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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. hi, another code suggestion is these: { "code": "glory", "name": "Glory", "order": 5, "subtypes": { "prestige": "Prestige" }, "canTrade": false, "canBarter": false, "truePrice": 100, "aiAnalysisInfluenceGroup": "ignore" } Default is canTrade and canBarter = true.
  2. Units on walls get a armor bonus already, but maybe it should be a even bigger bonus. as for his number 3, the gentleman should try DE to see if the concept works as he suggests. Battalions would increase numbers of soldier, while reducing the number of controllably entities for the player.
  3. elexis's ticket would be nice, but mimo's comment is what i specificly talk about. like, the I would like to mod the default resource amounts to be something like: 500 food, 500 wood, 500 stone, 300 metal, 0 glory. A ratio can work, but might give weird starting amounts, like 176 or something. And while I might want 0 glory for start at a low level, I might want the player to start with 500 or more at the extreme high end. Maybe somkething code like these for default file: { "TranslatedKeys": ["Title"], "TranslationContext": "startingResources", "Data": [ { "Resources": { "food": 0, "wood": 0, "stone": 0, "metal": 0, "glory": 0 }, "Title": "None" }, { "Resources": { "food": 100, "wood": 100, "stone": 100, "metal": 100, "glory": 0 }, "Title": "Very Low" }, { "Resources": { "food": 300, "wood": 300, "stone": 300, "metal": 200, "glory": 0 }, "Title": "Low" }, { "Resources": { "food": 500, "wood": 500, "stone": 500, "metal": 300, "glory": 0 }, "Title": "Medium", "Default": true }, { "Resources": { "food": 1000, "wood": 1000, "stone": 1000, "metal": 600, "glory": 100 }, "Title": "High" }, { "Resources": { "food": 10000, "wood": 10000, "stone": 10000, "metal": 6000, "glory": 1000 }, "Title": "Very High" }, { "Resources": { "food": 25000, "wood": 25000, "stone": 25000, "metal": 10000, "glory": 2000 }, "Title": "Extremely High" } ] } Notice rename "Deathmatch" to "Extremely High" because Deathmatch is a mode not resource amount.
  4. Yes, his is exactly the format I am use at the moment. Enrique is right. They play different animation even if they are properly given the same names.
  5. Those terrain texture need spec maps and normal maps badly. And no,video is not AOE music. lol
  6. Would it be possible to vary the amount of each starting resource? Right to now the number in starting_resource.json (300, 500, etc.) is apply to all resource. I would like my resource to always start much lower than the others (I would also like to make metal start lower too). Possible?
  7. Try s06, this seems to work! WOOO Also, your instructions here allow me to add the 5th resource to top panel! http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ModdingResources#displayMoreIcons Side note: I wish screenshots would capture the cursor too.
  8. I've done it that way and every way we talk about in this thread and more! lol
  9. yes, I tried 'death1' and 'death2' like your examples. Didn't work.
  10. I will try this now. This is pretty much my last try for now. ediT: No, that is not working. Looks like the example @sanderd17 gives here is exactly how I am try to do it, but it is not working. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/attachment/ticket/2324/actorFormat_variationnames.diff (see the cavalry_javelinist_b.xml and cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml examples)
  11. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2324#comment:8 The last example there is what I am trying to achieve. I saved the names "death1" and "death2" in the dude's actor death variant file just like in the example (but death instead of walk). Then in the cape file I use death1 and death2 as the animation names and they do not sync. :/
  12. Same animation file (for reasons). It all works fine if i just use one death animation, but when i use the 2, they become unsynced and sometimes don't use the same animations. I thought it was possible to set a name in the actor that they would both use and so use the same animations together.
  13. I mean this, i think i'm not being clear, sorry. Both the dude and the cape use the same death animations. death_a.dae and death_b.dae. These are variations of death. So I am try to get the dude and the cape to use the same death animation at the same time - synced. so yeah, I am using the name for animation control, to control that the cape and the dude use death_a at the same time and death_b at the same time. I think what is supposed to happen is that the dude chooses one of the 2 death variations and it is passed to the prop. The problem might be that I am setting the animation variation names in a variant file (and this might not be compatible with the variation selection feature Im try to use here).
  14. I am trying this now, thanks. EDIT @vladislavbelov: Your suggestion now makes both the base unit dude and the prop do their death animation (thank you!), but they do not sync as they should based on them having the same name="death1", "death2" etc. Any more idea? @sanderd17 @wraitii @Enrique
  15. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/18265 http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2324 I test this with the infantry_death.xml variant file by name the deaths like this: <variant name="Death"> <animations> <animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_02.psa" name="Death1" speed="700"/> <animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_03.psa" name="Death2" speed="500"/> <animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_04.psa" name="Death3" speed="400"/> <animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_06.psa" name="Death4" speed="500"/> <animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_07.psa" name="Death5" speed="400"/> </animations> <props> <prop actor="props/units/blood_01.xml" attachpoint="root"/> </props> </variant> Death1, Death2, etc. as the ticket and commit claim. This does not work and give me many headache when I tried to make it work. I was making my own variant files and naming the animations these way and it would not work. Spend 2 hours trying to make it work only to fail. So, I tried to change the names in existing variant file and behold it did not work either*. So the feature is a bug. It is very important for enrique's awesome new meshes and animations that this feature work too. By "not working" the dude just stood there while the prop went ahead and did the animation.
  16. I know. It is aggravating it is not committed.
  17. resizing in atlas is a huge pain too.
  18. I wonder if deleting the Delenda Est folder, running the game, then repasting the folder in and re-running the game and re-enabling the mod would do the trick.
  19. i actually do not know what is happening here. i get no such error.Anyone else confirm?
  20. Need design control. Not only are many new map square but some do not fit the theme of the game.
  21. Thank you for the bug report. will fix for the next alpha .
  22. 'Allergies went directly into one eye....' lmao selerie is funny.
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