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Ultimate Aurelian

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Everything posted by Ultimate Aurelian

  1. Maybe change his armor as well; Unpaited leather shoulderpads look a bit simple for a hero. They could be white with a player color pattern (Star?) instead. IIRC i think there is already a ingame variant of that scale thorax but with white shoulders.
  2. White palace of Ctesiphon could be another option, but there is nothing left of it. Taq Kasra arch is the only structure in Ctesiphon that survived: For Parthians you could use the Hatra temple complex:
  3. Syracuse was not really linked to Athens (It was allied to Sparta and Corinth and was attacked by Athens during the Peloponessian war.) IIRC i think Athenians have Xenophon as a fourth hero (Using Iphicrates as a placeholder)
  4. The shields described by Homer are similar to the ones from central Europe as well. Ceremonial shield from the Archaic period: ] Urnfield shield: Descripition of Agamemnon's shield
  5. It's interesting to note that the bell cuirass (Whose anatomical shape is believed to originate from heroic nudity tradition) has some similarities to some Hallstat armors: Earliest example of that shape is in Urnfield armor:
  6. Do you think it could be related to heroic nudity in archaic Greece ? I have considered that idea a couple times.
  7. My idea to include them was because of Jingu's invasion of Korean, and maybe for balancing their roster (In case cavalry is considered too essential). For armor techs my idea would be to replace the more generic ingame names: Leather/cloth Body Armor - Upagakë/Uwagake (literally "upper covering") Wooden Body armor - Mokusei Katchu Iron Hero Armor - Tankō or maybe ''Tatehagi Ita'' (The later is not the name of the armor itself, but of the plates).
  8. Possible Illyrian wonder ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Tombs_of_Selca_e_Poshtme
  9. He is often depicted with a lion headdress, since he claimed that Herakles was his ancestor. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/199227/tetradrachm-coin-portraying-alexander-the-great-wearing-the-head-of-the-nemean-lion-as-a-helmet http://forum.alexander-the-great.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=533
  10. https://abcnews.go.com/US/small-town-police-chief-killed-officers-cities-wounded/story?id=71017820 https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-george-floyd-protest-deady-violence-20200528-5mxkpj3y4bgt7gihunobintjou-story.html#nt=oft-Double Chain~Flex Feature~top-version1~georgeflloyd-1102a~~1~yes-art~curated~curatedpage]
  11. Fan-made mound builder concept for AOE2 https://www.deviantart.com/kondrikthus/art/Mississippian-Architecture-Set-Age-of-Empires-2-338494647
  12. On the topic of Lidar, there is the recently discovered civilization at Mosquitia (Not sure they have been named yet). https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2015/03/150302-honduras-lost-city-monkey-god-maya-ancient-archaeology/
  13. I was wrong about it being found alongside horns. I mistook it for the somewhat similar Kessel helmet.
  14. Indeed not only are there finds of Port helmets in the east, but there was also a find of a eastern style Montefortino in Gaul.
  15. Do you think the Gelduba helmet had horns ? I know it was found with horns, but not sure if they belonged to another item. There is a bump (In red) in the side that may have been a attachment point, or maybe it's just damage.
  16. It reminds me a bit of the Dusseldorf helmet but without horns.
  17. It's also possible that they speculated and gave them a similar helmet from other region.
  18. You mean the bronze one ? I think it's likely a Coolus variant (There are no examples of bronze Port helmets); although Germans did sometimes remove the cheekguards on looted helmets. This is a Roman helmet modified by Batavians:
  19. These are Lugians (Celticized eastern germanics, ancestors of the vandals). The iron ones are sometimes called Port helmet; they were more common in Gaul but there are finds of them in the east like the Simiechow helmet. The bronze one is a pretty generic; it seems to have a lip on the back so maybe it's a Coolus.
  20. That typology of Celtic helmet shows up pretty late (After Galatian invasion), perhaps the Gauls copied hellenic helmets from Massalia, Carthage, maybe Rome as well.
  21. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015008158407&view=1up&seq=321 It is a elephant drawn chariot, the article calling it a tower was misinterpreting. Another passage on Porus elephants:
  22. Veddic texts mention war elephants, i am not sure if they say anything about towers tho. It's possilbe that Curtius mentions Howdahs being used before that timeframe you mentioned Source on that statement is a Indian book from the 60s: Majumdar, R. C. (1960). The. Classical. Accounts.of. India. Calcutta: Firma K.L. Mukhopadhvay. p. 105.
  23. I think Veddic text mention war elephants but i am not sure there is anything about towers.
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