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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by alre

  1. I don't know the melee buff change, but if there was a flat buff to melee damage, it makes sense that swords are more used, even OP maybe.
  2. this happens all the time to me and my friends. it should be just that, it happes when a building switches sides.
  3. I wouldn't even make assumptions about which game they were on.
  4. I don't believe this is true. it's a proven fact that random targeting is more effective than closest-unit targeting - see @chrstgtr comment as well. this patch is going to buff buildings against early rushing, but nerf them against late game armies.
  5. can I put a 'confused' reaction to @wowgetoffyourcellphone confused reaction?
  6. there are open-source text-to-speech models: https://huggingface.co/models?pipeline_tag=text-to-speech&sort=trending
  7. this is not really competitive though.
  8. for MP, that would be very low. you'd usually make twice that many fields, at least. 9-10 fields is pretty standard. sometimes you see 11, even 12. 5 women for field of course. I also want to remind that there is a pretty solid consensus in the forum for taking away the diminishing returns mechanism of fields.
  9. If I remember well, swordmen used to be faster than spearmen, and skiritais were given swords to reflect their more-mobile role of ekdromoi. but I could be confused.
  10. alre

    Mauryan empire

    very interesting option for a tech cost: collection of meat is nerfed (by half?) in exchange for some bonus. what is a possible bonus for Brahmanism?
  11. you can create the map on atlas and save it as a non-random map.
  12. LLMs are obviously great if you want your bot to send chat messages to the player, otherwise they are overkill, by far. the resources needed to run a LLM alone are larger than those required to run 0AD.
  13. as I side note, I truly loved how Imperivm editor worked, it was one of the very best. you could put down a lot of units, adjust them as will, and set them "unspawned", just to spawn them when scripted. from the editor you could also add units to groups, or give them names, both accessible from scripts.
  14. I'd rather put 4 ships down in atlas and make 3 disappear than make one ship appear on a random spot that is not that easy to set in atlas.
  15. I'm afraid to ask, but just out of curiosity, how should "random LLM strategies" work?
  16. very cool. honestly, I didn't think about animations when I suggested atlas.
  17. units are currently very quick at switching formation, because they run instead of walking as they always do. any faster and they'll need to teleport. besides, would you explain please what do you mean by switching formation in combat? please make an example of such formation switch and its historical use in the battlefield.
  18. what about the civs that don't have access to some of those ships. how does their gameplay change?
  19. ngorongoro is past saving imo. what do you like about tham map exactly?
  20. look at the heroes, they all are from the same period.
  21. I think time being a factor is a potentially fun concept. But otherwise, remember 0AD is a game with its core mechanics which should be the same of any in-game campaign. probably something like Rise of Nations strat campaign is best: simple, fun, mostly the same as playing any skirmish map.
  22. or maybe just put them down in atlas and take captions? idk if that's better. *atlas is the in-game editor
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