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Everything posted by niektb

  1. What bugs me about the Atlas is that it tends to crash very often. For example if you have written an RMS with a little syntax error in it Atlas instantly crashes without error logs. The main game however loads the script, gives a few errors and then returns to the main menu as it should. What's more I like to see some kind of possibility to use scripts in Atlas. For example: I've just created some kind of heightmap inside Atlas. Now I want to use some scripts (like a erosion script) to give the hand painted version a more realistic look. Same goes for texturing: A general layout and the script takes care of the rest (of course you might have to code/edit these scripts yourselves to get something that exactly fits your needs)
  2. Just played a bit around with the signature (the old one indeed) I know it's blurry but it is just as an example of how the final one could look like.
  3. Here comes v1!!! Tutorial Unit creationv1.pdf
  4. In general looks okay but try to vary more with the terrain textures, it now looks not realistic and there is enough room for improvements. Could you do a full size image of the map?
  5. You might want to merge some stuff since there are a lot of directories right now: I was thinking of the following structure: Main CoM forum project forums (in which everything project related is discussed) /1,000 A.D. /Aristeia /ROME (Or any final name) /General Topics: - general discussion and ideas - announcements - FAQ - recruitment /Game Dev Topics: - Bug reports - Programming tasks tracking - technical discussion /Art Dev Topics: - Art task tracking - Fan art /Project Managment Topics: - Recruitment - Signatures & Logos - repos Still I don't say this is the best way to do so, but it's just an idea.
  6. Let's see... Currently in this topic is being talked about the following: - signatures & logos - mod launcher - github repos - General discussion about CoM and it's aim - recruitment ideas etc. So it is indeed steadily growing and it might indeed be useful to create a sub forum. (And then moving the existing subforums, eg 1,000 A.D. into CoM's sub forum, to get a subforum in a subforum?)
  7. Just curious of what you think of this. I think I'll write a entity modding tutorial around. (2nd page shouldn't be there) Entity relations.pdf
  8. This looks good, but only applies to Linux users and for Git purposes, I don't know if the Git transfer is already good enough, better stick with TortoiseSVN for the time being. (And I thought Haskell was fancied in University? Not by students though)
  9. To summarize: - Decide what you do like most, since it is going to cost a lot of effort and time with ups and downs. You can either decide to come up with something of your own (Random Map Scripts, AI, Gameplay) or pick a task from the trac. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&keywords=~simple&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&report=16&order=priority - Ask for help when you run into problems or do not fully understand it. In doing so, you can either decide to place a topic here in which you explain what you are doing and your questions or ask someone directly by sending him a PM. Some tips: Make sure you get the source from SVN, since the alpha releases aren't very up-to-date. For instructions: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers When writing out ideas think in terms of algorithms. What would be needed to achieve something? Which steps do you have to take? And so on.
  10. LordGood is however right that we should not lose overview. But what we are doing now is called 'Brainstorming' (=spamming ideas). Next step is picking good and achievable ideas and decide how to implement them in game.
  11. No, you'd better start with JavaScript. That is much easier to start with.
  12. What do you want to program? The game is really diverse: Random Map Scripts, AI's, Gameplay, Engine (Not recommended to start with), Graphics (shaders, also not recommended to start with).
  13. Sorry for the delay: The signature from Windows 8: Googling tells me that nvoglv32.dll is from NVidia, that explains why it doesn't happen with your AMD card. The mainlog gives 3 warnings, not related to HQDOF though: The interesting log is empty, no crashdump is created. System_info.txt: commands.txt is empty.
  14. Here is the more info: Paths are still placed in water, same goes for trees. Some questions: - what are the numbers doing in the constraint of avoidClasses? - How do I optimize to make the map run more fluently? (It currently scores ~20fps max, while normally it runs at 50~80fps (At Alpine lake skirmish) - Currently there is an open space (near the edge) even though there doesn't run a path, how do I remove it? schwarzwald.zip
  15. It seems to me that the Heightplacer still doesn't function correctly. [more info later]
  16. No, my latest result was the first image you encounter when you scroll to the top. It discouraged me to go any further. The problem is that I have no idea what input I get from the engine and what I should send back.
  17. An interesting announcement: http://richg42.blogspot.nl/2014/01/vogl-opengl-tracerdebugger-bonus-content.html?showComment=1389950449081#c343074267754586249 Valve has released a OpenGL debugger for Linux and made it opensource: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/vogl
  18. I noticed a few other pyrogenesis games: http://www.moddb.com/games/red-march http://www.moddb.com/games/byzen We might want to contact their devs and see if we can adopt parts of their code (Byzen for example features a campaign or at least should) Red march isn't very far in progress but who knows.
  19. Pick as much as possible places to recruit, if you know people around who might be interested, don't hesitate to ask them. So feel free to ask your friends / classmates. About websites: I guess we should target moddb and this forum mainly. But if someone can think of other good places, just do a post there. Does some has connections in the twcenter forum? (Since there are a lot of modders around there)
  20. I'm not sure what you mean with the brown color, but you should swap the green inner circle with the blue circle (what you see in center of the now green circle are actually waves ) That is what I meant in my sketch.
  21. Ah sorry, my sketch was a bit misleading, there is no island (not yet) because it is hard to do with the current terrain generation algorithm. It is an open space without trees and in the center is a lake. Maybe I will try to do so in future releases but it is not a priority yet.
  22. Of course you need to download 0 A.D. but only one mod. Not a mod with the content then another having some gameplay, then another one for Scenario's etc. etc.
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