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WFG Programming Team
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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. Yeah, starting_resources.json should be expanded. Shouldn't be too hard (TM). ^^
  2. Taking POW's is still something I would like to try out some time.
  3. Area damage already reduces based on the distance to the origin of the damage. (Units farther away from the point of impact receive less damage.)
  4. Obiously too wide. ^^ It seems like a nice option to add to be able to switch behaviours.
  5. We didn't want to scare people too much. ^^
  6. Yep, back to work is a gentle mess.
  7. Or just allow them to construct a cheap colony and allow that to be either upgraded into a MC or a CC.
  8. We could have started to include some a long time ago. Sadly we don't have the manpower to do so. Just like many other features. My wish list: Experiment with features. I'll be overhauling some things that players won't notice, though. ^^'
  9. When writing a post there is a line at the bottom with "Choose files" that one can click. I guess one needs to go the the folder where your mod is saved (find your OS in https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths) and select your map from there? (Preferably one zips the different files into one file beforehand.)
  10. The Garrisonable component controls the amount of space each entity occupies in a GarrisonHolder.
  11. Nice to see another modder. Could you please upload your interestinglog.html? That is where the fast-passing errors go to (it is overwritten each start, so make sure you save it right after you get those errors). It would also be easier for people to help you if you could provide us with a link to where your mod's code reside.
  12. If you need help with porting to A26, feel free to come by on IRC. (And read https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/PortA25ToA26.)
  13. That is hard with the current movement speed / unit range ratio. s/unit roles/everything
  14. Interesting that rush is seen as a solution to turtling. (https://defendmewhileiboom.blogspot.com/2010/03/three-basic-strategies-in-rts.html)
  15. (templates/template_player.xml and templates/special/players/*.xml in SVN.)
  16. The relevant excerpt from Player.js. Player.prototype.UpdateSharedLos = function() { let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); let cmpTechnologyManager = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_TechnologyManager); if (!cmpRangeManager || !cmpTechnologyManager) return; if (!cmpTechnologyManager.IsTechnologyResearched(this.template.SharedLosTech)) { cmpRangeManager.SetSharedLos(this.playerID, [this.playerID]); return; } cmpRangeManager.SetSharedLos(this.playerID, this.GetMutualAllies()); }; So that "modification" isn't used. xD One day, I might have time to fix this (it was on my list already). If anyone else wants to: make the modification used.
  17. I second that. I just reinstalled 0ad to test, but all is fine here, so it might be you. ^^' Anyway, we're not the Debian maintainers, so I think your best bet will be to lay out your problem to them.
  18. @akikaede Can you double check there are no changes in your repository? Running the replay of @Li Chen results in no problems, but running your replay does give an OOS for me (at the first turn).
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