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Everything posted by niektb

  1. I really like your sketches, Le Druide Gaulois! But unfortunately, the Vikings won't have a Civic Center
  2. Well, maybe it is an idea to add some kind of 'quick game' option (similarly to Empires: Dawn of the Modern World if I recall it correctly) where certain things are sped up, maybe walls removed, and so on.
  3. I made some UV-mapping improvements and baked AO maps.
  4. I think we should now only turn to fixing getting Aristeia ready for A16 but not with all Egyptian art included. It is okay if the Egyptians are not fully ready. But you're doing a great job, Lion.
  5. Sorry for my late reply but the Ptolemaic fortress looks very similar.
  6. That's a small typo: You called the simulation template files itself: ...._infrantry_... instead of ..._infantry_... The same typo appears in the <Promotion> and <VisualActor>.
  7. Are you going to let roads be built in a similar way as walls are being built?
  8. I have studied a couple of years classic Greek in the past, and although that has been quite a while ago I might check some voices...
  9. But it might be worth considering to implement building 'folders' (as Roekeloos is saying) to allow more buildings on the GUI. Possible folders could be: - military - economy - eye-candy - etc.
  10. I agree with that (there have been almost 4000 newer revisions since yours), plus upgrading is free. And most is not compatible with older / newer versions.
  11. It seems to lack an attachpoint for the fire, where should it go?
  12. No, the garrisoned point ís the place where the flag goes: <props> <prop actor="props/special/common/garrison_flag_rome.xml" attachpoint="garrisoned"/></props>
  13. No, there isn't a commit with your main menu.
  14. I'll set the civil center's origin in the middle and rotate it 180 degrees.
  15. http://uncod.in/blog/github-tortoisegit-and-organizational-workflow-tutorial/ Scroll a bit downwards to see how to commit. And maybe we should put the text 'Rise of the East' somewhere?
  16. Windows or Linux? In windows, open the Github for Windows program, open the repo. You'll see your changes marked and then at the left side you can give your commit a name and commit it. Afterwards you should use the sync button, top right.
  17. But I think you should let it to the AI creator to choose the behavior his AI uses, since it might be too much to require every bot to be able to utilize all 4 behaviors.
  18. In that picture it looked a bit overhuge Maybe stick with the same sizes as the Snekkja but way more eyecandy? (A catchy dragon head, a tent?, a bunch of props)
  19. May I ask which kind of palms are used? Also I noticed some glitches in the palm base (similar to as if the faces are duplicate.) Lastly I noticed a couple of verts óutside the texture space.
  20. Just to be sure, this is the civic center from the Egyptians?
  21. Well, I personally want some historical base before implementing stuff. But hero-related stuff are discussed here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18520
  22. "Typical farm settlements took the form of a central cluster of buildings enclosed by fences. Outside the fenced areas were the fields used for cultivation or grazing. Each homestead typically consisted of a longhouse and multiple out-buildings." http://www.hurstwic.org/history/articles/daily_living/text/Villages.htm And those out-buildings look rather like a corral: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/vikings/who_were_the_vikings/teachers_resources.shtml
  23. Why farmstead yes? Also I think let the longhouse train all units might be overpowered since they are already pretty good (small ranged attack, more hitpoints than a normal house, being able to train soldiers, expand territory)
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