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Everything posted by Dakara

  1. what you means? can you reformulate my english is bad
  2. Hello, range effect is not enough? at the limit of camouflage strategies, etc. why not, but pure bonus damage is a bit disappointing, like age of empire 2. In addition, it only applies to projectile units. I think it can create some frustration on strange maps. it only my vision.
  3. Rome To achieve the differentiation of civilizations, Rome must also be assigned some changes. For his identity and a little balancing buff. The 'Triarus' spears unit must be differentiated from other civilizations as it is an experienced unit in the Roman ranks. I propose that they be rank 3 units, like the Spartan skiritai. that their cost has also changed for 50 wood, 40 food and 30 metal, as a pure measure of balance between civilization. I find that having the same feature twice is healthy in a game -> For example the Roman and Macedonian cavalry Phase 1. Units The "hastatus" swordsman unit would be changed so that it has a second attack (throwing with pillium). The unit would have 1 pilium available every 45 seconds inflicting 20 piercing and 2 crushing damage. This is a priority attack over the basic attack, anyway it does more damage than the melee attack. Regarding the improvements of the forge and the heroes, nothing comes to reinforce this secondary attack. It's a major change I know. This would give civilization the opportunity to make massive use of melee infantry. To inflict some damage on a rush defense. And historically it is heavy. A good Roman infantry player would make good use of the formations at his disposal (normal and other formations without bonus, testudo, forced march) to achieve his objective. In addition, the use of pilium would make it possible to compensate for the absence of a remote unit such as the skirmisher. An easy kill of elephant units. The only problem would be the use of the throwing weapon on targets such as a ram, building .. maybe a little stupid at the role play level but maybe it make too much programming to avoid these attacks said " stupid ". We come to replace skirmishers with Roman citizen archers. In addition to this archer unit, there would be the auxiliary archer (mercenary rank 2, best precision etc.) Available at age 2 with a technlogy. it is proven that Rome has had great recourse to groups of auxiliaries. In the stable, the tirailleur cavalry which has no meaning has just been replaced by the mercenary cavalry rank 2 archers. -------------- There are currently a lot of positive points about rome on differentiation. A solid hp pool architecture. Siege walls and military camps are fun and historically realistic. With these changes I want to make Rome more centered on melee infantry by allowing it through a training game to have tools against ranged units. Moreover, it is undeniable that rome used archers a lot. The auxiliary aspect is insufficiently exploited, it can take the path of the mercenaries for simplicity of gameplay Rome has no unique technology in this alpha. If I do not say stupidity before there was a technology in the temple for the range of vision of the units. Three ideas for new tech. The first is original it will be necessary to see what it gives in part I think it can be interesting (defensive, offessensive and support ally) Pax romana : 500 METAL. It is not a technology strictly speaking but a diplomatic solution, a strategy. Once the button is clicked. This establishes a 90 second ceasefire for all players on the map. You can click the button once per game. The technology is researched in the castle. Auxiliary cavalry: 200 food 200 metal 10 sec: Allows the recruitment of barbarian cavalry mercenary rank rank 2 in the stable (these are Gallic and German cavalry) Auxiliary infantry: 200 food 200 metal 10 sec: Allows the recruitment of rank 2 mercenary auxiliary infantry in the barack. Civilization bonus : Roman legionaries can use the testudo formation -> Hastatus units benefit from bonuses and penalties when using this formation. Very strong resistance to piercing damage (I don't have the numbers but +30 piercing armor would make them tanky enough to be almost untouched in the medium term?) + 3 sharp armor, -60% damage inflicted as a penalty and -90% speed. Forced March Formation: All Roman infantry units in Forced March formation are + 30% faster but have 0 armor due to fatigue. The Romans are known for their civil engineering and their ability to move quickly thanks to their disciplined and rigor. Roman outpost: homing pigeon technology is free and instantly unlocked
  4. I understand, there isn't a mod with / mute? personally JC is sometimes rude but I appreciate him. I may be crazy.
  5. Hello, I don't think the staff should deal with him, if you don't like him you can avoid playing with him. Kindly
  6. topic closed, temple is balanced
  7. why? the level system has little interest
  8. Sometimes it is easy to increase the rank of your units by killing small groups that are collecting units. Et hop mercenary level 3 272 hp or skirmish cav 172hp (instead 110 rank 1) already that the defense by the buildings was very nerve and that in addition much more metal. snowball is real.
