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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I've always wanted a "Battle Mode" for the game, where it was similar to Total War's custom battles or historical battles.
  2. You assume a lot, like costs and such remaining the same. I want the ability for hard battalions so I can prove you two wrong with Delenda Est. lol
  3. I kept mobility for the houses and dropsites. So, you can swap back and forth from an ox cart to a house, back to an ox cart, and then to a storehouse if you wish.
  4. Have you worked more on this? Looks good.
  5. It looks like it would be great for a Cult Statue.
  6. I even like the shield. And yeah guys, I had the idea of "Mercenary Docks" as well. Illyrian Pirates and Cilician Pirates. Illyrian Liburna, Cilician Hemiola.
  7. Your reasoning doesn't follow. Battalions inherently reduce micro, so if 0 A.D. maintains the same number of resources, then ipso facto micro is reduced. Instead of 200+ soldiers, you'd have 20+ battalions to maintain control of. The number of resources doesn't even factor in to the battalion feature. The developers of BfME2 even said in a dev blog that they use 1 resource (supply) because of the need to reduce micro even further for console interfacing. They also wanted less base building and economy management and more combat, so only went with 1 resource.
  8. Have you played either of the Battle for Middle Earth games?
  9. Yeah, I wish a dialogue would open and give you a bunch of screenshot options.
  10. I realize now why I don't like the buildings in this trailer: There is no consistent architectural theme. It looks like buildings from multiple building sets have been thrown together for the trailer.
  11. https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est It's a work in progress, but it works with Alpha 24. It's a few weeks off until an official release, but the dev version there is 100% playable with 0 A.D. Alpha 24.
  12. Yeah, AOE3's banner army concept is essentially what came to mine when I saw the DIFF being worked on. I kind of like it and can't wait to play with the concept if it's ever folded into the 0 A.D. dev repo.
  13. Defense Tower I would just make straight up and down at the bottom instead of angled. It would be 100% wood, with no stone base, unlike the Gallic tower. Temple doesn't necessarily need the stone circle. You could make it wider to take up more area. One of the few temples to be wider than deep, in contrast to all the others which are either deeper or square. The 3 houses don't look to scale with each other. House #2 looks correct scale, so scale the other 2 houses to that one. BTW -- We prefer 4 house variations since so many houses are built. The Civic Center actually looks really good. The Barrack looks a little big in scale. The doorway looks like it needs to be bigger and the wooden palisade should be taller. That should make the structure look a little smaller in comparison. Siege Arsenal looks great. Maybe put the palisade along the back sides and leave the front corner more open (like the other Siege Arsenals in the game). Great work so far!
  14. Why isn't this a main menu background?
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