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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. This has been problem for long time. Let me see if there are TrAC ticket.
  2. Hi gu. There have been a new city found by archeologist in central Greece, near small town of Vlochos. Is in Thessaly, in ancient times a source of the best cavalry in Greece, until Philip's Companion cavalry bested them, then they become 2nd best cavalry in Greece. Anyway, people knew of the site from before -- locals can see the outline of the walls in the ground on the hill, the acropolis of the city -- but previous archaeologist thought the site was just a small settlement of no importance. But now with ground penetratration radar and satellite imagery, they have discovered the site is much larger than once they believed, and now think it is actual city instead of small village. Here is the google map of the acropolis. You can clearly see the outline of the walls. Ground radar have already reveal a city grid of roads and building foundation! https://www.google.com/maps/@39.4930602,22.0883513,1919a,20y,41.06t/data=!3m1!1e3 I can see outline of even wall tower! Archaeologist belive city founded in 500BC, then abandon after the Roman conquests. http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/found-a-lost-city-in-greece http://www.gu.se/english/about_the_university/news-calendar/News_detail//swedish-and-greek-archaeologists-discover-unknown-city-in-greece.cid1416535#
  3. I think best bets for civ in timeframe are: Thracians, Scythians, and Aksumites. Hans can be good to include in the game for modding proof of concept.
  4. How is the wall place code bad? Can it be fixed?
  5. I can imagination see it in my head how it all work, and it is quite simple and intuitive, but it's hard to put it into words. Like a dock, the end of a bridge can only be place on a shoreline. As you stretch the length of it, like place a wall, it will preview what you are doing. Then the other end under your cursor will "snap" to the next shoreline, like how walls "snap" to existing wall tower, but you can wave it back and forth along the shore to place it where you want to. I think there would be a max "angle" of maybe something like 20 degrees across the water course. Maybe test that out if implemented for best max angle. I think bridge would have a max length and a min length. When the wall placed, the foundations show up in the watter and the units start building the bridge from foundation to foundation from the starting end of the bridge until completed. Maybe 2 bridge, 1 stone and 1 wooden, wooden is destructible if you right click or alt-click one of the pylons of the bridge; clicking on the span surface does nothing but move units to that spot.
  6. I would say bridge can only start and end on a shore.
  7. It's possible to make units consume food right now with a negative trickle. Unfortunately the total food goes negative and it does weird stuff with food costs of units and technologies. I have tried it.
  8. Pathfinder has to update the path grid all the time for new buildings {blocked paths} and depleted resources {new paths}.
  9. Let's discover what this can be for each civ. Athenians: olive grove Rome: grape vineyard Others: ?
  10. This patch work very good. It is a good first step. Would be worth to commit this and then change behavior later after testing. What behavior I think can probably be: All units when garrisoned will garrison inside. If you want your ranged infantry to go up to the battlements, click the "Reinforce Battlements" button. There's also a "Retreat Inside" button to re-hide the units. If you want to restock the battlements with fresh ranged infantry after some of have be kill, click the Reinforce Battlements button again. Maybe also have a auto-reinforce button -- kind of like autoqueue in AoM. ADDITIONAL ENHANCEMENT: 1. can set default behavior in the options menu -- hide when garrisoned, or auto-reinforce battlements. can set default stance in options menu too -- like in age of mythology -- but that's a different thing. 2. A new garrison hotkey can adjust the garrison behavior on the fly. 3. Visual enhancement: The selection ring should be at their feet, not on the ground. 4. Vsiual enhancement: Units on battlements don't show silhouette, but this can be debated, gameplay may trump. Of course, none of these suggestions and anhancements have to stop the patch from being commit right now, unless coder find some code problems. You guys should try iterating on this feature and see what makes sense to you as you go forward with it.
  11. Just have a maximum -- and minimum -- length.
  12. Unlimited is not actual unlimited, instead is just a really high unrealistic number. lol
  13. I have made a hack that doesn't make weird animation behavior. I set the resource capacity of glory for the units to 1, so the instant they reach 1 glory it is immediately deposit at the statue they are praise. So, it is pretty much a constant generation like I wanted it to be.
  14. Units get stuck on corners of buildings and stuck on each other.
  15. Pathfinding is super bad for some days now.
  16. If it is Carthaginian coast, then why not the sea on the north and the land on the south? Maybe call it Libyan Coast or something. In generally, the names could have more historical and geographical flavor. African Plains -> Savanna or Serengeti would work. Extinct Volcano -> Maybe always put the volcano to one side of the map riather than always in the middle. This make the gameplay more distinct. India -> What part of India is this? Maybe rename to Gedrosia or Arachosia. Ravines -> Maybe rename to Petraea or Arabian Wadi. Also, make starting flat areas bigger please for the players.
  17. Also, I yhink 0 A.D.'s trash unit are relatively stronger than AOK's pikemen and skirmisher and scout trash and more useful, like spyth said.
  18. I agree that the tone of the game is wrong. You are right, the relaxing music does not match the gameplay, and the gameplay does not match the relaxing music. It is like the game does not know what it wants to be. You will see a bunch of people acting like the game is in beta already and should be a competiitive game like starcraft. On the other hand the territory mechanics and other things reward a methodical strategic gameplay. i do not think the team knows what they want the game to be.
  19. Question for developer dudes: I want to make unit gather Glory by standing around the statue and doing a praise animation. For now I will use the capturing animations. What i have achieve so far is to make a cursor for the action. I also add the infinite resource supply of glory.prestige for the statues. I also add the gather rate for glory.prestige for units. And the units do the animation when they gather at the statue. A few problems. I want the Glory to go directly to the treasury as they gather it. I don't want the units to have to shuffle the "glory" back to a dropsite. Kind of like with treasures giving the resource without a unit capacity and withpout shuttle. Is this possible? A hack would be to make the statue the only dropsite for Glory, but i don't like this, because there is other weird behavior with animations if you task the units away without dropping the resource off first they think they have glory in their hands, like they do with stone and wood.
  20. I think the Republican Roman champs will look a lot nicer with the new unit models.
  21. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/19052 There probably have be internal talk about auras and techs bonuses, but we can have open talk too. I think integer not sure what word would be best, bonus is better than percentage and I will tell you why. With integer bonus you give the same bonus to all units that it effect. With percentage you give a bigger bonus to entities that are already stronger and a smaller bonus to the entities that are already weak, so you unintentionally widen the gap between these units. This happens because if you give a +10% bonus to a unit with base 10 stat, it is smaller than the bonus to a unit with base 20 stat: 1 vs. 2. Now the stronger base 20 unit is even more stronger than the base 10 unit, incentivising creating these stronger units, let's be real here, champions even more than they already are. This is mainly a problem with health and attack and speed. Armor already has a kind of self-balancing feature inherent in the armor stats, so the problem doesn't exist with armor techs and bonuses. Problem exist with cost and gather rates too, but it doesn't worry me as much. With this in mind, I will remove most percentage techs and auras for attack and health where possible and go with integrer in DE. I propose vanilla game do the same. Thank you for your time.
  22. The ones in the picture are for the Principate Romans (AD era) in the DE mod. The Romans in the vanilla game are Republican Romans from BC era.
  23. Use a latin word and use the opportunity to mention that the old lation V was to pronounced like modern English W. So, it sound like Wox Populi. Also, Gladiator, Roma Wictor.
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