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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. And now, we'd like to have just as much "thank you"'s as we had "please"'s.
  2. Thanks for the report! @Langbart has made a ticket for you: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6527.
  3. Well, that is the idea. ^^ So I'm not sure what is broken, but I'll have to check (sometime).
  4. To me the question would be why an entity not in world wouldn't speak?
  5. Right now, it is unconfigurable and slow: Attack.prototype.GetPreferredClasses = function(type) { if (this.template[type] && this.template[type].PreferredClasses && this.template[type].PreferredClasses._string) return this.template[type].PreferredClasses._string.split(/\s+/); return []; }; It would be not trivial, albeit possible, I'd say. (You'll need to be able to add/remove tokens and reorder them.)
  6. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2059 Thanks for that little info, might it be the case that one of those groups is still garrisoned? (The one with the first entity ID.) For I just tested that and that explains the silence. Well, they'll be silent forever now, in your saved match,,,
  7. They are actually about 4 times too large, IIRC. I would love to see a mod with realistic scaling (and battalions, since it would be undoable in any other way).
  8. I remember this, but not whether it was fixed. Maybe @Stan` or @Silier does?
  9. Nope, I have no idea and also cannot reproduce. Does it happen always for you?
  10. Yes: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6278.
  11. Well, yes and no. They cost "0" coin and glory (inherited from template_structure), which means for (let resourceType in ccCost) will still loop over coin and glory. But g_NomadTreasureTemplates[resourceType] then doesn't exist, such that Engine.GetTemplate(treasureTemplate) will fail. You(/We) have some options to fix this: Add coin and glory treasures to g_NomadTreasureTemplates (in maps/random/rmgen-common/player_DE.js). Change the function to either (or both) not account for zero-cost resources. fail/warn when no treasure template exist. Don't have standard cost of "0" for structures (not specified resources are already assumed "0", be aware that this might not be true for every piece of code). These options can be mixed and matched.
  12. Aye: https://code.wildfiregames.com/source/0ad/browse/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/attackManager.js$58.
  13. Regarding the AI sending help, it will check whether there are enemies in/nigh the territory of one of its allies and will come to their aid if possible. (So if you really want that help, try to keep the battle in your territory instead of just outside of it.) And yes, it would be nice to use the flare for assistance.
  14. Well, if g_NomadTreasureTemplates[resourceType] is not defined, the rest won't work. ^^ Do your CCs cost glory or coins?
  15. Legacy, when rams were still able to attack units. Yeah, sounds interesting. Not really compound upgrade, but just merge, like two High Templars in Star Craft (I) combine to an Archon. Interesting thought exercise it is.
  16. Catapults can be turreted on walls, one just needs to give the catapult the "Turretable" component. As of the turret mechanic issues, there is the issue that turreting a unit on another unit makes that you'll need to task the turret to attack something specific if you don't want it to have its own will. The supporting unit likely has no attack of its own so there is some order descrepancy. ;(
  17. Thank you for your effort on this! I must say this Design Document rather looks like an result of one? It looks more as an implementation of a design than a design itself? But I could be mistaken. For a DD I would expect more something along the lines of the tail of this post:
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