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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Some hierarchy and strong leadership is necessary for the integrity of the project. I detest the view of constant consensus seeking, "comrade" @Radagast. I suspect without strong leaderships especially in beginning of project that the project would have be dead by now. As nearing the end is here (maybe a year or two til beta?), strong leadership is needed again. Hopefully ltms provide this. Feneur is too hard on himseld I think, but at least some change has been recognized. Good for you guys and hopefully stronger going forward.
  2. ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/selection_details.js line 425 ReferenceError: costIcon is not defined displayMultiple/numberOfUnits.tooltip<.details<@gui/session/selection_details.js:425:8 displayMultiple@gui/session/selection_details.js:422:24 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:466:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:764:2 onTick@gui/session/session.js:650:3 __eventhandler58 (tick)@sn tick:0:1 even after tooltip.js commit
  3. I would say the Alexander Sarcophagus unit should not garrison .
  4. i think the former actually more dynamic as you have units trying to move the object around. More interesting for scenarios too. the "Alexander's Coffin" object is more like its own game mode or scenario with a successor campaign.
  5. this can already be done with existing code.
  6. Relic can maybe reuse some code from aura? I can imagine they can be similar effect. just need some other code like picking up objects, placing objects inside something else. then reuse the garrison aura code.
  7. Remember, these man take pride in their arms and armor. They rub to a high shine their helms and cuirass.
  8. Don't forget ridge around the cranium. Also, I like the nice smooth clean helmet texture use now.
  9. I said how. lol Kill units, build statues, capture relics. But influence is definitely a resource.
  10. to train hero, to research some strong techs (like unit promotions, special techs, etc.), to upgrade units (for ex: can upgrade 2 of your Spartiates to Spartan Olympic Champions using Glory), build buildings like Wonder (in DE Wonder is required to go to Phase IV).
  11. I can see how that is faster for player. My concern/critic of it though would be that now vital economic things are being remove from the Market, reducing the usefulness of the building. At the least, the trade and barter dialog should not be accessible unless the a market is build. Show the button gray out and tool tip that say: Barter & Trade Goods Requires: 1 Market Also, the resource I am add is Glory. It come from killing units and buildings and build (maybe) patron god statues (trickle). If we ever get relics, I make the relic trickle Glory too. This is not a resource I want to have barter and trade. Should have a way to deterine what resource shows in trade and barter and what does not, maybe a line or two in the json.
  12. Can have trade cart between cities on the campaign map to generate resource. Also, different province can have mines and other resource generators, meaning different provinces are good to capture for different reasons.
  13. He is actually she. Funny when she complain that her horseman starting wars too soon. lol. Units do need some work with control factors (aggressive is too aggressive, etc.).
  14. One improvement I can wish is that the cheekpieces would show the rolled edges.
  15. So ehhhh it's not quite agnostic yet, or more to the point there are bugs, but additional resources technically work. I've gotten one to work. Though, I get this warning: WARNING: JavaScript warning: globalscripts/Templates.js line 375 reference to undefined property template.cost[type] Does this mean there must be a subtype listed in the json or that there the line must be ommitted if I do not want any subtypes.
  16. ELI5 "aiAnalysisInfluenceGroup" in the resource json? Thank.
  17. This was the step I miss. Thank you. There is also the problem that the GUI will not display a 5th resource, but that is beyond me.
  18. Recently a commit make resources agnostic so that modding can add more resources. Can someone on the team show how to do this?
  19. He can just wave his sword around like his infantry fellows. Then horse can stamp.
  20. Right, I think a mix of Eastern and Hellenic. Phrygian and Thracian types would be a good base, with a few Eastern details.
  21. These would make wonderful addition for the Agema Pikes, while the Agema Cavs can have the pointy one with the plume (shown on earlier page), them too with a few color variant.
  22. I tried adding a resource but ran into several error, one being that only 4 resource can be display in the GUI.
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