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Everything posted by niektb

  1. No. Those plans are serialized in the save game, and deserialized on loading. (Am I missing something?)
  2. Your first border was very good, only the wrong color.
  3. What might be worth looking at are the Indian factions of American Conquest Fight Back:
  4. Good shieldboss, but preserve (if possible, or something comparable if needed) that border with the nails in it (only change the color of it)
  5. There is a gamestate.js? I don't think there ever was a release wíth save game support. In case of the events there is indeed nothing ready. I have somewhere an untested event class but there are no events accompanying it. Maybe the terrainAnalyse script from Aegis/Petra provides something to passability maps?
  6. You can use more polys to add additional detail since you have only 966 tris used, but you are on the good way.
  7. 3. Oh, you mean the roads! (roads? ) Okay, maybe I should remove them and use dirt patches instead.
  8. Good starting points can be found here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15216 and http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18561 But, as Flavius Aetius stated, be careful with the images in the first topic listed, since some of them are wrong: Also these topics refer mostly to the timespan tíll 476 A.D. (The years that Millennium A.D. starts). So we need to know what changes there were made (Mostly likely eastern influences) when looking to the army. Buildings are pretty self explanatory. Also a good point is how to make the Byzantines unique. Maybe it lies in the fact that they have a access to a wide spectrum of units?
  9. I think he refers to the Immortals (not the Persian Guard).
  10. Depends on what you see as "Late Romans". With the word Late Romans I think of the Romans at the time of (just before) the Fall of the Western Empire. Just a question, we from Millennium A.D. are planning a Byzantine faction (the first part of Millennium A.D. goes from the Fall of the Western Empire till the founding of the Holy Roman Empire), I would like it very much if you would contribute to that with ideas, research and references (Guessing you already have done a lot from it): (Just created a topic for it.) http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18560
  11. Byzantines This topic is used for discussing the civilization of the Byzantines. Relating tasks go in the appropriate subforum. A brief description: The Byzantine Empire, known contemporaneously as the (Eastern) Roman Empire, was the predominantly Greek continuation of the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Christian in nature, it was perennially at war with the Muslims, Flourishing during the reign of the Macedonian emperors, its demise was the consequence of attacks by Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, and Ottoman Turks.
  12. 1. I was more thinking of a quiet lake in the middle of the forest, but waves could be added easily. 2. Yes, I need to re-select all used texture, but I do not know which to pick. Hmm, dirt patches should be do-able. 3. Let's see, now only quarries are placed (gold and stone). I think it is possible to add variations and non-quarry rocks (but I haven't looked to the code for quite a while.)
  13. No deleting files is not needed here. Just change the files you wish to and start the game (mostly restarting the game is not even needed, only restarting the level)
  14. Img tags do not work for you? [img][/img]Or use the image button in the text editing options. Only make sure you insert the direct link like: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd271/julianus_heraclius/Revised%20Roman%20UI%20Cards/sarmatian_auxilia_info.jpgNot: http://s222.photobucket.com/user/julianus_heraclius/media/Revised%20Roman%20UI%20Cards/sarmatian_auxilia_info.jpg.html
  15. A couple of months. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/roadmap ±during the summer holiday.
  16. We are currently discussing how to structure the projects sub forum. (Now where was that topic, Hephaestion hosted?)
  17. Are persians planned to be mixed up with Egyptians or was that part of the workaround? (I couldn't find it in the design doc)
  18. Luckily from the Egyptians' point of view a lot can be taken from the Ptolemies as a temporal workaround. What needs to be done right now is temporarily removing the additional scripts Aristeia has and make sure that for every entity that hasn't a custom made actor the corresponding Ptolemian one is selected. These are: Buildings: 1. Storehouse (Already selected) 2. Blacksmith (Already selected) Units: 1. All boats 2. Healer 3. Female citizen (already selected) 4. Persian Siege Ram @Lion: I noticed that every unit is not able to build the Egyptian Palisade but instead the Roman one. Why is that?
  19. A certain 2D approach would limit certain stuff like particle effect volumetric smoke and a real 3D engine makes rotating possible and more lively animations. Also it makes editing easier to do, as you do not have to create/render every pose and stance.
  20. Taking the closest ones will result in a strange mix, but that might work.I didn't test the conversion yet, even not sure yet how to test. We maybe should create a place to host releases?
  21. If needed we could leave out the conversion part. Only Egyptians come close for a release within a few days right now.
  22. I maybe can do something for you (though I have other tasks on my hand too)
  23. David_J_Rogers: there has already been a trailer from Microsoft himself. (Now where the other topic about this?)
  24. Stan, could you send the textures of the axe and on the fly make two separate objects of the one/two-handed axe?
  25. Just curious, Stan, how did you create that render? Also 8k Poly's is a bit too much for trees only. Maybe statues instead?
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