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Increasing social media markting effort for 0ad visibility


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8 hours ago, Stan` said:

It's hard to record streams when you work ten minutes by ten minutes.

I have told you that you are extra limiting yourself doing everything, it is good to ask task in general, Then someone is going to motivate to make it.

In this case an ideal and specific person.


could record something he has already done it with Delenda Est, it is exactly the same.

He just has to find something nice and record it.

an example of something that can be small.



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8 hours ago, smiley said:
10 hours ago, Stan` said:

Regarding streaming development we talked a bit about it with @vladislavbelov and the issue was that it would be either too technical or too boring and we haven't found a way to make it interesting.


It's fun if you can manage to attract the right crowd. Usually overly technical stuff are only interesting to other programmers.

It would be good to make a video for each audience you want to reach.

One video for  art development.

One to the  programmer audience video..

And so...

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It was more about people not showing up. Everyone agreed upon a time beforehand.

There has been one tournament that actually was super successful (the very first one by Christmas). Ironically the tournament literally had no prizes beyond bragging rights, while tournaments offering actual cash never went anywhere.

In my opinion, it's an enthusiasm thing.

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-about the website and 0.AD site. Play on SEA in the main languagues (English, Spanish) on simple keywords. like rts, open source, open source game, str, stategy, rome, strategy, history. 
0AD should be more easyly to be founded. I remember I found it by linux games..but im not using linux so im very lucky. Not a lot of TOP STR GAME have 0AD in their list.. it sad :(

-Establish a standard presentation of the game that players can copy and paste as a presentation on forum or discord widely used in their country. Or twich in stream of similar games.
-Also have 1 or 2 officials trailer (it not easy i guess..)

-interesting aspect attract creators. you may need to take screenshots or videos of the creation of units, buildings to target this audience

-Make new features for this site https://play0ad.com/ like the top 20 players of lobby in first page. And the top player of tournament official. The number of joueurs connected the last 7 days -> it has to be eye-catching that we feel that the game is alive (if too low dont make this feature)

Tournament official :


I explain : we need found a responsable of official event in game for prepare it.

His goal: To organize at least one small official 1 vs 1 tournament (1 per month). It is necessary that the tournament is simple rules and that it does not require too much commitment to function over time. A BO3 is too restrictive so play the tounament only in BO1 on a basic map with the balanced map mod.

It is a tournament tree, if a player is not here, he is eliminated after 10 minutes, he is prohibited from registering for the next edition as a penalty.
The winner wins a gold crown, the runner-up a silver crown. 

To avoid making too many matches because it is a simple tournament tree, registrations are closed 3 days before the new edition of the tournament.
16 registered maximum for the first editions = 4 games maximum for the winner and the finalist so it's ok.

We can imagine that the players with the highest points in lobby will be prioritized. This can also stimulate parallel 1 vs 1 matches.

If successful the manager can decide to open the tournament to more players. On right according to the classification of the lobby or to reserve some spots with the winners of tournaments of weaker levels.
Then in the lobby and on the site there is an official ranking of crown holders over time -> this creates visit activity on the site and arouses interest in participating in the tournament.


Edited by Dakara
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 09/09/2022 at 5:30 AM, Stan` said:

Well international tournaments are hard. @Stockfish, @DerekO , @HMS-Surpriseand others tried but people never find matching times...

True, I mainly had problems with the Americas and European match making as the timezone difference is large, I am still open in continuing to host tournaments please mention or message me i'll get to you and I'llhelp with logistics

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On 09/09/2022 at 10:18 AM, Dakara said:

0AD should be more easyly to be founded. I remember I found it by linux games..but im not using linux so im very lucky. Not a lot of TOP STR GAME have 0AD in their list.. it sad :(

I was looking for an RTS with Romans that had a siege, like battering rams, a market to barter, that was better than AOE I and II, perhaps an imitation of mythology.

I found thanks to Google in 2004 0 A.D but it never announced a release.

In 2011 I was able to test it and I saw greater potential than AoE online.

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1 hour ago, BeTe said:

Can someone create 0AD channel (?) on Youtube so I can tag 0 A.D. as category for my upload? 


This is example of another game: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-1if4nAJ2mo35NgNMjbXJA

and it's visible below video like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EoY6HHzmvE




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8 hours ago, BeTe said:

Can someone create 0AD channel (?) on Youtube so I can tag 0 A.D. as category for my upload? 


This is example of another game: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-1if4nAJ2mo35NgNMjbXJA

and it's visible below video like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EoY6HHzmvE


They add us and remove us from there :/ We tried to contact support but it didn't help. There is a thread on the forums mentioning that issue already.

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Just a suggestion I thought of as I went to download the newest alpha. The developmental language suggests that the game is still very raw, which will be a turn-off for a lot of potential new players. Maybe change the language to something like the below.


Attention! This is a developmental version of the game so some bugs, such as lag when many units are moving and processing problems with very large maps, may exist. The game is regularly updated to address these and other concerns. 


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8 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

Just a suggestion I thought of as I went to download the newest alpha. The developmental language suggests that the game is still very raw, which will be a turn-off for a lot of potential new players. Maybe change the language to something like the below.


Attention! This is a developmental version of the game so some bugs, such as lag when many units are moving and processing problems with very large maps, may exist. The game is regularly updated to address these and other concerns. 


Tweaked it a bit

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