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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Possible, but I have to look into that (Never changed origins of meshes)
  2. Oh, I hadn't noticed that it was 1024x1024, but let's move to get it gameable then. It needs to be one sword, with the origin of the mesh being exactly in the center of the grip, that is the place where the hand is attached too. The Z-axis (in blender) needs to point upwards. That's all.
  3. Okay, I started fixing some stuff. The first problem I encountered was that the Egyptians do not have a blacksmith, while the game expects it to have. Edit: as a temporary (unless there won't be blacksmiths ever) workaround I'll remove the Egyptian Blacksmith from the buildable building
  4. I didn't want to create a separate topic for it but I have a question. When you have a script in your mod that is a modified version from an existing one in public. Now what happens in the game when when the file in public in changed? As in will those additional lines added/ removed in public have influence in your custom script?
  5. But they do have one that differs in color (brown, blond and black etc. variants) Secondly Stan states that he wanted to practice texturing and he isn't benefited by creating only mediocre quality textures. @Stan: The hilt has been improved definitely. Keep it this way!. About the blade: the rust has a bit too much impact on the normal, and it looks as though it is bloody (maybe a nice, bloody variant?) Lastly from some point of views the groove looks like a ridge (thanks to those lines, I think you should make those lines running across the blade darker in the specular map (so they don't stand out). We'll have to see in game if in the specular the bright parts aren't too bright. Only the final bits to go, Stan, good work so far! After the final version, I'll try to create some color variants (with for example silver instead of gold etc.)
  6. While testing the testudo formation (at standground stance) I encountered a number of serious errors: ERROR: Error in timer on entity 2795, IID 80, function TimerHandler: TypeError: this.memberPositions[entity] is undefined Formation.prototype.GetFormationAnimation@simulation/components/Formation.js:212 UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.IDLE.enter@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:1380 FSM.prototype.SwitchToNextState@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:376 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:284 UnitAI.prototype.FinishOrder@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3429 UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.CHEERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2874 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:274 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3718 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:93ERROR: Error in timer on entity 2796, IID 80, function TimerHandler: TypeError: this.memberPositions[entity] is undefined Formation.prototype.GetFormationAnimation@simulation/components/Formation.js:212 UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.IDLE.enter@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:1380 FSM.prototype.SwitchToNextState@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:376 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:284 UnitAI.prototype.FinishOrder@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3429 UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.CHEERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2874 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:274 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3718 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:93ERROR: Error in timer on entity 2797, IID 80, function TimerHandler: TypeError: this.memberPositions[entity] is undefined Formation.prototype.GetFormationAnimation@simulation/components/Formation.js:212 UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.IDLE.enter@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:1380 FSM.prototype.SwitchToNextState@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:376 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:284 UnitAI.prototype.FinishOrder@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3429 UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.CHEERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2874 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:274 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3718 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:93ERROR: Error in timer on entity 2798, IID 80, function TimerHandler: TypeError: this.memberPositions[entity] is undefined Formation.prototype.GetFormationAnimation@simulation/components/Formation.js:212 UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.IDLE.enter@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:1380 FSM.prototype.SwitchToNextState@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:376 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:284 UnitAI.prototype.FinishOrder@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3429 UnitFsmSpec.INDIVIDUAL.CHEERING.Timer@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:2874 FSM.prototype.ProcessMessage@simulation/helpers/FSM.js:274 UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler@simulation/components/UnitAI.js:3718 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:93
  7. Haha, the testudo looks a bit silly with the extraordinarius. Footage with silly animation and testudo fight (behavior is set at standground). The testudo gets beaten by a massive army of skirmishers. I think you should disable the victory animation while in testudo. And discovered a massive amount of bugs on the fly. (uploading right now) Edit: movie attached!
  8. Too bad, but how does the formation look when engaged in battle?
  9. I see no shields at the side and rear. (Which certainly happened with roman testudos) But of course, it is way better than it was before.
  10. Plus we have a group PM here at the forum in which you can join if you have posted 5 posts (spam protection). Every now and then you will see me at IRC but not too often.
  11. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_dragon http://whitedragonflagofengland.com (Interesting, according to link 2 the dragon symbol had it's influences from the Far East) Or better, make a white dragon with red background. That was the most widely used symbol among Anglo Saxon people. The red dragon was used by both Byzantines army and the Welshmen. (The shield boss is to small, even according to your reference.)
