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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. hah I wish every language had a revierwr with this man's voice. He is fun to listen to but I do not knoiw Spanish.
  2. How do they blend with exist texture terrain?
  3. Has to be some kind of benefit or something bonus. Idea is not fleshed out. I like idea of customizing things, but idea need to be fleshed out.
  4. If I use that map, I put the cives in this province (some new* province need created): Athenians: Attica* Britons: Britannia Carthaginians: Africa Gauls: Celtica Iberians: Lusitania or Cartageninis Macedonians: Macedonia Mauryans: Punjab* Persians: Persis Ptolemies: Aegyptus Romans: Italia Seleucids: Syria Sparta: Peloponnesos* Of course, some of the provinces would look a lot different in 0 A.D.'s map and the names different. IMHO, I think a better way would be to have many smaller campaign map focused on smaller areas. Like "Syrian Wars" and "Alexander's Anabasis" based on the middle east. Then "Peloponnesian Wars" map based on Greece. "Hannibal's War" base in Italy, Sicily, North Africa. etc. More Opportunities to be more historical and get deeper into these events.
  5. Hmm, not sure about this. Maube something like this for Persians instead? I don't think Scythian was known for large armies.
  6. Buildings and Wagons (and building props)
  7. Not just when "idle". I think they should be task to the temple, like in Age of Mythologies. It would be more active and less passive. No more passive healing "aura" (for the Temple). Task the wounded units to the temple (right-click) and they go to it and pray. They heal whule they pray.
  8. Weapons and other Unit Props Unit Types: All
  9. Well then 1280 can be the minimum width. You will have the discussion again in 5 years and the "significant" amount of users on 1024x768 will have drop to something like 1%. (that data is 2 year old, I do not think your new data will show 5.6% on 1024x768 anymore). Just saying if you want to upgrade the GUI, then a width increase can be justify.
  10. I was like to see healing at the temple be a more active thing. I would like to see the units praying at the temple like Greek villagers do in Age of Mythologie. I think this would be more interesting than to just see the units standing around getting free health. You can say it is "unrealistic" to get healing from praying at a Greek or Persian temple, but healing in the game is generally unrealistic anyway. I think it would be more interest from gameplay perspective to see them praying to get the health and for the player to "task" them to the temple to do this (instead of task them to stand around the temple passive). What do you think? I think it would look a lot neater.
  11. What if new minimum resolution was 1366x768 (this is smallest widescreen resoliution I have seen on new -cheap- laptops)? Times are moving forward. Extra width would help for more GUI room at bottom.
  12. Mayorcette ist entertaining even though I do not understand Spanish.
  13. Thanks. I use the Vestal statue one for the Vestal Virgin tech (instead of the placeholdr).
  14. Ima make the irrigation icon a little darker. It too bright in the UI.
  15. I forgot one more critique, stan. I am not sure, but I think a lot of the seams may not be welded. There is a lot of aliasing happening wih your building when I zoom in and out or pan camera. (More aliasing on the seams than the other Roman building).
  16. Some of these are good. Irrigation one though, can you make go all the way over left and right and up? Not every tech has to have the black background and glow -- keep that in mind. If it make sense to fill the whole square, then that is fine.
  17. Okay, I will list some thing, if someone else wantt to crack at it: 1. The doors on bottom floor should be roughly scale to infantry units. Most doors on the bottom floor seem to be scaled too small on your Insulae. In other structures the doors seem to be scaled roughly to the infantry dudes. 2. The insulae are too tall. They are almost taller than the Civic Center. I think the height scale of the Market is good, or maybe a little taller, but right now they dwarf the market. Also, emulating some of the market's details would bring unity to whole set. 3. I like how you try to do the brick arches and other Roman architectural detail to the model, but you are doing it with texture that don't have those details. You were creative with your UV mapping and I applaud you, but it doesn't seem to work. Perhaps a separate new texture for those details (like how the Hellenes got some new separate textures for cool details way back in the days). 4. Try to eliminate the copy and past look to the wall texturing/mapping. 5. Could use a lot more prop, like jars, etc. Maybe clothes lines hanging inside the courtyard. 6. I changed my mind and wanted these to be square footprint. It would allow the middle courtyard on all 3 variations. These courtyard were nearly ubiquitous. I mentioned the new square footprint in earlier post, but I think you missed it. 7. This is the Colosseum: It's a good attempt, but I think it just needs it's own custom texture. 8. Lastly, some low angle views on the buildings show some missing geometry. I think it's worth a few extra triangle to prevent weird thing from happening during cinematics (missing inside walls) and bad effects in water reflections (like missing ceilings, etc.).
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