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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Archers Overpowered? 10 archers vs. 10 skirmishers Units start 60 meters apart (archer max range) Theory: Skirmishers under fire as they have to approach by 30 meters Results: 6 archers left (all fully healthy) Observations: The archer range was decisive here 10 archers vs. 10 skirmishers Units start 30 meters apart (skirmisher range) Theory: Skirmishers can attack immediately, archer range nullified, strong javelin attack strength should even the odds Results: 1 archer left (full health) Observations: Remove archers' range advantage and things even out considerably; archers still slightly better, probably their attack interval advantage 10 archers vs. 10 slingers Units start 60 meters apart (archer max range) Theory: Slingers under fire briefly as they close to within 45 meters Results: 6 archers left (avg 75% health) Observations: As the slingers cost less abundant resources, this isn't a very good outcome for slingers 10 archers vs. 10 slingers Units start 45 meters apart (slinger range) Theory: Slingers can attack immediately, archer range nullified Results: 1 archer left (10% health); 3 archers left (avg 20% health), 3 slingers left (avg 40% health), 1 slinger left (50% health) Observations: Remove archers' range advantage and things even out considerably; After the first test was so close I moved some units around slightly by about 1 meter. The fact that results came down to a 1 meter placement tells me they are pretty much balanced in combat against each other. Is this desired? 10 archers vs. 8 cavalry swordsmen Units start 60 meters apart (archer max range) Theory: Cavalry under fire for 60 meters; melee cavalry should be archers' natural counter Results: 7 cavalry swordsmen left (avg 80% health) Observations: Unsurprisingly, the archers were massacred. This is a good balance IMHO. 10 archers vs. 8 cavalry spearmen Units start 60 meters apart (archer max range) Theory: Cavalry under fire for 60 meters; melee cavalry should be archers' natural counter Results: 7 cavalry swordsmen left (avg 80% health); identical results to cav swordsmen Observations: Unsurprisingly, the archers were massacred. I thought the cav spearmen would perform a little worse than cav swords due to their slower attack interval, but it didn't work out that way. This is a good balance. 10 archers vs 10 infantry spearmen Units start 60 meters apart (archer max range) Theory: Infantry spearmen in theory should fall prey to archers; we'll see Results: 6 spearmen left (avg 85% health) Observations: Surprised by this outcome. Archers were massacred by spearmen, probably because of the spearmen's double health. No spearman died until the last 10 meters of their charge. 10 archers vs 10 infantry spearmen Units start 30 meters apart Theory: Infantry spearmen in theory should fall prey to archers Results: 9 spearmen left (avg 75% health) Observations: Unsurprised by this outcome given the 60 meter tests, but this still doesn't feel right. Very unbalanced toward the spearmen. 10 archers vs 10 infantry swordsmen Units start 60 meters apart (archer max range) Theory: Infantry swordsmen in theory should fall prey to archers, especially since Results: 8 swordsmen left (avg 80% health) Observations: Archers were massacred by swordsmen, when it should have been the other way around since the swordsmen were under fire for the entire 60 meters. Conclusion I don't think archers are overpowered per se. At least not on a unit by unit basis. Their range does seem extreme though, and they only cost food and wood, so in a meat shield situation or raiding situation the results could turn heavily in their favor.
  2. I can give the art style a pass, but some of the dumbass units make me scratch my head too much. Plus some of the dumb perks like slapping units with wet tuna fish...
  3. Exactly. It's a quality of life improvement that makes the game feel complete.
  4. That UI is nice, but it's huuuuge and omnipresent. One thing I like about the video is the target flash. 0 a.d. needs this quality of life feature. I also forgot how nice of a feature falling trees are lol. I like the cloud shadows, but in this video it's out of control. Lol
  5. Literally all ww have to do is use the elephant archer mahout actor for the rider.
  6. The stats of all units and structures in DE have very little in common with EA (the base game). A24's rebalancing had no effect on DE. Delenda Est's civs are very unique from each other and play a lot different from A24. A big change you'll notice right off the bat is the hero selection screen when you launch a game. Most civs give the player a choice of which hero to have for the entire match. These heroes have a large effect on the game with auras, bonuses, and special technologies. Some heroes even change the unit composition of the civ. For instance, as a Spartan player choosing Leonidas the player has access to hoplite units, while if the player chooses Cleomenes they gain access to phalangite units instead. DE A24 adds the Scythians as a playable civ. They can build their buildings anywhere on the map and have no territory effects or restrictions. Consequently their buildings are cheapest and weakest in the game. Their hero selection screens aren't done yet and their tech tree is in flux, but they're playable. Suebian Germans are also included in DE A24. They have Axemen and Wolf Warriors and cheap wooden structures. As with the Scythians they are still a WIP, but very playable.
  7. Luckily, Roman heroes in Delenda Est use @Alexandermb's awesome Attic helmets. The old "Imperial Attic" helmet models were very out of date.
  8. Hey looking great so far! The plants look good. Don't listen to Carltonus. Wonders should be the most eyecandied objects in the game. I don't think this one is overkill. I would use a different statue on the side, instead of reusing the Roman ones. I think the game needs a lot more statuary in general.
  9. Oh, young people. Not old people like me. *runs and cries*
  10. Oh, I see. Odd. So the 2 significant digits are currently hard-coded for sliders.
  11. I don't understand. The materials slider outputs round values right?
  12. Still a bigger sample size than 2 guys arguing on the Internet.
  13. A max number slider could be cool. I wish they would sink or something instead of just blinking out of existence though.
  14. Some template changes after A24 released makes the templates not appear, so you wouldn't be able to see your shader changes on buildings and units and such. I'll just let you know when the terrains repo is up.
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