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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I need ideas for Balkan mercenaries. Essentially mercs from the Balkan peninsula and area. I was thinking: Thracian Peltast Javelin Infantry Illyrian Spearman Spear Infantry Dacian Falxman Sword Infantry Getae _____ ? Bastarnae _____ ? Paeonian ____ ? Need a couple cavalry ideas.
  2. A halfway proposal is currently at https://code.wildfiregames.com/differential/ Basically, allowing the training of mixed batches. For instance, you could have the option to train batches of 10 soldiers, 1 officer (2x health; attack aura), and 1 bannerman (speed and armor aura). Or maybe an officer and bannerman would be trained for free if you choose to train a batch of 20 or more soldiers. ---------------------- I disagree that battalions don't work in an RTS. They worked beautifully in Battle for Middle Earth II. And as I said, if your soldiers do nothing but stand idle or fight, then why not just have them exist in hard battalions? I'm talking about battalions of maybe 2 dozen soldiers, not 100 as in Total War.
  3. In Delenda Est soldiers do not gather. You don't have to divide them up among different resources to gather efficiently, so it makes sense to make them just exist in hard Battalions. For EA, that may be a different story.
  4. Another option would be to give the Forge a set of template UPGRADES, the same features used to upgrade a Sentry Tower to a Defense Tower. Essentially, for a cost and a negative resource trickle, you would Upgrade the Forge to "produce" certain kinds of armaments. This would then affect the stats and costs of units. So, upgrade the Forge to produce Swords and all sword units would be affected (the Forge would have an aura to that effect as long as the Forge remains as this upgrade) and the Forge would have a negative trickle of metal and wood. Want to go heavy on Hoplites, Upgrade the Forge to produce heavy armor for a negative Metal and Wood trickle. So, you can change your Forge to produce different kinds of armaments based on your strategy.
  5. Well, I want this too (Battalions). This Forge idea would go hand in hand. https://www.moddb.com/mods/0-ad-delenda-est/news/battalions-and-formations
  6. This has been suggested in the past. In that game, what qualified as "safety"? No enemy units in vision range? Did they run to the nearest unattacked town center? I'd rather we have Battalions first before we add morale and routing.
  7. Agis and Pericles need this in their actors: <group> <variant file="biped/base_hoplite.xml" name="Hoplite-Relax" frequency="1"/> <variant file="biped/formations/phalanx_front.xml"/> <variant file="biped/formations/phalanx_mid.xml"/> <variant file="biped/formations/phalanx_back.xml"/> <variant file="biped/attack_capture.xml"> <props> <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear_lance_cavalry_reverse.xml" attachpoint="weapon_R"/> </props> </variant> <variant file="biped/attack_slaughter.xml"/> <variant file="biped/gather_praise.xml"/> <variant file="biped/hoplite_death.xml"/> </group>
  8. It's because it's not "5 shields" it's a level 5 shield (because it's 5 levels of resistance). The sword is a level 6 sword (6 hack attack), not 6 swords. Yeah, it does. Maybe need to take some micro away from somewhere else to make this palatable.
  9. I think more than 10 units available for training would be overkill. But regardless, that would be up to the designer to make sure that they wouldn't overlap. Would be trivial. I'd say for now (until pages or tabs are implemented) just limit the UI to 10 trainable units and upgrades in the top row. I'd say for multiple-selected buildings (like in a ctrl-group or something), if there are more than 10 units and upgrades, needing 2 rows, then mash the technologies together, like the behavior we already have. Edited.
  10. Can we make it possible to dictate where techs can go in the UI? It would be very helpful (and logical) to be able to place techs beneath the units that they primarily affect. For instance, Rank Promotion techs and "Tradition" techs ("Archery Tradition", "Hoplite Tradition" etc.) can go directly beneath the unit. Example: It could go in the building's template in the productionqueue/technologies component, perhaps productionque/technologies/row. <ProductionQueue> <BatchTimeModifier>0.8</BatchTimeModifier> <Entities datatype="tokens"> units/{civ}/infantry_javelineer_b units/{civ}/infantry_slinger_b units/{civ}/infantry_archer_b units/{civ}/infantry_crossbowman_b </Entities> <Technologies> <Row2 datatype="tokens"> upgrade_rank_advanced_infantry_jav upgrade_rank_elite_infantry_jav upgrade_rank_advanced_infantry_slinger upgrade_rank_elite_infantry_slinger upgrade_rank_advanced_infantry_archer upgrade_rank_elite_infantry_archer </Row2> <Row3 datatype="tokens"> <br/> <br/> special_archery_tradition </Row3> <Row4 datatype="tokens"> training_levy_infantry_ranged </Row4> </Technologies> </ProductionQueue>
  11. See @ValihrAnt's blacksmith rework thread here: ==================================================================== As always, Wow is here to propose something innovative and cool. My Forge rework idea is that the Forge now acts similarly to a Market, in that it is used to exchange resources for something else. In this case, the player exchanges Raw Resources (Food, Wood, Metal, Stone) for Secondary Resources: Swords, Shields, Spears, Javelins, et al. So, now Soldiers don't cost Raw Resources, they cost Food and secondary resources: Roman Hastatus 100 Food 5 Shield 5 Body Armor 6 Sword So, those numbers mean something. For example: for every 1 hack resistance, they cost 1 Body Armor. For every hack attack, they cost 1 Sword. For every point of health, they cost 1 Food. The Sword resource had been bought (exchanged) at the Forge with the Metal raw resource (and possibly Wood, to account for the firewood necessary to forge and temper the weapons).
  12. Committed fixes for Male Citizen actors, improves variant ordering and adds missing attack variant (some male dudes would just stand there and not poke the target with their dagger).
  13. Maybe it's more like when structure previews turn red and is then easier? lmao I have no idea what I'm talking about. Either way, Target Highlight and Target Flash are super desirable from quality of life and completion standpoints.
  14. Looks incredible. 1 request? Can you make the foundation platform go about 3x deeper? Shouldn't add too many triangles and will help the building blend into hills better. *Ideally we could eventually have a set of platforms of various sizes we can use for structures such as these as simple props, but that's out of scope of this structure.
  15. Rando thought: Make sure if you give the Celts some village phase forge techs, then make them somewhat weak so that they're not too OP early on.
  16. I could not reproduce this. I even played the same map and chose Kushites. Anyone else? Do you have any other mods installed?
  17. I would give Sparta a Mercenary Cretan Archer to duel with the archers of other civs. I would also rework the Skiritai and Spartiates. Make the Skiritai into fast hoplites, with greater pierce armor and hack attack (but lower hack armor), while the Spartiates are slower and super super tanky meatshields.
  18. Might be a civ.json bug (female citizens spawn at the beginning probably). Will fix.
  19. I am saying the base you see under the terrain grid was put there specifically for cases when the building is placed on a slope, so that there is not a gap at the bottom edges. It's not actually a part of the above ground structure.
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