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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Yeah I moved auras to their respective folders, something the base game did many months ago. Still tracking down the onesies and twosies bugs. Sane with elephant Stables. Renamed the files to match the core game's naming convention, but I haven't squished the bugs yet.
  2. Check out the ones in the Delenda Est mod. They might be useful or applicable. Many of them don't use the new terrains and trees though, so I might have to update DE's as well.
  3. The Kushites The Kingdom of Kush/The Kingdom of Meroe (Above left to right: Nastasen, Arakamani, Amanirenas, Amanitore) (Above left to right: Meroitic Citizens, Subject Peoples)
  4. The Athenians Above: Miltiades the Younger (left), Themistocles of Athens (right) Above: Aristides the Just (left), Pericles of Athens (right) Above: General Iphicrates (left), Socrates (right) Above: Athenian Citizens (left), Greek Slaves (right) Above: Priests/Healer
  5. This would be awesome for the Kushites/Noba^ Maybe use the octagon shields for one of the Noba units (Maceman?), and these for the other (javelineer?). I made these from the Xiongnu shields from TM: They seem to fit the references, where the shield is more toward the shoulder.
  6. Which names would you use? For instance, 5 Alligator or Gaayu’ Chilla?
  7. It allows the players more choice, not less. By including pairs of techs I can present players with double the amount of choice, where before it was not possible.
  8. Some people are game designers; other people are not.
  9. @Sundiata @Stan` Updated Pikeman shields: This positioning on the shoulder seems to match the references you've posted a lot more than the elbow-Macedonian position. What do you think? A nice little detail that differentiates them even more.
  10. Yes. Similar to many ancient languages we can really only guess at how the vowels were pronounced.
  11. Interesting idea on making the blacksmith boring. With your approach the only "choice" is whether to use resources on this one tech or not. More targeted techs introduce interesting choices. Will it lock you into a "path"? Maybe? I don't see why that is a given. It's not like you can't research the other techs when you have the res. And if that is prohibitively expensive, then let's make it not.
  12. A meter in the game is not the same as a real meter proportionately. A game meter is probably half the size.
  13. The Hetairoi are also missing the leopard and lion skins, I think @wackyserious and @Alexandermb were going to make them at some point? Woukd definitely differentiate them better.
  14. Well, heavier armor doesn't necessarily mean "mostest elitest." The most important aspects of Alexander's Hetairoi had little to do with their armor.
  15. Why not? Spears and javelins were the standard weapons of cavalry. Swords were generally only secondary weapons.
  16. Sheesh. I've been playing with these trees for over a year and run into no problems.
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