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1 hour ago, Player of 0AD said:

Newest version seems to lack some functionality like destroying own buildings and units @Langbart

Does the problem persist after you delete the existing boonGUI folder and reinstall the mod?


EDIT: I cannot reproduce the problem at the moment.



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4 hours ago, Langbart said:

Does the problem persist after you delete the existing boonGUI folder and reinstall the mod?

Yes. Additionally there are error messages at the start. Reason might be that I also play A26 which changes things in my A25.


Edited by Player of 0AD
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  • Langbart changed the title to boonGUI
  • 4 weeks later...
On 24/03/2022 at 12:26 AM, Player of 0AD said:

Yes. Additionally there are error messages at the start. Reason might be that I also play A26 which changes things in my A25.

I have found the reason.

#5179 - .DELETED folders are not taken into account when mods are packaged (23/May/18)

@Stan` wrote #5179#comment:7


Packaged mods can only delete files from packaged mods.

Extracted mods can delete files from packaged and not packaged mods.

Could it be that you have unzipped the public.zip and boonGUI is still packaged ? 

Try to unzip boonGUI as well. :) 

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  • 2 months later...

@Langbart how to reduce the size of this black panel, actually it will be helpful if you can share how to change font size of all things in here, I have managed to fix summary panel for me but whatever I do stats toppanel row is not obeying.

This is only for me I have a small resolution monitor, 0AD stats and summary works fine but when I use boongui It breaks,

I found I can tweak some variables and fix summary view but stats need your help.


Screenshot 2022-07-29 133216.png

Screenshot 2022-07-29 133818.png

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8 hours ago, leopard said:

@Langbart how to reduce the size of this black panel, actually it will be helpful if you can share how to change font size of all things in here, I have managed to fix summary panel for me but whatever I do stats toppanel row is not obeying.

This is only for me I have a small resolution monitor, 0AD stats and summary works fine but when I use boongui It breaks,

I found I can tweak some variables and fix summary view but stats need your help.


Screenshot 2022-07-29 133216.png

Screenshot 2022-07-29 133818.png

@Langbart I got it figured, I have no exp working on xml but now I am able to tweak a bit, after completing I will be able to use it regularly with this change.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Langbart for making the mod work for a26.

Can you change the row of the allies and your own stats to like it was before on a25?

Now, the own resource stats are in between the allies stats again making it harder to look at the own resources. First row would be nice. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, guerringuerrin said:

@Nobbi boonGUI's new version changes it´s location to here


Hm, I see. It would be nice to have it on both places. As a player u look often to minimap anyway so, it was good around there. For spectators its good in the top panel to have an overview and when players have sight they can tell friends if they have idle units. :D


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  • 2 months later...

Regarding the BoonGUI mod:

I'm a total noob with computers (or at least compared to many on this forum).
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to extract the zip file and put it in the /0ad/mods/ folder which i cant find either...
Can any one upload it to the the in-game mod database so it can be downloaded directly from there?


P.s. thanks for working on it!!

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28 minutes ago, Chesnutter said:

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to extract the zip file and put it in the /0ad/mods/ folder which i cant find either...

I'm guessing your path is C:\Users\Chesnutter\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods

See if you can open that directory in your windows file manager, go to your download folder and do a right click on the BoonGUI zip; it should give you the option to extract.

See also https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Mod_List#HowToInstallMods

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5 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

I'm guessing your path is C:\Users\Chesnutter\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods

See if you can open that directory in your windows file manager, go to your download folder and do a right click on the BoonGUI zip; it should give you the option to extract.

See also https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Mod_List#HowToInstallMods

hey @Gurken Khan
I'm using ubuntu...
I might be too noob too understand you =/ I can barely use the terminal.
Here you can see I have a mod folder in the 0ad folder (that i created and labaled)....
In the mod folder is the boonGui zip file that I downloaded. I've tried unzipping it there and it extracts, cool, but nothing changes in the mod settings once I open up the 0ad game application...

does this help you help me?

Screenshot from 2022-12-27 22-26-39.png

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Chesnutter. I have been trying to work all this stuff out too.


From the folder you are showing in the picture go to ..
check that nautilus is set to "show hidden folders"
then go to .local/share/0ad
and you will see the mods folder
in there will be a folder titled user

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When you download a mod from the game it puts it in /home/snap/0ad/592/.local/share/0ad/mods

I think you just drop the .zip in a folder for the mod there and put the mod.json file from inside the .zip, extracted, next to the .zip

So, /home/snap/0ad/592/.local/share/0ad/mods/"name of mod"/
and that folder containing "name of mod".zip and mod.json

Some mods work for me that way, I have had trouble.

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