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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Right. Because of the citizen-soldier concept, any cost adjustments or any stats changes, such as speed, have an economic impact. Without the c-s concept, these aren't such an issue. It's one of the reasons I got rid of it in DE (plus soldiers randomly chopping trees in the middle of a battle due to mis-click, lol).
  2. We used to have the option in the GUI code to designate a "default" map. I believe it was deprecated. Maybe we can bring it back, due to issues like this:
  3. Should Iberians be at the end of the civs list in that language just because of the accent?
  4. I think moving (most) heroes to the CC would integrate them a little bit more into the game. I know it's a simple change, moving them from the fortress to the CC, but I'm thinking about the psychology of the player, seeing the Hero there in the training panel from the outset, instead of 15 mins later when they build a fortress. Honestly, I'd really push for something along the lines of DE's hero choices, but I know that's too radical (!!!) for the current crop of stakeholders. You almost need a whole new set of players and developers in order to propose significant improvements, because all of the current stakeholders are so wed to the status quo. Don't say I'm wrong, when even simple changes are controversial.
  5. I might have to make a Gimp version for the file, since the PSD doesn't seem to be working for you.
  6. That property in and of itself is useful. I just wish there was a way to set some resources lower or higher than others, not just zero.
  7. It's the resolution of the heightmap. The size of the map generated is based on those dimensions.
  8. Found it! https://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline?from=Apr+20%2C+2022&daysback=90&authors=wowgetoffyourcellphone&milestone=on&ticket=on&ticket_details=on&changeset=on&wiki=on&sfp_email=&sfph_mail=&update=Update#
  9. Is there a way to browse commits by author? Would make is much easier.
  10. To add gameplay changes you have to be able to take scathing criticism. Hell, to change a cursor brings the hounds of Hades. So, you have to be "that guy" who will be willing to ignore a lot of the criticism because you can't please everyone.
  11. I could envision such a mechanic with battalions. If a battalion is completely surrounded and its numerical strength depleted by 50%, the battalion has a 50/50 chance of "surrendering" to the enemy player or fighting to the death (with bonus attack, but less armor). The ratio could tip more toward fighting to the death for elite and champion battalions, while basic ranked battalions are more likely to surrender.
  12. I will mention that other games, such as Battle for Middle Earth 2, have audio cues when different types of enemy units come into view. "They have a cave troll!" things like that.
  13. In that example, the snare effects the entire formation. I think in 0 A.D. it'll only affect the target unit. It would also only be a pikeman thing.
  14. Just conceptual for now. I have not decided on the actual effect. However, it would use the "status effect" feature, the same feature used for poison and fire.
  15. Indeed, polearms could have the "snare" effect that makes their enemies move a little slower for a brief time. An effect not given by swords or shorter spears.
  16. Call it melee and ranged, I don't care. It's only a thought exercise. My point was to just simplify cav and inf into melee (heavy in my first example) and ranged (light), 4 classes, and then balance from there instead of the current 10+ classes.
  17. His view is the minority, I believe. But there are also units that some would call "Medium" who perform both melee and skirmishing roles, example: Thureophoros.
  18. Indeed, in Western military tradition, "Light" and "Heavy" had less to do with armor than with the unit's role. Light = ranged/skirmishing, Heavy = melee.
  19. Indeed. My other idea is to just have a distinction between "Light" and "Heavy."
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