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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Sure, better than the current mess. So it's possible to round to k, but not to a natural number or to limit the digits after the point? @Stan` You said diacritics are a part of the natural spelling, yet they don't appear in the summary?
  2. Yeah, but that's probably not what we should aim for anyway, and it can't really get much worse than a totally undecipherable number. Anyway. So my (treacherous) ally is starting an attack: But after he requested an attack on that enemy, I made a gate for him: Obviously that would be the better route. I guess once the AI decides on an attack the route is determined, but since there can be a considerable delay between the decision, the gathering of troops and the actual marching off, maybe that route could be reconsidered?
  3. In this version it happened to me several times that a scout gets stuck on map borders; I guess I have set way points outside of the reachable area, but IIRC in earlier versions the scout would go as far as possible and then move on to the next way point. It even cost me a unit because it happened in enemy territory... If again IIRC it was the same behavior with way points in the water - move as far towards the way point and then move on. I see if I can test how it works in this version.
  4. LOL. Number's cut on three sides. Yeah, thx stats, real meaningful insight there.
  5. Nope. Because I don't do MP. Just the thought not only having to deal with stupid pixel people but...
  6. Suggestion: if you run into this regularly tell your team beforehand what you expect.
  7. So the Ministry is removed and anything from it moved to the Imperial Court? With the necessary upgrade, training of the Ministers and researching the tecs that CC is occupied for a looong time. Might be ok if you have several CCs, but with just a single CC I think this puts a very heavy cost on all that Minister stuff.
  8. That's unfortunate as it really sounds horrible, but thx for your reply anyway.
  9. What do you call that sound to signify freshly produced units come out of their building? Anyway, whenever multiple buildings release units that sound is always horrendously distorted, echo-y for me. savegame-0911.0adsave Two seconds into the attached save horses will spawn from the stables (ctrl group 0); I only remember that effect from stables, but they're the only kind I really do mass production in, so I don't know about other buildings. Would like to know if anyone can reproduce. Maybe that's just what happens when the same sound is played multiple times at once, or at least with my setup. Don't think it has anything to do with playing on turtle speed, everything else sounds fine.
  10. That's too little history for my liking. Maybe short-term we could use something along these lines: Unless our @historians come up with sth better, ofc. Long-term maybe we could have a third page beside the structure tree and the civ overview with an extended history. Probably should at least cover beginning, end, largest extend and something about the heroes we have in the game.
  11. I think it's nice to have unique buildings, but if the Laozi Gate goes I'm fine with it. I'll leave that to the balancing experts. ;p I've not systematically tested it, but -25% seems pretty strong, so I guess the nerf is ok. Yeah, the roster was much bigger than those of other civs. That hero nerf is fine, I guess.
  12. Something more flexible than now might be nice, could also help on maps with 'interesting' terrain.
  13. I guess you don't mean as a gameplay mechanic. And I don't think it takes too little room, don't even know what your measure for that would be. First question: why? Second question: what for? It might be ok for certain maps, but for others I think it would be awful. I remember spawning in a hilly part of Hellas and I couldn't even place fields around my CC because of the oh so 'interesting' terrain. Diminishing yields would only make it more terrible.
  14. Yeah, when this topic popped up I thought to look up our Visha Kanyas; their attire is even more bikini-ish then I remembered...
  15. Shouldn't 'cost/s' and 'time/s' both be either singular or plural but not mixed?
  16. Du is never formal, and like most of the people from your source I agree that capitalizing it just seems more polite. I play in English, so I just leave it up to the German maintainer(s).
  17. @real_tabasco_sauce AFAIK each subsequent worker on a rice paddy suffers a 10% penalty. So unit 1 has a 0.6 gather rate, 2 has 0.9x0.6 and 3 has 0.9x0.9x0.6. Might cancel the 25% vs 20% out. Why it is like that and who came up with that would be another question...
  18. IIRC it' supposed to be like units should only be able to enter buildings they can be produced in, but since cav used to be produced in barracks it was deliberately chosen to let them get in there.
  19. Huh. Didn't see that when I looked at their site. Bring your lightning and sound systems to get some attention!
  20. We may not raise and train them but they still have to be brought in from wherever they originate, so I'm totally fine with a certain delay. Might also be OP otherwise.
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