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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Right, but I think Thor is saying that the CC and Barrack have a lot of overlap here in training so many military unit from the CC. I didn't like so much overlap --I prefer each building to be as unique as possible-- so that why DE took most of them out of the CC, just train spear infantry as the "male" half of the citizen selection in the CC.
  2. The player will only train hero with global aura, then hide them in the base the whole match. This is kind of the problem with global aura for hero. Some heroes he has to be out there fighting or close to the fight, so will die quickly. Other heroe he just plant himself inside the base the rest of the match and he boosts his civ with a global aura. This become more pronounced if you can't retrain the fighting hero after he is killed.
  3. "Eastern Mediterranean" look more like "Middle East."
  4. The player will only train hero with global aura, then hide them in the base the whole match. One way around this is through actual game design work --gasp-- and design new range-base auras for global heroes.
  5. How does it help to make a swordsman cost food, metal and wood, then, as in vanilla? How was adding wood to the cost "necessary"? And we aren't talking about DE, we're talking about vanilla.
  6. Everything costing wood and the remove of paired tech are thing that inspire me to make DE in the first place. Don't forget tech costing ridiculous amount of money and no build time/cost techs and no counter system.
  7. They are right about every unit costing wood. Why? Also, unitAI need improved. Siege weapon should not auto-attack a building if you have task units to capture it.
  8. More look at how they look in the ui. I think they really make it 'pop' and give the icons easy recognizability they did not have before.
  9. https://color.adobe.com/es/create/color-wheel/?base=2&rule=Monochromatic&selected=4&name=Mi tema de Color&mode=rgb&rgbvalues=0.5,0.47750632857365927,0.3672304096897216,1,0.9041870018739075,0.43446081937944325,1,0.9550126571473185,0.7344608193794432,0.5,0.4522597196993479,0.2182115210684143,0.8,0.7640101257178549,0.5875686555035545&swatchOrder=0,1,3,2,4
  10. My advice would be to be more confident in your voice. Will give you bettter presentation and better for viewers. Good video still. ------------------------- This guy cast the game in Thai language.
  11. I think get someone to model the eagle for you in 3D, use the coin as reference. A lot of the mecedonian, seleucid, ptolemies shield look like they were model in 3d, then render in 2d for texture. With a 3d eagle, you can get the shadows and specular exactly how you like, then make render, then add it to a shield. Or, make the whole shield in 3d like the others.
  12. Just a joke. Seem like all the archaic art show the hoplites with no skirt.
  13. Maybe update structure icon to 256x256 too. Behold. some will need redone completely because the psd file for it is not in the public art repo.*
  14. For champions, think really archaic. Maybe something like "Temple Guard" or "Palace Guard", and then maybe "Chariot Champion." Really give these Greek an old school feel. Bell cuirasses, Illyrian helms, barefeet, penis swag, dipylon and boeotian shields.
  15. Original aoe1 is very primitive. I try play it a couple years ago and was very frustrating.
  16. These guy deserve full civ. Placeholders I think can be Ptolemies buildings and Carthaginians buildings. IMHO, the phase requirements can be number of pyramids build. Maybe 2 for town phase and 3 more fo city phase. Maybe I add them to DE.
  17. Right now it's just the flaming pigs. They slow down the elephant's attack and reduce their max health with aura.
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