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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. As I (and others) said earlier, the values _are_ mꞏ*s-1. The values are "realistic" in the sense that a ~4.5 m tall person _might_ be able to walk this fast (ignoring any physical constraints of our structure at that length).
  2. (They don't.) Sounds like a good tradeoff? Lower base damage for a long term effect.
  3. Here is your answer, @artoo. If one would scale the units down to ~1.5 m (so roughly divide by three), the walk speed can be reduced without looking strange. I'm not an expert and maybe @bb_ has more input on this.
  4. IIRC one can use the random seed (which is stored in the replay file) to generate a specific map.
  5. Could you check whether this https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3853 makes it better for you? (And other people.)
  6. The AIs are run on every client, so your method won't relieve you from that stress, unfortunately.
  7. @Moser Bear Have you seen the FAQ? (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/FAQ)
  8. I guess skirmishers are a special case. ^^ One could try to use a very low prepare time and a higher repeat time.
  9. Because it is hard to be firing a bow at someone when they poke you with a sword? And that means you don't have to give cavalry some pierce resistance just becasue they "need" to counter archers.
  10. IMHO It could be like this: Cavalry: Glass cannons Low armour meaning they should be used wisely But high speed meaning they can pick their fights. Decent attack values lets them easily kill off stragglers. Allows them to quickly reach ranged infantry to make short work of them. Ranged infantry: Low armour, vulnerable against any unit when in range. When the enemy is too close, they switch to their melee weapon, which is merely a dagger, so they'll be massacred by (almost) anything. Melee infantry: Good armour, depending on the exact unit type, meaning they can hold their ground against cavalry. Spearmen have their "range" advantage so multiple men can attack one target more easily. Their lack of speed make them sustain casualties against ranged infantry, but when up close they hack them away.
  11. @Radiotraining You'll need to add it to the builder list in "templates/mixins/builder.xml". Just having the structure doesn't mean a villager knows how to construct it. ^^
  12. Currently (as long as I have to finish https://code.wildfiregames.com/D781) there is only a range bonus.
  13. Have you checked out the FAQ already? (http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/FAQ)
  14. There is some kind of hiatus about what I would like and what will be generally accepted by the playerbase (not counting you, wow), so I have no more plans. Although I would like to support training battalions in the first place.
  15. One can try that already by changing the "template_formation". Just uncomment the "VisualActor" part.
  16. If this is fixed, you'll likely need an updated binary, so perhaps we can guide you in advance into installing, compiling and using the latest version (SVN)?
  17. @allalongthetowerNoViolenceA25.pyromod (Just change the extension to .zip if required.)
  18. (And to 4.5 with the Battlefield Medicine tech.)
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