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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Conversion using the cheats is working!!! Just select an enemy unit and type: 'wololo'.
  2. From what I read the athen_support_converter_a should be up to the task, but I think he isn't assigned to a building. Also we might want to replace the actor with a ptolemian one instead of a greek healer.
  3. preferglsl = truegentangents = trueDid you set these two both as true? That error is because he is unable to (what reason that might be) compile the ARB shader. Set preferglsl to true replaces ARB shaders with GLSL shaders, which might solve the error. Another solution might be that your model is not 100% correct which the program doesn't like.
  4. Try enabling preferGLSL and gentangent only, that doesn't cost a dime performance-wise.
  5. Could you try to enable/disable GLSL (that is preferGLSL=true or false) in your config file?
  6. From now on, the tutorial can be found in the wiki: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/CreatingNewUnits
  7. Could it be that the error is like in this post? http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18474&p=288470
  8. Did you use the latest version (29.0) of firefox? I tested it today and can't reproduce it. Even zooming in doesn't change anything. (Only changing the font type causes a similar thing in my case) (I must say that the latest firefox is working like a breeze!)
  9. In what section should I post it?
  10. I've written a tutorial about this: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18396#entry288531
  11. I should've added this video myself to this topic
  12. If it has a template you can add it to a building under production queue. Not really hard.
  13. These are already available, but thank you. But certain eye candy is the main thing I want to improve.
  14. Thanks for all those constructive feedback so far! Well, all those fog / post proc setting should undergo some fine tuning. Thing is that it is pretty hard to use much forest ground textures. In the open it doesn't look good and painting it only nearby forests is pretty hard, but I think I discovered something that would enable that. But my main focus is in the lake at first, since that is the worst looking part.
  15. When trying I got the following errors: Uncaught ReferenceError: screenshotPreview is not defined (at line 434) Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function (at line 288)
  16. Screeny!!! Can someone confirm that there are too many pigs in the field? schwarzwald3004.zip
  17. What are .civ files? I never seen them.
  18. Enrique: you should leave smoothlos and gpuskinning to false. (the first looks ugly, the second doesn't add anything, and wasn't fully stable I thought) and others are true by default. BTW.: the path you listed should be: \Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\0ad\config My config file reads this: waterfoam = truewatercoastalwaves = truewatershadows = trueshowsky = true;;;;; EXPERIMENTAL ;;;;;; Prefer GLSL shaders over ARB shaders (not recommended). REQUIRES gentangents=true.preferglsl = true; Generate tangents for normal and parallax mapping. REQUIRES preferglsl=true.gentangents = true; Experimental probably-non-working GPU skinning support; requires preferglsl; use at own riskgpuskinning = false; Use smooth LOS interpolation; REQUIRES preferglsl=true.smoothlos = false; Use screen-space postprocessing filters (HDR, bloom, DOF, etc). Incompatible with fixed renderpath.postproc = truematerialmgr.quality = 10.0; Maximum distance to display parallax effect. Set to 0 to disable parallax.materialmgr.PARALLAX_DIST.max = 150; Maximum distance to display high quality parallax effect.materialmgr.PARALLAX_HQ_DIST.max = 75; Maximum distance to display very high quality parallax effect. Set to 30 to enable.materialmgr.PARALLAX_VHQ_DIST.max = 30;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  19. You're welcome. I noticed a couple of other errors too: Uncaught ReferenceError: screenshotPreview is not defined (at line 404) => directly at startup. Warning: event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. (but that is in the jquery script) Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node. (at line 268) => when clicking the yellow '+'.
  20. The way Praetorians handled it way pretty good. When the game decided that a player was very weak, the forces of that player were revealed to the others, so that there wasn't any kind of hide-and-seek.
  21. When trying I noted that the console gave an error while he tried to load the jquery tablesorter: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) And so I couldn't test anything further as it break at creating a new civ.
  22. A small texturing update: TODO: - reduce the amount of pigs - change basetexture - Enhance Post Processing effects - Add additional eyecandy, especially near the lake - create dirtpatches
  23. But to make sure the devs agree with and the changes will be committed you'd best contact Wriatii or mimo (the authors of Aegis and Petra respectively.)
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