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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Do what @LordGood says. Also, look at the xml files directly in a program like Notepad++. A very simple actor to start with can be thise one: binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/props/temp/l_sheath.xml Here is the xml for that file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant frequency="100" name="Base"> <mesh>temp/l_sheath.dae</mesh> <textures><texture file="props/wrld_wood_3.dds" name="baseTex"/></textures> </variant> </group> </actor> Just paste your file names into that. It's the most basic of actor files: mesh + texture. Can't get more basic than that one friend. This is how it would look: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant frequency="100" name="Base"> <mesh>props/wrld_create_test.dae</mesh> <textures><texture file="props/crate_test.png" name="baseTex"/></textures> </variant> </group> </actor> A lot of modding is about looking at the game's existing files and just editing and resaving from those.
  2. YES that one. Thoguh I think the original poster had the terms mixed up. The team came in and parse his meaning though which is good. It's not a "unit tree" but like a catalogue or library information retrieval feature. Github: https://github.com/s0600204/0ad-structree-mod/tree/entityDetails I apply patch some time ago and it worked nicely (with some minor error messages), but now it doesn't work at all.It's a huge enhancement that make the game feel finished (polish).
  3. This code was implemented with the clicks and drags in Photoshop. (It's not real) How about this one (re: my mockup image): Hover over the portrait and get tooltip that tells you how much of each resource is being traded at that moment. At bottom of tooltip it say "Left-click to select all idle carts/ships." So, click the porteait and it selects all the idle trade units of that portrait. (aside: right-click opens catalogue entry for the unit, like when clicking all other portrait, there is patch for this somewhere and it worked great, but is depricated by Alpha 20).
  4. I think this should be the Gallic farmstead in Public mod: The one they have the presently is too big.
  5. Somethink like this can be small improvement (without having to redesign the complete dialog, even if it should be). (Also, maybe click icons for some kind of action, or hover over to see the actual profits for each or somethings like this)
  6. His lips look better Lions. Previous version made his lips look like cat poop.
  7. There is theory that raptors develop feathers to glide down from trees into prey. Imaging groups of raptor roosting in a tree waiting to glide down onto unsuspecting herbivore dinosaur. Cool image. Also, the theory say the big claw on their back feet use for climbing and roosting in branches. Awesome theory (doesn't work well for the larger raptors like Utahraptor, but smaller raprot like Velociraptor make perfect sense!).
  8. If do dinosaurs, I would like to see the latest research and views of science depicted. Forget Jurassic Park's big grey lizards. They should be colorful and some have feathers. Would be awesome. This:
  9. Make the Dahae Horse Archer a mercernary from the mercenary camp, and then you don't have to rank them up. (make all mercenaries Advanced rank, with some exceptions; this is what I did in DE).
  10. People love to have this actually. All of this is good. The movement is good as long as it is automatic. I can see techs for acceleration speed and turn speed and stuff like that. When turning right, I would like to see the right oars stop moving, and when turn left see the left oars stop rowing. Things like that too. This is way too much, IMHO. If you did do it, then base it on the wind direction already in the game (see in Atlas, wind direction change the direction of the water movement). Do not make invisible. The water movement should be a clue for the players. But like I said, this part is not good at this type of game. One step too far, just my opinion. Everything else sound great.
  11. Maybe purple for heroes can work (and kind of make sense, lol). But hopefully some day all heroe have their own painted portrait like Xerxes and Leonidas does.
  12. For units I will do this of the format for easy UI identification. You will see also standard pose for unit types. Support Units - Female Citizens/Roman Citizen/Roman Slaves (Male&Female)/Trader/Priest - Orange Pose: Dignified. Slight off to the right. (Above: Spartan Woman) (Above: Egyptian Woman) Citizen Soldiers - Blue (Above: Principate Legionary Swordsman) (Above: Athenian Hoplite) Mercenaries - Green (Above: Egyptian Thyreos Spearman) (Above: Celtic Archer) (Above: Thracian Blackcloak) Champions - Red (Above: Indian Maiden Guard) (Above: Spartan Olympic Champion) Heroes (if they do not have a painted portraiture) - Purple
  13. While they look nice, I for possible would like to see destructing variations over construction variations. But both would be cool. No complaints either way.
  14. Simple things can be like wording. Why a prose sentence to tell player that there are zero trade units? Use short form instead. Land Traders: 0 Merchant Ships: 0 I would remake the whole layout of the screen, but small thing like that is improvement (presentation of the information).
  15. That could work, but I did not want to bother to ty to mod the UI code. This is good, and will be nice addition. I look forward to it. The layout look awful though. One thing I do not think team put a lot of thought into is the look of UI. Big immersion factor (look at the trading window in the game, is bad). Yes I know time and effort is limit. Iteration as always is key.
  16. If the mountains are different enough from different viewing angles, then variation would still be there. This one here looks a lot different from different angles: http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-obj-rocky-mountain/654220
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