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Everything posted by Freagarach

  1. Not that I know, but I do know that every time I have a match and do nothing, she only attacks with a giant army (~150 units) after a lot of minutes, instead of also rushing/attacking with smaller parties.
  2. @Gurken Khan PetraAI will also try to coordinate their attacks with allies. That they don't arrive at the same time is probably due to their walking distance.
  3. (As of https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP25958 one can also push an item to the front of the production queue. E.g. you're phasing but are rushed and need some units NOW, just use the hotkey and add them, which pauses the phasing.)
  4. Even better: They aren't damaged at all!
  5. Fine... Fine... We could add a lot more depth, if you ask me.
  6. I don't know when that filter was removed, but you'll need to make your own filter. The change you've made now ensures the wonder itself cannot garrison anything else. So you can keep the name of the filter (disableGarrisonHolder) but have to make that yourself (take a look at the "ungarrisonable" filter how to do that).
  7. We don't have a `disableGarrisonHolder` (anymore?), the `ungarrisonable` makes sure that the entity can't garrison something.
  8. One could just have the upgrade let the barracks (etc.) train/recruit rank 2 soldiers, so not affecting the already trained entities.
  9. Fine by me. Is it easy enough to recognise for the colour-blind?
  10. Perhaps the reason for the software being outdated is you distro being outdated? Although I guess the snap package should be up to date.
  11. I don't think only greying out looks distinctive enough for quick recognition.
  12. Dear artists, for a diff of mine (https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4241) I need an icon to indicate that an item in the production queue is paused. I now use the "Halt" icon as a placeholder: This does show the point, I guess, but I know it can be improved. So please, share your ideas and images, that I may use them. ^^
  13. Thanks for the patch! As for things wrong, you did the best thing right: contributing! I've done two things: In https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP25947 I differentiate between entities that have finished their original task (called "finishedEntities" now, it was called "waitingOnController") and entities that are IDLE (stored in "idleEntities"). The rest is UnitAI and doesn't really matter. It seems your patch doesn't need any update for this. In https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP25949 I reduced some duplication when selecting another formation and it doesn't influence your diff.
  14. https://code.wildfiregames.com/people/revisions/185/ I'm not seeing it, sorry. Its probably just simple, so I'm summoning @bb_ and @Angen here.
  15. I'm happy to help, @alre! My online time is quite few lately, so it has to be asynchronous I guess, but if I can find your code somewhere (a patch on Phabricator is just as valid (and even preferential for me) since we can rebase it on-the-go) I may be able to point out what and why needs changing. (In short, please still upload on Phabricator (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Phabricator) and I'll help you rebase it, or rebase on your behalf (if you agree).)
  16. Yep, that seems possible, just make a mod with the new maps, but don't forget to change the maps to fix any template changes between A23b and A25b (which is virtually every template). See our wiki at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/. Also, I think A25b isn't much tougher on the resources than A23b, so you might want to give it a try anyway. (And I don't think Ubuntu 16 is avarage.)
  17. The log yells "Validation error: structures/palisades_medium", so could you include that as well, please?
  18. It is eerie quiet lately. I'm trying to fix some bugs, make some small improvements, get some other/new contributors up to speed, but the problem really is time. @bb_ has some interesting patches up their sleeve though.
  19. It is mostly "whatever floats your boat". So if you have worked with git before, go for it. Else I would say use SVN just for the sake of our code being developed there. ^^ That said, both "svn diff" and "git diff" will be able to produce patches.
  20. I haven't got one; it's merely local. I haven't updated it since I started contributing to the main game. So it is A23b but with a lot of irregularities (and debug stuff). I've tried to get some nice features (like trample damage, directional resistance, elevation damage bonus, attack ground) into the main game, but to no avail yet. (Some _did_ get included, e.g. battalion-like selection and resource de-/regeneration.)
  21. In my mod units have a "Strength" property that determined the damage it does. So each weapon had its standardised properties, which were multiplied by the strength. Champions would be a bit stronger, but moreover stay at the same strength for longer (Stamina).
  22. @Player of 0AD "svn update -r r25860" instead of "svn up"
  23. You're running out of space already? What are you doing on that? Compiling 0 A.D.?
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