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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. ; Force a particular resolution. (If these are 0, the default is ; to keep the current desktop resolution in fullscreen mode or to ; use 1024x768 in windowed mode.) xres = 0 yres = 0 It's suppose to change the resolution of fullscreen too (and does not change resolution of windowed mode for me either).
  2. I have not come inspired with one yet. Maybe this can be Ashoka's and the Mauryan team bonus can be something to do with pop cap. Maybe ally houses +1 pop (can we do +0.5 pop?).
  3. Player aura. It's basically a modified "Evangelism" team bonus. If I do this as Ashoka's aura, then what would be the team bonus for Mauryans?
  4. Okay, what about this one guys? { "type": "global", "affects": ["Temple"], "affectedPlayers": ["MutualAlly"], "modifications": [ { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/wood", "multiply": 0.5 }, { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/food", "multiply": 0.5 }, { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/metal", "multiply": 0.5 }, { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/stone", "multiply": 0.5 }, { "value": "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/time", "multiply": 0.5 }, {"value": "Cost/BuildTime", "multiply": 0.5}, {"value": "Cost/Resources/stone", "multiply": 0.5}, {"value": "Cost/Resources/wood", "multiply": 0.5} ], "auraName": "Ashoka's Proselytism", "auraDescription": "Allied temples and temple technologies -50% cost, in resources and time." } The Cost modifications work, but the ProductionQueue ones do not (they work as tech modifications though, example: Metallurgy and Forging techs in DE). EDIT: For some reason the ProductionQueue modifications took effect after I teched to City Phase. Kind of weird!
  5. Hello historians and Celt-lovers. I have make a new merc unit for the Celtic civs, the Celtic Archer. He has lighter armor than other archers, but is faster (like the Naked Fanatic - Gaesatae). They add a much needed archery arm for the Celts, but only in limite numbers (can train 30 mercs for the first merc camp, and +10 to the limit for each new merc camp you capture). I need a SpecificName for them if you guy have any idea!
  6. xres = 0 yres = 0 No matter what I put in these, it always default to nattive resolution (1600x900) in fullscreen and 1024x768 in windowed. I'm try to put in 720p for making videos but it will not work. Must there be prefix (like view.xres)?
  7. Just tried it, mimo's patch works as advertise. 1.5 per second seems a bit much. I did 10 every 10 seconds (so, 1 per second). I think 2000 food or so over the course of a match is a good enough team bonus, but that depend on how the other economic team bonuses shape a match too.
  8. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/attachment/ticket/4082/ptol-teambonus.patch I like how I had the right idea. The Player.xml and team bonus aura are nearly of the identical. The only differences are what we interpret the values should be. So, if I apply this, I can take the edited files and add them to the mod and it won't break compatibility with the coming release, right? I guess there's only one way to find out!
  9. Okay, it doesn't throw a nasty error or anything so I'll keep it in for now. Thanks father of Bushido.
  10. Should I delete this attempt or do you think the final of code will look similar (maybe identical) to this?
  11. Hi guy. I'm trying implement some team bonuses. So far, 4 out of 5 work. The one I am work on right now is this: "TeamBonuses": [ { "Name":"Breadbasket of the Mediterranean", "History":"Egypt was a net exporter of grain, so much so that large cities such as Athens, Antioch, and Rome came to rely upon Egyptian grain in order to feed their masses.", "Description":"All allies automatically gain a slow trickle of food income." } ], I tried it this way. I add the ResourceTrickle thing to the player.xml file, like this: <ResourceTrickle> <Rates> <food>0.0</food> <wood>0.0</wood> <stone>0.0</stone> <metal>0.0</metal> </Rates> <Interval>10000</Interval> </ResourceTrickle> So, I assumed this would give the ResourceTrickle to all players, but set at zero of course. Then with the aura, I did this: (auras/teambonuses/ptol_team_bonus.json) { "type": "global", "affects": ["Player"], "affectedPlayers": ["ExclusiveMutualAlly"], "modifications": [ {"value": "ResourceTrickle/Rates/food", "add": 10} ], "auraName": "Breadbasket of the Mediterranean", "auraDescription": "Allies gain a free slow trickle of the food resource." } And then I made the player_ptol.xml look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="special/player"> <Auras datatype="tokens">teambonuses/ptol_team_bonus</Auras> <EntityLimits> <LimitRemovers> <CivicCenter> <RequiredTechs datatype="tokens">phase_imperial</RequiredTechs> <RequiredClasses datatype="tokens">Hero</RequiredClasses> </CivicCenter> </LimitRemovers> </EntityLimits> </Entity> Guess what. Doesn't work. lol. Am I do this right? I think I am doing it right, but game is not capable of this yet. Maybe I have syntax or logic problem. Thoughts? Interval is in milisecond, right? lol, I didn't set it to 10,000 seconds did I?
  12. No, look at time period. Archaic Greeks are not Mycenaeans. Enjoy the choice.
  13. Since is a special building and you remodel it anyway, can have its own texture (can copypasta textures from the original pers texture if you need to, colored appropriate to your need). I don't see why not.
  14. Looks great. Make sure the different variation of palm tree does not intersect with the building tho, like it do wiht the Seleucid military colony.
  15. Also, some building in Persian set still no AO map (see the Apadana and the Walls).
  16. I think I will do this. I will focus on Scythians for Alpha 22 and get them working good (even if they reuse other civs art). After that, I work with you and other modder for Thracians and Nabataeans. Maybe Thrac and Naba can be "minicivs" at first and then we expand them into full civ later.
  17. LionK, that last one is magnificant. I have added it to DE. I really hate how GUI antialias stuff, so I commit it at 128x128 for now.
  18. You will hate me, but I think this bugged the upgrade feature. If tower have 10 limit, then upgrade the tower to stone (or whatever), it counts it twice toward limit. Probably not intended behavior. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/18791
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