  12. Almost forgot about this post. I feel it's too orange. Better use a yellow-black combination, whilst making the dragon a bit smaller and the shield boss a bit larger. Currently it is out of proportion.
  13. Almost forgot: in the new version the blood groove is pretty much gone, please restore that.
  14. The third is Etruscan, Hephaestion. The second is Hittite.
  15. I have to say that I liked the first variant of the pommel more ánd it was more according to the references. Moreover those lines across the blades have to be less strong, that looks better. The crossguard is better in the new version. (for the ones who do not know what all these words are) I think the grip needs to be of a different material:
  16. But Stan: We need to really be able to edit the textures if needed (and it is needed right now). So if you haven't that xcf file anymore, I think we need to create a new one. Secondly there is no specular applied to pommel (the bottom piece) and that give unaesthetic results:
  17. The the way of the smiths is in that link too.
  18. From an old viking saga: "The stories also describe instances in which a sword blade bent during a fight. In chapter 49 of Laxdæla saga, Kjartan was ambushed as he rode up the valley past the small hill in the foreground of the photo. He was not carrying his usual sword, a gift from the king, but rather a lesser sword. Several times during the battle, Kjartan had to straighten his bent blade by standing on it." http://www.hurstwic.com/history/articles/manufacturing/text/viking_sword.htm The Viking swords suffered heavily from fighting especially edge damage, becoming less sharp and some times broke in two.
  19. Currrently (maybe this changes in the future) the rates are specified as follows for normal citizen soldiers, where higher is better: <food.fruit>0.5</food.fruit><food.grain>0.25</food.grain><food.meat>1</food.meat>As you can see, hunting is 4 times faster than farming, a pretty nice boost, I'd say. The counterpart however is that you need to pay more attention to, therefore best suited to get an early game boost. The citizen cavalry is even more faster! <food.meat>5</food.meat>
  20. And a few specular mapping related articles: http://wiki.polycount.com/SpecularColorMap
  21. Thanks, I'll take a more detailed look tomorrow. Do you by chance have the .xcf file for me (I want to play around with colors and stuff ) unless you've planned more changes of course, in that case I'd rather play with the final version of the texture/model. Did you actually change something except the bump?
  22. Age of Mythology Extended Edition Trailer: He was right after all. And it seems to be a better remake than AoK 2 HD is.
  23. Some constructive (hopefully) feedback from my side. You forgot to remove the UV's from the normal map, result is some ugly lines. I like the leather grip, except the color, that should be a black variant: (Sorry, the photo from me is a bit blueish.) The blade is a bit too rusty. And has a ugly black line (guess from the UV lines too). So the blade has to look a little more like this: (My own little tiny blade) From the reference: "The tip of the blade came to a point, which, rather than being acute, was usually somewhat rounded, as is seen on the seven historical Viking-age sword blades shown to the right." Could you make the tip less sharp? SIDE QUESTION: Do we use specular/normal maps for weapons, unlike the main game (vanilla does only with shields and helmets, no weapons)??? You're specular map looks a bit strange to me. (Ah, that is due your transparency, it is common to leave no transparent parts in both your specular and normal map) But I see you don't use specular for the leather. Regarding to the rest of the model: looks good, but I'll have to look into the other swords to resize it properly and make it attachable. A full render with one sword, as it is right now:
  24. Even if it would do a better job there are a few reasons why it is just no option to switch: 1. It would mean that you can throw 10+ years of development in the garbage collector and simply everything needs to be rewritten. Basically starting a new game. 2. Unreal Engine 4 is a very computer-power consuming program, especially since a lot of the fan base are running 0 A.D. on older hardware. So you would abandon a large part of the community (even me, I'm not too sure my both pc's are capable of running UE4 fluently). 3. It doesn't match with open source to go with an proprietary engine. And it would get harder for newbies to get involved in 0 A.D.'s development, since they need to get their hands on UE4 somehow (I don't think Epic Games will give free to use packages to redistribute among all of us). Even though it would be cool to have such advanced graphics/physics, it is just undo-able. It is better to improve the existing engine to look better, without consuming more resources. @Energy conservation (guess it is better explained in the movie posted a little above): It simply makes sure that the specular reflection and diffuse reflection doesn't exceed the incoming amount of light. I just found a nice paper about making Phong's light model more physically plausible by adding energy conservation and making it reciprocal. http://users.tricity.wsu.edu/~bobl/personal/mypubs/1993_plausible.pdf Edit: it is explained in the movie @15:30.
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