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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by niektb

  1. The fortress looks great, I only think that the roof ornaments are a bit too spiky. Look at strannik's tower to see a more rounded one. (I should have the model somewhere if you want it)
  2. No, a (some) ship trains and is a dropsite, but they're no CC. As for the size, stick with history (if we find references for it. Just compare it with the longhouse.
  3. Time to revive the topic: To list the full building set: Longhouse (improved version of the house) Jarl's Hold (combination of CC and Fortress) Farmstead (merged with corral) Tavern (Barrack merged with Tavern, where you also can train Berserkers) Dock Farmfield Palisades (Improved, stronger versions of the standard palisade) (since Vikings don't have stone walls) Outpost (stronger version, since the Vikings don't have Defence Towers) Storehouse Market Sacred Groove (Temple) Did I forgot something? Edit: added two buildings. Edit2: added Sacred Groove.
  4. Everyone is able to return to an earlier revision, so why not you?
  5. Didn't you see my IRC tell? It is broken since r15492.
  6. You're not the only one: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18909
  7. Do you use SVN? Water is on SVN broken right know. Try to revert to r15489. The water works in that rev.
  8. It is still on A16 (due to crashes in SVN (Already reported)) But maybe indeed a slightly other water tint would work even better...
  9. O hey, a fellow Dutchie! To answer your question: This time we do without any sorts of modding. So just the options that everyone has with Atlas in Alpha 16. Therefore also no triggers (even though they're already in SVN). Triggers will come in any future contests though. Aim of this contest is to create a Skirmish map that is suitable for multiplayer games. But of course if you have some cool eyecandy stuff you can always try and see if someone wants to commit it to the game so that you can use it (with SVN).
  10. Can't find that button. I think I don't have the rights?
  11. I think we'd better indeed downsize the planks. Mostly they would row in a small boat to row to their ship that was further up in the fjord. Still funny to see that you almost exaclty re-created the dock I had in mind, even without telling it to you.
  12. I thought Atlas was still broken?
  13. Let's see, Ghengis Khan was born in the 12th century. How would you combine that with the timespan feneur mentioned? Yes, the Mongols met the Byzantines, but it was Attila with his Huns who fought with the Romans. But even Attila falls beyond the timespan.
  14. auron2401: Theoretically yes, but why would you do that? I think you'd better put all your effort in creating one superb map rather than 2 average. Also it should correspond to one of the two themes.
  15. Hi to you all! With the 5th anniversary of 0 A.D. being open-source nearing, we thought of organizing a design contest: Mapping Contest 16. (Number 16 because the current release is Alpha 16) The aim of Mapping Contest is to create a playable skirmish map that fits in one of the predefined themes. I'll elaborate the requirements further down the announcement. The theme list for this contest is as following: 1. Northern Highlands: In the lands where rocks and mountain rule the earth and snow and rain dominate the air, a few remnants of humanity dare to resist the supremacy of the forces of Nature. 2. Ancient Lands: Once there was a highly civilized kingdom, now only pain and rocks. However, rumors say that great treasures are to be found beyond the walls of this destroyed city. As for every contest there is a set of rules: The jury is not allowed to participate in the contest.Taking inspiration from other maps is allowed, literally copy-pasting isn't. Note that too obviously being inspired by other maps results in a lower originality rating.The jury always has the final word.It is up to the designer to use either the SVN repository or Atlas 16. Note that in case of SVN, triggers are not allowed yet. Jurying is twofold: The community votes for the best map in the category (which are listed a bit below) and the jury rates every map. Then the results are compared by the jury and the winners are announced. This is the points-breakdown the jury will handle: Gameplay 30Aesthetics 30Originality 30Overall Harmony / Coherence 10 As for the jury, the jury consists of the following members: Shieldwolf23: Lead jury, veteran scenario designer Hephaestion: Co-jury, Javascript programmer Thamlett: Co-jury, initiator of the Council of Modders' Mappack Niektb: Co-jury, creator of the Schwarzwald Random Map For each theme we do have the following awards (note that the italic awards only apply when there are more than 15 submitters): Best overall mapMost originalMost aesthetically pleasingBest gameplay These awards are: A badge / medal to beautify your forum profile, as well as an icon in the map preview image. The ultimate victor (the best of both themes) lands as the default map in the next release, Alpha 17. WFG reserves the right to make little tweaks and / or additions to this map.Winners get into the Council of Modders' Mappack if they're not included in the main game. In a submission we require a zip with the following: All the map files should be included.One screenshot and a 400x300 map preview image. (Reduce the fog if you have many to get a clear overview, please no signature in the preview image) To create a screenshot in Atlas: Zoom / rotate till you have the part at the screen that you want to create a screenshot of, then click Misc hacks in the top bar > screenshot. Check the message for the save location.The map should be either normal or medium sized and should have 2-4 players (depending on the flavour of the designer). The map should logically correspond to one of the two themes. We also require to release the map under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license to be able to land in 0 A.D. or in the CoM Mappack. By submitting your map you automatically release it under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.The deadline on the submission is 00:01 GMT 23th August 2014. You can submit your map by posting an attachment in the topic that will be created at the Wildfiregames forum, a week before the deadline. After this deadline the community is allowed to vote (in a topic that also will be created) and the jury will discuss the winner behind closed doors. We're planning to do a contests every Alpha release, so no worries if you don't win this time. One last tip: Make use of the Post Processing settings to enhance the look and feeling of your map. Edit: I've opened a submission topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19019 For technical discussion refer to this topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18896 For any other question you can ask in this topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18897 (The announcement in the WFG forums) Have fun and may the best win!
  16. This topic is specificially meant for technical discussion / troubleshooting in Atlas for the mapping contest. One known issue: Post Processing shader HQDOF doesn't work on NVidia GPU's.
  17. I know, but I thought you derivated the size of the dock more from the ship. What is used for the player color?
  18. A small thingy: which model did you use for the ship? (I sized it down in the final version)
  19. I noticed that it is fairly easy to break Petra's economy down. Demolish a house and the AI repeatingly sends females to rebuild it and these are easy to kill which leads to slowing down the AI's eco.(tested using Alpha 16). Also when they are hit by a projectile they run away but almost instantly turn to continue building. commands.txt
  20. If you look at the Gallic fields map you'll see that the Roman intruders are Gaia.
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