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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I agree. I've always thought their canvas texture should be more patterned and colorful.
  2. Any thoughts? @s0600204 @wraitii @Angen @Freagarach @Stan`? I think it would be useful to make the tech-unit relationships and UI more intuitive for the player.
  3. I've pushed a big update for Scythians. They don't build Civic Centers in the traditional way, they train Packed Civic Centers and send them out to upgrade to stationary Civic Centers elsewhere.
  4. I have added Marcus Aurelius and Emperor Aurelian as the 4th and 5th Imperial Roman heroes. Ideas for their bonuses: Emperor Marcus Aurelius Philosopher Emperor "Frontier Defender": All nearby Walls and Fortresses +50% health and +1 arrow "Temperance": Marcus +25% more health than other Roman heroes "Meditations": All remaining Technologies research instantly Mount: Marcus Aurelius rides his war horse Faustina when upgraded Soft Bonus: Choosing Marcus Aurelius unlocks the Roman Cataphract champion unit Emperor Aurelian Restorer of the World "Restitutor Orbis": Emperor Aurelian +300% more capture attack than other heroes "Cavalry" Aura: Nearby Roman Cavalry +20% health, +20% speed "Currency Reform": All tax paying units and structures +20% coin trickle Mount: Aurelian rides his armored war horse Invictus when upgraded Soft Bonus: Choosing Aurelian unlocks the Roman Cataphract champion unit ; also some other units look different (3rd century armor)
  5. Keep in mind that in reality it was probably quite common for ranged troops to pick up ammunition off the ground from missiles fired at them by the enemy!
  6. Right. Alex I -> Pyrrhus, Alex II Akontistai -> Thyreophoroi Hoplite -> Phalangite Prodromos -> Tarantine Cavalry That would really be all that's needed to show an evolution. Maybe change the Chaonians = Hoplite/Hypaspist -> Heavy Phalangites
  7. Did the Zapotecs have plumbing or sewer systems? Pipes? Aqueducts?
  8. That's a great structure. What would be the structure's benefit or bonus?
  9. There is some impressive stuff there, but I have a bad feeling about this. Looks a little generic. And the building designs don't look consistent or coherent together as an architectural set. Has a very AOE3 feel to me, just set in the Renaissance.
  10. Being one of the top players I'm sure you do. Lol Right, the citizen soldier concept makes this difficult. I don't think they should be identical, but perhaps the Citizens are just 20% better than soldiers at gathering each resource since they are unencumbered with armor and weapons.
  11. It would be cool to have statues and stelae for the mod.
  12. I could see revamping the entire Temple tech tree as well as the Forge tech tree. I'll have to work closely with you guys to find proper technology ideas for these 2 structures specifically.
  13. Similar to Atlanteans in Age of Mythology: Border Army Barracks - Base Units Royal Army Barracks - Counter Units Other thoughts: Roman Cataphracts Staff Slingers Traction proto-Trebuchets Greek Fire Aurelian Constantine Possibly: Justinian Possibly: Belisarius "Enemy" Factions: Gothic Germans Huns Sassanians
  14. I have put zero thought into the Dominate Romans in over a year. Dominate Romans are pretty far off for the mod.
  15. Millennium AD is still a thing. They can make Millennium AD be AD 500 -- AD 1500-ish. Aside:
  16. I was thinking of having some kind of bonus or aura if you garrison your chosen hero into the Wonder. Any ideas what the bonus should be? Also, @Freagarach @wraitii @Angen: If I make a "garrisonedidle" variant, can I make the hero at the top of the wonder perform a specific idle animation?
  17. If we had the models, then Iphicrates would definitely have a smaller aspis.
  18. Agreed. I think Epirote heroes Pyrrhus and Alexander II would be clean shaven, while Alexander I might have a beard.
  19. Sorry, didn't mean to ignore you. The female in the 2nd image is wearing a beige/brown gown, not player color. If you zoom in on the player color bits of the portrait, you'll see it is a nice orange. Anyway, I think you'd want your citizens to stand out in a selection full of a bunch of different units, so you could probably micro them out of the selection or task them elsewhere. @borg- Thoughts on this mod?
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