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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. At the end of the day, a terrain texture overhaul will have 1/2 the number of terrain textures, but will cost about 2x the disk space (each new terrain is approximately 4x the size of their current counterparts). Still, for a modern game in the year 2020, 0 A.D. will be on the lower side as far as disk space even with terrain overhaul.
  2. Right, it's shape combined with super high res textures and good normal maps. The new "ground" terrains such as dirt, grass, forestfloor, etc. are 2048x2048. In contrast, the new cliff terrains are 4096x4096 diffuse textures with 4096x4096 normal/parallax maps (spec maps I scale down to 2048 or 1024 to save some space). With such large ground textures you can adjust their spread and reduce repeating patterns. With such massive cliff textures you reduce the appearance of stretching and don't have to use the triplanar material that muddies the texture. Also, with such large high quality terrain textures you can use fewer of them and get a more unified look to the biome instead of throwing as many textures as you can in there to get a good look. So, you'd have 15-20 terrains per biome instead of 58 (as per the current Desert folder in EA).
  3. { "genericName": "Iphicrates", "description": "Iphicrates.", "icon": "athen_hero_iphicrates_card.png", "tooltip": "Select Iphicrates to lead your civilization.", "modifications": [{ "value": "ProductionQueue/Entities/_string", "tokens": ["-units/athen_hero_miltiades_infantry -units/athen_hero_themistocles -units/athen_hero_pericles"] }], "affects": ["CivilCentre"] } This validates, but throw this error: @Stan` @wraitii
  4. From technologies.js: Supports "A>B" to replace A by B, "-A" to remove A, and the rest will add tokens
  5. So, this probably won't work: { "genericName": "Iphicrates", "description": "Iphicrates.", "icon": "athen_hero_iphicrates_card.png", "tooltip": "Select Iphicrates to lead your civilization.", "modifications": [ { "value": "ProductionQueue/Entities/_string", "tokens": " -units/athen_hero_miltiades -units/athen_hero_pericles -units/athen_hero_socrates" } ], "affects": ["CivilCentre"] }
  6. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/23843#file0 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D270 So, what syntax must I use in the technology file? Is there an example in-game? A good use case for EA would be the Seleucid reform techs. It unlocks either Silvershield Pikeman or Romanized Heavy Swordsman, so what the tech could do is remove the other.
  7. Hey there. I have made a Bug Report thread here: There are numerous errors in the Alpha 23 version of the mod that have hence been corrected for the upcoming Alpha 24 version.
  8. Please post bug reports for DELENDA EST here. Make sure to: Ensure you are running alpha compatible version of the mod. If you have the development (SVN) version of 0 A.D. You can run the development version of Delenda Est: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est If you have the latest Alpha of the game (Alpha 23) You can run the Alpha 23 version of Delenda Est, accessible from the Mod Selector in-game Do not have any other mod except 0ad and Delenda Est running. To see the errors that have popped up in-game, you can find them here (Windows): C:/Users/{YourName}/AppData/Local/0ad/logs/interestinglog.html Known Issues: The summary screen errors out because of coin and glory resources
  9. You could probably leave out the "page shuffling" sounds. Make the selection sound the completion sound, and make a shorter (fewer notes) version for selection.
  10. May I suggest he be called the "Monarch." Just sounds cooler. lol Unless there's a cool sounding native title.
  11. Some kind of procedurally generated mountain system with fractals perhaps (I think that's what that guy did in your article). What I have noticed is that mountains "branch" out like a fractal does. They are seldom just lumps (AOM's mountains were just big lumps). They actually extrude outward from the heights and form ridges, and more ridges extrude outward from those.
  12. I think we can approximate mountains a lot better. I once advocated for us to make mountain meshes/models (and they could still be done), but after exploring 4096x4096 terrain textures for Alpha 25 I've come to the conclusion that by using extra high resolution textures we can make some very nice mountains indeed: Now, I hand sculpted that mountain in Atlas, but would it be possible to approximate these kinds of realistic mountain shapes in a random map script? If not, perhaps we can use height maps to do so and then the map scripts can render the mountains from those.
  13. I agree there should be a separate notification audio cue for Gaia attacks vs. Enemy player attacks. Not sure this is it tho.
  14. I know this is low priority, but it would be awesome to have a short 2-5 second music cue for each civ for when a match is launched. This is something from AOK that added a little touch of flavor.
  15. We obviously need to remodel the sling stones to include this historical accuracy.
  16. It's 100% working in the DE github version, but only for the Greek and Indian civs so far. It's not working 100% as I'd like yet. The other heroes get grayed out instead of removed from the production queue. Also, I wish the big cards you see there were generated by the UI code instead if being big pngs I have to make in Photoshop. But for now, it all works satisfying enough.
  17. The "Battle Priest" could be upgraded to hero status, and then we can add a "Warrior King" hero unit.
  18. So, I'm waiting for the Map Resize patch to be committed to Atlas, so I can make 4 and 6 player versions of a lot of the skirmish maps. And then I thought about how random map scripts work, how the player can customize the number of players and the map size etc. With that in mind I thought of a possible cool feature for Skirmish maps. What if in game setup when you choose a skirmish map there is another option to choose the number of players. How this works is, for instance if there's a Britannic Road skirmish map built for 2 players, I could make 4 and 6 player versions of skirmish map and the drop menu in game setup would show 2, 4, and 6 player options. If I make 3 and 5 player versions, the dropdown would only show 2,3, and 5 player options. There are a number of ways this could be achieved. One way is with map file names. Could have britannic_road_2, britannic_road_3, britannic_road_7, etc. and then the UI could parse that these are 2, 3, and 7 player options to list in the dropdown. That, or there could be a small XML file that lists the possible maps under the name "britannic_road" and the Ui just loads that small XML file for the dropdown. There are probably other ways of doing it too, just need to decide which option is easiest/makes most sense and gives the most flexibility.
  19. When looking at the after-match summary report? Yeah, it's because of the coin and glory, I think. I messes up the summary ui code. I can't fix it.
  20. This is the right repository, correct? https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad Last commit is 11 months old? Is there a newer repostitory?
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