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WFG Programming Team
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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. Isn't this just the AI keeping trying to construct a structure at the same location?
  2. I only have a relic of the past: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1958?vs=on&id=16857. I included template changes in there to test Boudicca and the three archers on an elephant.
  3. One can type cheats in the chatbox. Try: "exodia 1" You could also consider saving the game and loading it later.
  4. I would suggest people try to use the feature with chariots, it works quite well.
  5. It's quite possible already, it just looks odd for the elephants.
  6. I'll still say a bronzen look makes it easier to distinguish from e.g. the attack cursor.
  7. One can skip all the commits from me, I've been loyally updating the wiki. ;P
  8. I guess it would make formations hard to use if one needs to manually keep everyone together and stragglers won't catch up by themselves.
  9. I'm sorry, but (almost?) all of the simulation and GUI expect merely one resource per entity.
  10. Hi @gameboy, have you deleted your old savegames? (If not, please do so.)
  11. What @Gurken Khan says. (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/FAQ)
  12. ^ That, @wowgetoffyourcellphone. The change itself may be not bad, but there are thousands of users (okay, just a lot) that rely on only the icon. (Also the map has the arrows representing diaspora.)
  13. Maybe that can be fixed by toggling "invulnerable"? So that makes it 99%? ;P
  14. @wackyserious have you seen https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/PortA25ToA26?
  15. One can use turret points (see walls as an example), but there is no way to tie turret points to props.
  16. One wouldn't be wishing to encounter one of them in a quarrel. ^^'
  17. I _think_ one can use a filter at entity creation time, actually. ("special/filter" template folder, like the "uncapturable.xml" but then one that has "capturable" enabled.)
  18. In https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4484 I plan to make the icons for entities required. Almost all entities already have icons, except for the civ Gaia. It currently isn't used in the game, but it would be nice to nevertheless have a nice icon for it, such that we can use it for other things as well. So my request is a nice icon, similar to the other civs emblems for Gaia.
  19. Metal is green now, to enhance the extraterrestrial character of the game.
  20. @Havran Can you post the OOS logs as well, please?
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