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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Make Spearmen and Swordsmen have the same attack (hack only!), then differentiate them with a 2x bonus vs. cavalry for Spearmen and 2x bonus vs. infantry for Swordsmen.
  2. Perhaps a minimap button that makes the minimap big, lol:
  3. So, I think ideally it should be done with the ranking feature, instead of adjusting the actor, footprint, stats, etc. with the "covered ram" tech. Just use the tech to rank up the log to the next rank which is a covered ram. Has that one patch been committed where we don't have to make the required xp 99999 for the log ram?
  4. Pigs will eat anything. Now we need to be able to garrison animals in the corrals!
  5. I actually like the HUD being centered. It keeps all the info I need right there in the middle of the screen. I felt some eye strain shifting my eyes from corner to corner with the edited versions.
  6. DE will be creating a progression for rams. First, it's a log carried by soldiers, then with an upgrade it becomes a covered ram. Perhaps EA can do something similar.
  7. I believe this would be negated somewhat if template values were used for these things instead of "cleaner" auto-researched techs.
  8. I think if we went to a minimum resolution of 720p then you'd have 200+ more horizontal pixels to work with. Anyway, here are a couple simple ideas for GUI changes:
  9. <object size="50%-512 100%-200 50%-312 100%"> Very confusing. I think it means the object starts 512 pixels from center, then goes to 312 pixels from center (making it 200 pixels wide), then it goes 200 pixels up from the bottom? The percentages trip me up too.
  10. You think it would be a narrow valley no man's land in the middle with two open areas on the end? Players have to fight through the vale to get to the enemy's side.
  11. Seven Hills The 7 hills of Rome and the Tiber River before the city was founded. The Fields of Mars (Campus Martius) and the area of the Forum should be marshy. The Tiber should have an island in it.
  12. Just apply a default to all, then adjust those few by hand that need it.
  13. <Bonuses> <BonusCavMelee> <Classes>Cavalry</Classes> <Multiplier>3.0</Multiplier> </BonusCavMelee> </Bonuses>
  14. (emphasis mine) Neither of those 2 weird unit behaviors has anything to do with using Hack/Pierce/Crush instead of Melee/Ranged/Siege for attack terminology. It's just terminology. In my mod, spearmen don't have any Pierce attack and slingers don't have any Crush attack, so they don't have those bad behaviors. Nothing inherent to the current terminology says spearmen and slingers have to be that way, it's just a conscious choice. lol But to ram the point home, I definitely can support changing their names to Melee/Ranged/Siege, but then someone in WFG might say, "Spears are looong, lol, so we give them Ranged attack too, mkay, lulz."
  15. Improved the Republican Roman heroes a little bit in DE: Replaced their old low quality "Imperial Attic" helmets with more appropriate helmets for the time period. Made infantry variants for all 3. Gave Marcellus a better body texture. EDIT: Romans really need new Parma shields.
  16. Yes, I could see this as adding an interesting dynamic to, say, a 6-player skirmish map with 2 human players and 4 "unassigned" players. The 4 unassigned players can be "taken over" by the human players. And then you'd have the "Removed" option for those players (probably the majority) who don't want that dynamic.
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