  9. What do you think of reducing the max level of units to 2? Or reduce the ramp-up with levels so that level 3 is equivalent to current level 2. level 3 unit is very strong, too much snowball
  10. i'm to lazy for 3 game, go only 1 game by opponent?
  11. Hello i understand, if u want to play until the end you must choose your host and not the too elitist ones
  12. last alpha this bug is already here, don't know if 2 alpha before it same
  13. wtf 0AD is not responsible for DDOS. go and complain to the FBI.
  14. Why not an option like relic but not in all game plz
  15. Just add traps, stakes, etc. for the elephants to kill themselves
  16. Welcome again, hoping to meet you, see you evolve and love this game and this project
  17. I find it good that some civilizations are poor in siege units. Rome is ROME. Is a highly developed civilization with excellent siege capacity. Wall, military camp, long-range siege. To counter them the Gauls can send cavalry raids in ennemy base, attempt to kill the sieges with sword cav. Rome is good design differentiation. Gauls lacks something, but it good too. Gauls has the unit which decreases the enemy attack it is nice and the buildings are faster to build. Good food production in the fields. We can have little idea very easy. Delete all tech for boost monk (druid) on temple and remplace by an unique tech which teaches druids to morally boost their allies. When druide heal ally they boost 20% dammage for 5 seconds of the unit. Very usefull on infantery fight. So we can imagine druide with mounted druid (but produce in temple or in stable if temple is already built ?) If the idea about the druids refused. We can create new unit produced from house. A pillager unit with flashlight and a small dagger, very fragile and bonus plunder multiplied by 3. This unit can burn building, but they are very weak in fight ! Fast moving like a skirmish unit. 40 wood 40 food and the unit pick up ressource at 0.4 Ratio -> it will be well written that this is a poor collection unit.
  18. Depending on the cards, there is no balance between civilizations and even no chance of winning the right civilization on the right map. We can give attributes to civilizations but not an unbeatable side.
  19. I see a lot of people moan, but with each civilization I feel like I can play quite differently. At least there are possibilities to play them differently. For me, civilizations must be economically balanced, very slight boost can however be present like the elephant maurya (small Hp nerf welcome so that the enemies can kill it more easily). ->You will understand that I find the economic bonuses like age of empire really unhealthy (wikipedia land), and it is really an easy solution. Nothing fun for a casual gamer. In addition to the fairly general technology tree already present, we can also add a few ideas here and there. For example, for the kushites the siege towers could heal if healers are in garrisons. Kushites already have a lot of differentiation, probably due to their novelty. Persians, a second unit of ram, MEGA RAM 6 of pop garrison 25 places. Give to weak civ better bonus on heros. some civ have 3 good heroe and some civ 1 hero. I find it unfortunate that we can't bring a hero back to life nut not the thread.. --- troll on I am for the competitive balance but let's not forget that part of the community is noob or casual, they also have to be satisfied and although a lot of mods are great, they want to see new things on the basic version of the Game. Civilizations, fun and original mechanics, more different units, sometimes the appearance is enough to make some people happy. Why not techs to choose the skin of its units to satisfy the gaming grandpas (there are a lot of old skins of the old alphas) Why not create a kind of low third civilization, called "tribes" (enough to play solo / against bots / or challenge for very good players in multiplayer). Quite fragile nomadic civ with only infantry units, another with only cav units, another only maritime with buildings only near water. A civ can dismount/mount unit for gather ressource.
  20. We must differentiate the speed of movement and keep the same harvest rate. It does not matter if there is an economic imbalance, it is not an admissible argument. It is quite light. Adapting its military composition must be an accepted choice. That said, no reason for an archer to move slower than a skirmisher as long as his equipment is light. The equipment must be taken into account when assigning speed. If a unit has a shield in its appearance then it must have a bit more armor piercing right? Perhaps we should see for the creation / addition of a lighter melee infantry to run after these archers. A fairly fast moving unit, fragile at range and melee, and with moderate damage. A good phase 1 unit or to rush the economy here and there. As archers must stop to shoot, these units will catch up with them at some point.
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