can beat the AI (1v1)... (For those familiar with AoE, this is not a surprise) Rushing - Early Attack Booming - Saving up troops, strong defenses, one MASSIVE attack Turtling - Very Strong Defense, and turns to Boomer when you waste all of your opponents troops in their attack. Alternative Ways may be: Tower Rush - Use Outposts to block off your opponent's mines/resources Ambush - Hit + Run, then Kill with hidden soldiers 1.3 Rushing- At the beginning, set the troops you have to make a barracks, and the rest of the female-citizens (Depends on how many) to Wood, Metal and Food. After, set the troops you begin with (Citizen Soldiers) to begin making a barracks. Once your barracks is complete, spam whatever you can, whenever you can. Just make early 10-12 troops and hit the opponent. Hopefully, if your quick, you may be able to catch your opponent unaware. When you attack, aim for the buildings that matter- Civ Center, Fortress, Hero Trainer, Special Units Trainer, Barracks and demolish them. If this fails, make sure you ruin his economy- killing his female-citizens and getting away. Then change to the Boomer or Turtling Strategies. Set your troops to "Violent" mode in order to kill whenever, and whatever. -- Suits Celts the best, as they have cheap infrastructure and troops, and can be made easily. 1.4 Booming- At the beginning, focus on a better economy, and make enough female citizens to have a total of 15 female-citizens in the beginning. Iberians should have - 4 to food, 3 to wood, 4 to metal, 3 to stone Hellenes should have 4 to food, 5 to wood, 3 to metal and 2 to stone Celts should have - 5 to food, 4 to wood, 4 to metal and 2 to stone After, just spam citizen soldiers and make fortresses, hero buildings and special unit buildings... Basically make as many troops as possible and keep on making more. Make sure you have a good defense though - Outposts/City Wall Towers with 2-5 people stationed in them would be a nice defense. After you have 50+ troops, send some troops 10-20 to go and harass enemy economy- killing female citizens, destroying farms, etc. Once you start losing troops, just keep on spamming troops to fill their spots. Once you've got 100+ Troops, launch your big BOOM. And hit them hard. Get the buildings that can produce troops first, then the outposts that are guarding their city. However, still keep on making troops, as you never know if he had launched a sudden counterattack on you from another position while you were still marching to his city. Booming is almost suicidal if you are playing a game with more than 2 people though, as once your troops leave your city, you are prone to attacks from others. Suited best for- Hellenes (Strong Military, but expensive and hard to get) 1.5 Turtling- This is basically a defense game, and when the circumstances are right, become a boomer. At the beginning, start out with making your economy strong- wood, food, metal and stone would all be welcome. Make a couple of houses, and keep spamming female citizens out of them. Also, make whatever units you can from your civ center and make them work as well. If you are hit by a rush, you can select all of them - (clicking on one of the type and clicking it 3 times will give you all that type of a troop) and work as a defensive core. After your economy is pretty strongly entrenched, send your soldiers to build walls that will block off key points where the enemy could attack - secret shallow crossing bridges, etc and leave one route open. At that route... leave the bulk of your forces to play defense, while the others are still building up buildings. Keep your troops on the "Stand Ground" Stance and just let them stay there, waiting for the enemy. However, if there is another alternate route, leave that open, and send 20-30 men to guard it... After, just keep on spamming troops to help build up your defenses, and make your defenses STRONG- multiple outposts and city towers/walls. When the time is right- when he sends his main forces to engage yours, send your 20-30 men in the secret route and hit his city. Aim for his Troops building Buildings first, then his farms/houses then finally anything else-temples/markets, etc. Also, keep on making reinforcements in your Fortresses/Barracks/Civ Center and reinforce your main force as it loses ground to your opponents force. -- Best used by Iberians - Good Defense, Troops are all right. 1.6 Tower Rush- In the beginning, send out your horseman- if you don't get one in the beginning, make one in Civ Center... and find the enemy base. When you do, bring the Citizen Soldiers you were provided with in the beginning, and build 3-5 outposts- depending on how much wood and soldiers you are given in the beginning... Build the outposts in positions, such as beside resource mines, the barracks, or city hall. This way, you weaken his economy by making his female citizens pay. (Make sure you garrison 1-2 soldiers in every outpost, or it won't work) However, at your base, make sure your female citizens are making a steady stream of supplies. Make more troops, and keep them on resource gathering as well. After a while, you should have enough resources to make 50-60 men. After this, just Boom your opponent, as he can't have many troops- you killed his economy, and you'll just destroy him easily. -- Best suited for Celts and Hellenes- their Outposts cost less. 1.7 Ambush- Make enough female citizens until you have 10, then set then to Food: 3, Wood 3, Stone 1 and Metal 3 This way- the resources needed to make soldiers will be at large- with the exception of "Karsken - Iberian Slinger" However, just keep popping up houses and outposts. And keep on making soldiers, until you have 50-60 - more would be better, but for an ambush, it has to be earlier in the game, before he masses up huge amounts of troops. Send a party of 10 into enemy territory, and do just enough to get the AI chasing you. At the time this is happening, march the other 40-50 troops just outside of your city. When the AI is chasing the 10, get them back to the city ASAP, but the AI will follow you, so it walks straight into the path of your 40-50 soldiers on "Aggressive" Stance. You kill all his troops- and just raid his city with your survivors, however, keep on making troops, you never know when or if he has a massive army into the Fog of War. This works with Multiplayer as well- Maybe in the early stages, your opponent is attempting a rush, and what you can do is rush him as well... Wait for his troops to exit his city, then just hit his city before it has a chance to get built up. Or if your opponent is booming another player, you can just boom him while he's booming another player. So- Rushs, Booming and Turtling are almost guaranteed suicide in Multiplayer if you are facing opponents with experience - and can see through the fog of war. Best for Hellenes or Celts - the Hellenes have the strongest troops - imagine an army of spartiates... and the Celts can mass their armies very easily. Feel Free for Criticism/Comments/Questions Thanks, Mrjeremister
    1 point
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