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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. It's part of a larger problem of models self-shadowing. Could be a shadow rendering bug or a model mesh issue (maybe some seams need welded, or there could be duplicate faces causing some sort of Z fighting).
  2. With latest DE. At the end here you'll see 2 dudes dancing. 2021-02-03_0001.zip
  3. Yeah, that would be my idea for mercs and slaves. There is a global pool (perhaps decided by the game host) and the more mercs hired from that pool, the more expensive they get for everybody. At some point, they'd get more expensive than champions, but you might want to hire them anyway to keep the enemy from hiring them.
  4. Perhaps mercs can be rehired by anyone once they go Gaia. Just click on the Gaia merc battalion and there would be a button in the UI to hire them.
  5. Still working on this. Will eventually make a separate Git repo after A24 is launched. Recently worked a bunch on the Nubia terrains. Compare:
  6. Would there be a ticket for some terrain complexity, such as adding statuses or effects to various terrain textures? Good examples: Ice terrains: Can't be built upon. Farmland terrains: A grain gathering boost.
  7. I think 'Beta' would be when the team is tired of adding new gameplay features and wants to focus on adding campaigns, fixing bugs/performance, and gameplay balancing.
  8. Could make it simple and just have it go to 0 metal, and then you just can't train more merc or research any metal costing techs until your metal income starts to outpace merc pay. But in my ideal game (DE+), you'd have battalions ( ) of mercs you'd hire for coin ( a resource which has a positive "trickle rate") and each battalion would have a negative trickle rate of coin. Now, if the coin goes negative, the merc battalions start to lose loyalty and have a chance to go gaia and start attacking you (or anyone else, see: Mamartines, Mercenary War, et al.). Merc battalions would hire instantly and have a small upfront cost.
  9. I like this, but then it takes some extra thinking on what to do when you run out of metal. Does it go negative? If it goes negative, will the Mercs defect? It would also take a little UI work to let you know your metal depletion rate so you can adjust metal income.
  10. On most skirmish maps in DE, there are capturable structures and units that affect gameplay and add strategy. All of these objects are invulnerable (cannot be killed or destroyed). Probably the most consequential capturable map object, the Mercenary Camp allows the player to train a number of Mercenary Soldiers, which only cost coin and no population. These camps are map-specific and allow the training of dozens of ethnic mercenaries specific to that map location (Gaul, as opposed to North Africa, or India, for example). The occasional Shrine allows nearby units to heal and can train Elite Healers specific to the culture of that Shrine. Another common capturable object is the Trading Post. This allows the player to have long and profitable trade routes. They train Traders specific to the culture of the Trading Post and the Slave Trade tech allows Slave units to be trained twice as fast. Horses, Ponies, and Donkeys are similar to Catafalques, in that capturing them gives the player a bonus in the form of a global aura. Capturing Horses and Ponies gives extra health (+2% each) and faster train time (-5%) to cavalry units, while capturing Donkeys gives extra gathering speed to Citizens (+2% per donkey). Captured animals can be garrisoned in the Corral building for safe keeping.
  11. Going in to Hero Mode could be unlocked a couple ways, either with a Delenda Est-style resource like Glory that can be used to buy Hero Mode time, or maybe allow the Hero to rank-up with kills like other units, ranking up far enough to allow Hero Mode. While in this mode the hero has double resistance and double attack. The mode has a time limit, and takes time to recharge. Upper left button: Hero button replaced by the "Back to Strategic View" button; hotkey: Spacebar; take player out of hero mode. The health bar here indicates how much health all of the player's units have (if you see it dropping precipitously, you might have an indication that there's an attack elsewhere killing your people and might want to go back to Strategic View to deal with it) Lower right: A panel combines the Unit Viewer information and the health bar of the hero. W: Move Forward A: Strafe Left S: Backup D: Strafe Right Q: Turn Left E: Turn Right Z: Toggle Weapons - Whichever weapons are available to this hero X: Army Command - Follow; affects nearby soldiers, causes them to follow and guard the player's hero C: Army Command - Charge; affects nearby soldiers; causes them to charge ahead of the hero by 50 meters in an Attack-Move
  12. Potential redesign for Seleucus on his elephant?
  13. Valid. Indeed, I think I will choose one of these fine gentlesirs instead of Darius III the Cowardly.
  14. I will add Darius III as a 4th hero. Any ideas for him?
  15. I actually wonder why a player should be able to see this kind of information about their enemies.
  16. Okay, I'll bite. So, you click on an enemy Spearman and see that his attack is now +1. What will you do differently that you wouldn't before this knowledge? Invest in more armor? But you'd want to do that anyway.
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