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Everything posted by niektb

  1. That blue border could be avoided by using the same image without the blue effect attached in the first post.
  2. I feel guilty that it took me so long to commit. So I've commited the Merchant, the fishing boat and the Snekkja. I was thinking of resizing the Snekkja a little, can I do so without messing up the armature?
  3. My rig doesn't (i5-3230M @ 2.6Ghz, 6 GB RAM, latest FF) It takes 14.1 msecs on average when looping here.
  4. Normally Yes (unless you got some kind of HTPC/Intel NUC). But you should be really careful with that. You should for example check whether the power supply unit is powerful enough (and with most pre-built systems the PSU is only just enough to supply the initial build) and when changing the processor you should check whether it fits with the main board (=motherboard). These and other things you should be aware of when upgrading.But of course it is possible to replace the motherboard and the PSU also. Indeed. If you can afford yourselves an SSD you should definitely buy one.
  5. Gen.Kenobi's approach was a mere hack to set the particle speed relative to the model it is attached to (instead of setting it global). After that there were improvements made to implement it nicely (I discovered that while I was working on the Ashigaru Musketeer). I now know how to create particles and how to change their direction/speed. It's not really difficult.
  6. NVidia works perfect with AMD CPU's from my personal experience. (3 different NVidia GPU's with 2 different AMD CPU's and never had any problems with it). Phenom Black Edition was a gem in it's time (I have one right now in my rig, unfortunately it has trouble with running the game smoothly. (Though it is only a quadcore @2.2GHz, while there are Phenoms that are 6-core @3.6GHz) but is now a few years old (2008 ~ 2009). If you can get a 6-core (like AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition) second hand cheaply then you might give it a try. But I'd rather go with something newer. (These Penoms aren't sold for new anyway, at least not in my country)
  7. But when selecting a building it is possible to pick a unit to train with the hotkeys 'Z' till 'M' with Z corresponding to the first position.
  8. It should be dark blue then to prevent a player color mismatch
  9. No concepts for the TODO yet.
  10. Well, I did a throw at creating gunpowder units and I encountered the following: 1. Currently it is not possible to emit particles on a event (like explosions, muzzleflashes) 2. It is impossible to let bullettraces look good. But I made a start with the Ashigaru Musketeer! What does it feature: - Gun sounds (CC0 license + a bit modified) - An Eastern look. - self-made bullet projectile (That pyramid shape ) Currently it uses clothing, helmet and crossbow from RotE. So what it does need: - correct clothing texture. - gun loading&firing animation - gun mesh + texture And when all is done: - Unit icon. So far:
  11. Now still the ScaleByMapSize isn't clear to me. But still, with those values above (1000, 2000 (!)) still at most 3 fishes are showing up. Has it in some way to do with my code (f.e. the constraint)? Edit: As always, it doesn't do any harm to add my complete code. Schwarzwald2405.zip
  12. "Cycles has two GPU rendering modes: through CUDA, which is the preferred method for NVidia graphics cards; and OpenCL, which is intended to support rendering on AMD/ATI graphics cards. The implementation of OpenCL is only in an experimental stage and disabled in official builds."Not for the cycles render. And then there are other programs which are cycles only (e.g. Octane render) also it gives often a performance boost. (In comparison with AMD) And in the case openCl is faster: NVidia supports OpenCL too. If a program that you use often supports CUDA then NVidia is definitely the way to go.
  13. Not entirely true, and i5 has a higher single threading performance (higher performance per clock tick) and there aren't any pentium clocked at 4GHz. Besides: one day it will be multi threaded and an i5 knocks out every pentium in the world in multithreading. For the graphics card AMD or NVidia doesn't make any difference in 0 A.D. PhysX isn't supported by 0 A.D. but since you (Trinketos) use Blender I recommend NVidia because Blender supports CUDA.
  14. I think even more: that two allied bots coƶperate with eachother through communication. Sounds cool.
  15. But then you would have to calc some paths from open spaces to the mine space to make it sure that everything is reachable
  16. I thought the defense tower looked pretty good with its roof tiles?
  17. You can remove 3D from my name I never modeled a single models except a 4 poly counting bullet. (Guess what shape it had)
  18. Falls in this topic, atleast according to this image: (Part II runs from 968 A.D. till 1453 A.D.)
  19. Hehe, he already did But I pointed him partially to the main game since we do not have very much animators + we (at CoM) have right now not so much animation tasks available.
  20. This topic is about the earlier japanese than the ones described in the other topic: An appropriate timespan would be from the Asuka Period till the Heian Period. (From 538 A.D. till 1185 A.D.) but the focus should be on the Heian Period since that was the longest lasting and the most important. Useful links for this topic: Art Wishlist: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18688 Brief Japanese history on the Heian Period: http://www.jref.com/japan/history/heian_period.shtml Late Japanese topic: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18648&page=2
  21. Before everything turns into choas: Let's use this topic for the late Medieval Japanese. I'll rename the topic accordingly and open a new one for the part 1 Japanese:
  22. Not neccesary: I already did before Nantchev even posted this topic and notified him from the topic too.
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