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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Hack/Melee, Pierce/Ranged, Crush/Siege attack types are plenty enough to balance most units. How many units will use "other" types of attacks?
  2. Right. If it's a simple change in terminology then I'm okay with doing it if it's more intuitive. The change from Armor to "Resistance" made things less intuitive IMHO. But I think changing Hack, Pierce, and Crush to Melee, Ranged, and Siege can be okay, if that makes WFG fix spearmen. lmao
  3. hack, pierce, crush already do this, it's just WFG stubbornly does not want to fix spearmen attack to align with this.
  4. Yeah, this has been desired since skirmish maps became a thing. Player options need to be: Yourself/Other Human Player AI: Petra Bot Unassigned Removed "Removed" takes away the skirmish templates for that player so that they are completely removed from the map.
  5. A Spy/Assassin unit would be awesome. Perhaps a train limit of 1 or 2. To enemy players, your unit would look like one of their own, but to you the owning player it would look like an unsavory cloaked figure. They could have a few special abilities: Report Garrison in an enemy building reveals its Production queue and garrison to you Has no cool down time time, the Spy can move from building to building at will Sabotage Task your Spy to sabotage an enemy building. This reduces its health by 1000 hp (or a percentage), and cancels its Production queue Defensive Buildings, Civic Centers, and Fortress are immune, but Wall Gates are not Has a 5-minute cool down time Bribe Much like the Bribery feature in the diplomacy tab, it gives you the vision of the bribed unit. Bribe it twice and you can own and control the unit. This could have success rate applied to it. If unsuccessful, your Spy may then become visible to the enemy. Has a cool down time Assassinate Kill a target unit. The greater the health, the lower possibility of success (or we can base success rate on unit class). If unsuccessful, the target unit can fight back. Has a cool down time Hmm, it's not so big of a departure I don't think. It's additive, not subtractive. Your gatherers are still tasked to chop the trees and groves like you would in AOE. If anything, 0 A.D. already forces a big departure from AOE gathering by making it primarily territory-based. My idea gives back the ability to gather outside of your territory by using mechanics (such as capturing and auras) that are already in the game.
  6. Used Gallic Highlands as a base to make a Scythian Steppes map. It's larger and has easily less than 20% the number of trees. Way more wide open and no cliffs.
  7. Request: Extend this to make batch-trained units (or exiting garrisoned units) arrive at their rally point in the chosen default formation.
  8. Heroes already give the buffs you're talking about, so then Priests just become mini heroes? I agree that the "Healing" effects of heroes is fantastical. It's just that for gameplay purposes, a healing unit sounded like a good idea, and since medicine as we know it wasn't a big thing in ancient times having "Doctors" or "Medics" sounds too modern. Temples were purported to be places of "healing", and many times priests, priestesses, and their attendants acted in ways that today we would associate with "faith healers" mixed in with a healthy amount of folk medicine. It's all an abstraction that fills a gameplay role. I do understand that it might go too far for some people to suspend their disbelief though.
  9. I turned off DE and I get the same error codes with vanilla. It was the first thing I tried. 2nd thing I tried was reverting all versioned files in the public mod. Still errors. I'll delete cache next and report back.
  10. You're right! The tree obstructions were so small I thought they were passable. Lol They might as well have been.
  11. ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/gamesetup/Pages/MapBrowserPage/GridBrowser.js line 1 redeclaration of let GridBrowser @gui/gamesetup/Pages/MapBrowserPage/GridBrowser.js:1:1 onPress@gui/pregame/MainMenuItems.js:64:13 performButtonAction@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:77:9 pressButton@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:63:10 ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/gamesetup/Pages/MapBrowserPage/GridBrowserItem.js line 1 redeclaration of let GridBrowserItem @gui/gamesetup/Pages/MapBrowserPage/GridBrowserItem.js:1:1 onPress@gui/pregame/MainMenuItems.js:64:13 performButtonAction@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:77:9 pressButton@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:63:10 ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/gamesetup/Pages/MapBrowserPage/MatchSort.js line 1 redeclaration of const MatchSort @gui/gamesetup/Pages/MapBrowserPage/MatchSort.js:1:1 onPress@gui/pregame/MainMenuItems.js:64:13 performButtonAction@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:77:9 pressButton@gui/pregame/MainMenuItemHandler.js:63:10
  12. I thought that was what the _athen suffix was for in the tech filename. Other parts of the UI knows that that means. *shrugs* I've started fixing it to your suggestion and it is working as you say.
  13. I may have missed this. While that may have been true that there are separate templates, the dual-gendered citizen you train in-game is pulled from template_unit_support_citizen, not from template_unit_support_citizen_male or template_unit_support_citizen_female, which are only there is case I want to make some campaign-only units.
  14. Is that because the UI can't understand something?
  15. Please sir, for example? I am not sure which tech is the problem. The phase techs adjust the costs of heroes (to make them more expensive as the game progresses): "modifications": [ {"value": "TerritoryInfluence/Radius", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "CivCentre"}, {"value": "Vision/Range", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "CivCentre"}, {"value": "Cost/BuildTime", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"}, {"value": "Cost/Resources/coin", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"}, {"value": "Cost/Resources/glory", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"}
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