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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Dacia is for sequel. For Empires Ascendant I think Kushites, Scythians, and Thracians are best bets.
  2. I like the building dependency concept, especially requiring more than one type of parent, like corral + farmstead = market. Just have to make sure the tree makes sense, but the concept is good. Allow me to introduce the technology dependency web. In this case, for the blacksmith: In the above example, since the player has build 2 blacksmiths, he can have up to 2 techs researching at one time.
  3. They make the game more vibrant. Not sure why there is resistance against this.
  4. But for real though: Food: Harvest from Animals, Berry Bushes, Fish, or Farms Wood: Lumber from Trees Stone: Mine from Rocks or Stone quarries Metal: Mine from Metal Mines
  5. If you split the metal resource into iron and silver, then please make gathering them different ways. I have detailed some ideas on this elsewhere.
  6. Capture your mom? I'm all out of ideas. Maybe "Steal Alexander."
  7. Hi guy. I add text to the resources name, so that the player can get a little tooltip when hover over the icons in the top left. Can someone extend the resource code to allow the resource jsons to have a tooltip line like the technologies have? The reason for this extension is so that the gui at the bottom does not get screwed up. See, the editing I did made it work for the top ribbon, but screw up the bottom gui. Current modded json: { "code": "food", "name": "Food - Harvest from Animals, Berry Bushes, Fish, or Farms", "order": 1, "subtypes": { "fish": "Fish", "fruit": "Fruit", "grain": "Grain", "meat": "Meat" }, "truePrice": 100, "aiAnalysisInfluenceGroup": "ignore" } Desired json possibility: { "code": "food", "name": "Food", "order": 1, "subtypes": { "fish": "Fish", "fruit": "Fruit", "grain": "Grain", "meat": "Meat" }, "tooltip": "Harvest from Animals, Berry Bushes, Fish, or Farms.", "truePrice": 100, "aiAnalysisInfluenceGroup": "ignore" }
  8. Good luck. Seriously, good effing luck on that one, m8.
  9. Game setup need a "Random" team option, not just - 1 2 3 4.
  10. If you make any headway, I look forward to modding your changes to be better.
  11. With everything else in the game, I think it should be a simple decision.
  12. Looks like a hack n slash where no one will actually use any real formations or cooperate like they should.
  13. I think a thought. What if this is something to do with entity classes. I've had weird behavior in past when I didn't have the right entity classes in the templates -- in that case, it was that I split "Worker" into "Builder" and "Gatherer", so units stopped working right. I fixed that by putting "Worker" back into the classes -- Builder and Gatherer I put in visible classes. Could the problem be class related then?
  14. For Rome, this militia spearman is the Rorarius -- see DE (I'm sure you guys are sick of reading this).
  15. What about if we skew the gathering rates significantly in favor of the women, and make the citizen-sodiers suck at gathering? You keep the ability for the soliders to gather, since sometimes it can be beneficial, but in reality they're better to be used as a defense or offensive force in most instances. Just spitballing here. In DE I've increase the train times of units. It fees a lot better. I admit I like the Wives' Festival tech, but I think it can be balance better if the train time of house women is increased from 30s to 60s. I will try this in DE. It's one of the reasons I push for battalions. You have fewer entities to control and each one feels more important and unique, especially if you add some customization possibilities like I propose. They take longer to train and you invest more resources and time into them by customizing them, etc. Not to mention now the battles look way more epic and you can implement thing like muster time and charging and etc. a lot easier for the player.
  16. The faster player always has advantage, Lion. But like I said, they can still fight back, but with their pitchforks and shovels and stuff until they are mustered.
  17. About balance, I agree. I don't care if every single faction is balanced against every other faction. In fact, I want the factions to be imbalanced!!! I want challenging factions, I want uber factions, I want underdog factions. No, I don't want the perfect Protoss, Terrans, Zerg balance, where you try desperately to get a 33% victory rate for each faction.... If Rome curb-stopped a certain historical faction, do I want that faction to be 100% balanced against Rome in the game? Hell naw. Give them a challenge? Sure. The first conceit of the game is history. You want to present interesting historical challenges to the player, yes? Stop with this 0.48% increased attack balancing stuff and focus on making the game a compelling example of what you're trying to achieve first. Does that mean the alpha needs to be crazy imbalanced? Of course not, but detailed balancing should come in beta.
