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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. A universal notification could work too: "{playerName} has started building a Wonder!" "{playerName} has finished building a Wonder!"
  2. I like these. What if by building a Wonder you unlock a 4th phase ("Empire" Phase, possibly), which unlocks these kinds of über technologies? Maybe each structure can have at least one 4th phase über tech, which is unlocked by building the Wonder.
  3. Honest questions: How many multiplayer matches actually include the construction of Wonders? How many competitive matches? Do they have a clear gameplay purpose? Are their current effects worth building one? Do their current effects make sense? Can they be made to be more integral to the late game?
  4. I like this option as well. 0 (Off) 10 20 40 60 100 150 200 Unlimited
  5. They must, since there are plenty of other free games out there they could play if they didn't care about history. Even if I didn't give 2 cares about WW2 history I would still think it silly for a bazooka to take out the Battleship Bismark.
  6. Where on screen would you want the translation to appear?
  7. At some point I wouldn't mind making a mod where the units speak English, French, etc. So, click on a Spartan Hoplite and it says, "Yes, sire!" or "Yes, Basileus!" Task them to chop wood and they say, "Lumbering!"
  8. Know how there is a "max gatherers" stat? There can be a "max attackers" component. For structures we can make it rather large, like 80 for a large structure. But for units we can reduce it considerably. We can base it largely on footprint size. So, melee attackers attacking a target won't mill around and run around trying to get to the target if too many are tasked to the target, they will find a new target instead. And then also, archers will seek a different target if too many are already targeted. We could even go a little more granular with it and divide it up between melee and ranged max attackers.
  9. Well, as long as it fits within the same footprint as the Hanging Gardens it should be fine. I thought about that a long time ago, but I'm not sure what's more efficient for the game's graphics memory footprint and then also rendering. Is it more efficient (for the game; I know which is more efficient for the artist) to have two 1024x512 textures or one 1024x1024 texture?
  10. Feel free to create a Pull request Feel free to create a pull request You're probably right. Feel free to submit a pull request.
  11. Yeah, you just have to use the prop system in the actors later. As you guessed, it's because there were multiple textures used and at the time it was felt better to have separate textures instead of one gigantic texture sheet. Of course, at the time the definition of "gigantic" was different from what we'd call gigantic today.
  12. Don't bother adding this unless you want a bunch of negative space in the structure's footprint (hint: you don't).
  13. All issues (except colors) have been taken care of. Y'all can Fetch origin and test.
  14. DE has already done this. {civ}/support_female_citizen -> {civ}/support_citizen
  15. The topless Maurya women are based on primary archeological references. I'll remove them for EA though. It's a simple change in the actor. Wouldn't want to offend anyone. The game needs more face and head textures in general. Cc0 or cc by sa face photos are hard to come by though.
  16. It is random. Sometimes you will randomly get a batch of all men, sometimes a batch of all women. All support units use orange. I didn't change anything about that (and won't in this patch). Easy fix.
  17. My thing is, wouldn't "competitive" players have all the stats memorized or at least intuited? That's what's always bothered me.
  18. That would require additional code. Out of the scope of this particular mod.
  19. @Genava55 @Nescio @Shogun 144 Specific Names for these units would be helpful.
  20. Ranged unit accuracy was greatly increased in Alpha 24.
  21. Based on numerous requests, I went ahead and made a mod to add 2 genders to "Citizens" in the game. It is based heavily on my work on Delenda Est. The Two-Genders mod does not change any stats, only converts the "Female Citizen" unit to a unit that uses Female and Male actors. The only civ that keeps Female Citizens is Sparta in this mod. It is compatible with Alpha 24 and can be tested by anyone with that release. If successful, this may be folded into the main game's repo at WFG's leisure and discretion. DOWNLOAD THE MOD HERE, FROM GITHUB.COM: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/0-A.D.-Alpha-24---Two-Gendered-Citizens I will maintain/curate the mod and commit fixes for any problems you guys may find. Also, if you are familiar with GitHub, feel free to submit Pull Requests to the link above.
  22. I fully agree that "real world" experience is way better than simple Atlas tests. I did conclude that the archer range seems quite excessive and that meat shields and other real-world scenarios would increase their effectiveness beyond simple 1v1 unit matchups.
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