  18. I'll just talk about resources and gathering first. I think citizen-soldiers can remain, but like darc say it's broken right now. Restricts a lot of strategies. I think it can be fixed with battalions, and when you task them to gather something they change from soldiers to citizens, which are vulnerable. They do not automatically switch back to soldier when they are attacked or raided, they either have to be done manually per battalion or a call-to-arms button use -- both options available. Point is, when in citizen-gatherer mode, they are as vulnerable like "villagers" from aoe. It take vigilance and speed to switch them back to soldier mode and fight back effectively. This works great with a battalion system. A lot harder without battalions. There can even be a "muster" time, it takes some seconds for the men to re-don their panoplies and fight back, but during that time they are vulnerable like villagers, though they can still fight back -- would be awesome to see them fighting back with axes and picks and hoes until their muster time completes. Resources My conception is to keep food gather pretty much as it is now. Women are best at it. As darc say, almost every unit should cost food, with some exceptions. In my opinion, food should be the most important resource in that almost every unit use food -- mercs are exception in my mod. in DE, even ships cost food -- the crew. Wood, yes, for most standard building and for ranged units like archers, javelin throwers, and ships, etc. Stone for high level buildings and defensive buildings. Metal for sword units and powerful units like champions, elephants, etc. Used for most of the Blacksmith techs. I would like it if stone and metal were mined in 2 different ways. I would like to see "Mine Shafts" where you build a storehouse on a slot next to the mine shaft entrance to capture it, then you can garrison men inside to mine the metal. They exit to drop off their metal haul at the slotted storehouse. This is like Vespene Gas in Starcraft. Only one player can own a mine shaft at a time. You say, "What about allies???" I say, that's what teamwork is for, trading and tribute. Coordinate who owns which mine if you need to. If you suck at compromising on such things, then trade and tribute are your answers. An important aspect of the Mine Shaft is that if the player's storehouse is destroyed, the men inside the mine perish. Stone is mined from large "Quarries" -- about the size of a Civic Center These look like open quarris on the side of a mountain. Imagine a large marble quarry. Two slots for storehouse, allows to share. No strict ownership, unlike metal Mine Shafts. Units are easily raided while mining the quarry since they chisel the stone out in the open. If storehouse destroyed, miners don't die, they just can't quarry anymore. There can still be small metal and stone mine like there is now in the starting territory of the player, but these are limited, maybe just 1 of each, and farther away from the CC than they are now. To really gather a good amount of metal and stone you have to go scout and find these rich resources, the Stone Quarry and Metal Mine Shaft. These are large, strategically important. Another aspect of the Stone Quarry and Metal Mine Shaft is that you do not have to own the territory to place your storehouse and claim them. So, you may take the risk of gathering far from your defenses and reinforcements. That's all I can think of right now for resources.
  19. What about 560/3 4700/12 500/0 520/6 up at the top?
  20. Hehe, I already modded it. Made the cost 500 metal and 500 glory, instead of 900 metal as in vanilla. Here is my suggestion: Make the first bribe very cheap. 50 metal. Each new bribe is more expensive, but increases the duration and adds more classes to the randomization. by the tenth bribe, hero class is added and you're looking at 60 seconds of duration, but now each bribe is like 500 metal or more, and you can't bribe another unit until the duration of the previous bribe is completed. Also, guys should think about the UI more. Do you want this feature to be a relatively useful and widely used feature or just a throway feature hidden in the diplomacy screen with a teeny tiny button? Think hard about my "commands" idea, where when you train a hero you get some macro/meta commands that you can execute. Next to the hero button on the top left you get a series of round command buttons --like toggling all your soldiers between capture/attack priorities, the bribery button, etc. Need a live hero. Promotes training heroes and also promotes some meta commands, like this new bribery feature.
  21. Tribute is kinda weird. You're right, it's some kind of meta thing -- wire transfer isn't a bad analogy. But functionally, it's more a feature to promote teamwork, so that's why it's there.
  22. Should add "Bribes" to game stats screen under mischellaneous. Another extension would be to have levels of spy craft. Researching each level adds more classes of enemy units --and maybe even buildings at high levels-- to random bribery. Or the more bribes you buy, the higher the level of spy craft.
  23. Uh, so a spy feature is implemented. How the heck do you use it? I can't for the life of me figure out how it works. When you guys add a new feature, it would be good to make a post explaining it. Here or on moddb, doesn't matter. Promote your work. EDIT: I figured it out regardless. It's, uh, unteresting. I definitely wouldn't have done it this way at all, but hey it's not my game. EDIT2: @Lion.Kanzen After researching the tech, go to the Diplomacy window and choose an enemy player to bribe. It will choose a random unit of the player's to bribe and give you their vision for 15 seconds. At the least, the tooltip for the bribe button should give you the cost of the bribe.
  24. The team can have whatever faction they want... Nope. Not sure how you can come to the conclusion that removing civs can reflect more diversity. Having individual civs, instead of "paths" allows for showing more uniqueness right from the start of the match. Easy example is Macedonians and Spartans and Athenians, who are much different from the start of the game, at least as different from each other as they are from non-Greek civs. With "paths" you lose this. With mods like Delenda Est, this is magnified even more. Also, chill out. Mods like Delenda Est and Terra Magna are adding many civs, like Han Chinese, Kushite Africans, and possibly Nabataean Arabs and Scythian Nomads. Some minor talk have been said about including some of these with the game as a proof-of-concept for modding. Game is in alpha, need I remind everyone.
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