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Everything posted by niektb

  1. 1. Why? 2. The problem is that the pathfinder (that piece of code that calculates the movements of units) doesn't support roads and stuff. 3. That is to make sure you have to expand and cannot stick to one place. Those edits look reasonable to me and I am in support of it.
  2. How about adapting the current shading system to the latest standards, as seen in Unreal Engine 4 and that kind of engines? Physically Based Rendering PBR opens the way to far more possibilities for reflection and lighting. As you can see above the way material reflects is dependent on his surroundings. Also it is possible to materials really look different, especially metals. (Thanks to o.a. Freshnel) More info and images: https://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/pbr-theory http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/pbr-practice This energy conservation is explained briefly here: http://www.rorydriscoll.com/2009/01/25/energy-conservation-in-games/ It is about the fact that the total of reflected light can not be more than the incoming light. More in-depth readings: http://interplayoflight.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/readings-on-physically-based-rendering/ http://digibug.ugr.es/bitstream/10481/19751/1/rmontes_LSI-2012-001TR.pdf
  3. I quickly looked through your code and I think it's time to give Schwarzwald an update (especially giving the initial heightmap more usefulness is important to me) But could you explain how the paths would flow through the map, around the edge or directly from player to player? And how do I avoid dams (since I don't want a dam running straight through my lake)? And what are you doing with the textueByHeight array? Nothing as it looks to me.
  4. You have to take in account that this is not a physics engine (In that was the case you were fully right Lion). This is just: When an event happens (Health below certain point, projectile impact etc.) than play animation.
  5. Okay, I hereby officially announce that Shieldwolf23 has joined our team as Scenario Designer, Researcher and bug- & playtester. Welcome Shieldwolf23, happy you are here!
  6. I thought I already had seen those left houses in-game. Am I correct?
  7. If you are a community member of the Wildfire Games' forum, you might already had noticed that a new modding team is being formed, which consist of a few old modding teams. The merge process being almost finished, we discovered that we could use a few additional hands to help us in modding several aspects of game, with the ultimate goal the create an enormous mod pack targeting 0 A.D. in an as large as possible timeframe. Yes, indeed, this is a quite ambitious goal, but with your help I (and with me the rest of the Council) am sure that we will manage to achieve it! Let me now explain in what area's you could help us out. We are currently looking for persons capable of fulfilling the following jobs: Researchers, 3D artists, programmers, Scenario designers, Playtesters & balancers and finally 2D Artists. Researcher: A game falls or stands with information. Without, it is impossible to create a historically accurate game like 0 A.D. aims to be. Therefore we need people who like to dig in history and come up with information, plans to get that information implemented in the right way and finally provide references for the artists around. As already said, we like to get a large timespan so you will get acquainted with all kinds of history and learn lots of it. 3D artist: In case of 3D artist we have two kinds of jobs: Animators: Animations are needed to get a dynamic moving game. Imagine a game with only static puppets moving around! No one wants to play that! We need therefore people who like to animate all kinds of objects, including ships, animals and units. Modelers: Beside animators we do need persons creating the 3D object itself, before it gets animated or textured or something. Modelling a variety of objects you need to follow the references provided by the researchers (or get them yourselves if you like to do so) and get it usable for the other team members. Actually you provide a fundamental base for the game to get playable. Programmer: Modding includes programming. Therefore we need additional programmers capable of JS-scripting in various aspects of the game. Think of programming completely new gameplay features but also creating technologies, auras, modifying templates and creating Random Map Scripts and possibly AI scripting. It even is allowed to create your own glsl shaders if you like to! Scenario Designer: Of course we like to feature some scenarios of our own specifically created for our own projects. It is also possible to create Random Maps in collaboration with the programmers. Playtester / Balancer: To get a nice, playable game we need playtesters. They are there to improve the game's playability and eventually come up with ideas for gameplay features in collaboration with the researchers. It is also a possibility that it is needed to adjust some stats yourselves. For this you'll need a basic knowledge of XML (which is very easy to learn I can tell you). 2D artist: 2D artists can choose between various assignments in the following areas: Conceptual artist: Being a conceptual artist you'll pick up references and create concepts for it to be used by the 3D modelers. It is also allowed to search for references yourselves or collaborate with researchers in doing so. 2D designer: 2D designers take care of the UI. Think of designing new buttons, drawing wallpapers and everything you like to do to improve the GUI and create a lot of other art. The list has now come to an end. Nothing is prohibited and everything is permitted in our Council (sort of). If you feel that your function is not listed above: feel free to ask if we need you. If you feel you're not skilled enough to apply: we are there to help you improving your skills and get them good enough for you to be part of our team. If you do not exactly match a jobs description: no problem, we can use every hand to help us, also hands that are not able to (or do not like) certain parts of the jobs. On the other hand: if you might want to fulfill more than one job, you're welcome. To summarize: Everyone who is interested, whether he is capable or not, unable to spend much time or not, is allowed (or even better: asked) to apply! To apply, send me a PM or reply at this topic.
  8. Cool! Especially those valleys! They might come in handy in my Schwarzwald map.
  9. Thanks, it works for me too now. You were really a help. Now I can take care of easier tasks (like texturing etc. )
  10. Any news on this? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2111 More testers needed!
  11. Not bad for your first post! A suggestion: place your images in spoilers. That makes sure you have not to scroll so much.
  12. Though indeed the ground was lowered beneath trees, still no luck with commenting that part out here. Did you do something other than that? Thanks for your help though, it made me clear that it was not (directly) my fault that parts of clOpen was in the water. Also there isn't a texture painted so I get the feeling that something is wrong in the clWater part. Maybe the heights?
  13. Perhaps use this screen (and extend it with more info) instead of the current civ description window?
  14. Sorry, I should have added the code files. I've used a Heightplacer (from FeXor) before but that didn't work so I turned to PaintTileClaseBasedOnHeight. And yes, I did use constraints to avoid clWater and clOpen (Open space around the water). schwarzwald_1803.zip
  15. Now, what is going on???? The road + forest stops at class clOpen just as it should, but strangely it continues in clWater: var placer = new HeightPlacer(heightRange.min, ByHeight[2].height);var painter = new LayeredPainter([tWaterBorder, tWater], [2]);createArea(placer, painter);paintTileClassBasedOnHeight(heightRange.min, ByHeight[2].height, 3, clWater);setReliefmap(myReliefmap);var placer = new HeightPlacer(ByHeight[3].height, ByHeight[4].height);var painter = new LayeredPainter([terrainBase, terrainBaseBorder], [4]);createArea(placer, painter);paintTileClassBasedOnHeight(ByHeight[3].height, ByHeight[4].height, 3, clOpen);setReliefmap(myReliefmap);Strange, since exactly the same piece of code is used. Also it seems that the height is overlapping (since part of clOpen is in the water) You can see it because of the pigs and textures. I guess that clWater isn't painted at all (no sand texture) but why?
  16. Could you tell what's inside the 0 A.D. log? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors
  17. I like the fact that you can quickly see unique units etc and a more detailed random selector.
  18. Here I post my tutorial about template modding and unit creation. Enjoy! I hope you learn a lot of it! If you still have some questions, feel free to ask. edit: the resulting files can be found here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=7532 edit2: From now on, the tutorial can be found in the wiki: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/CreatingNewUnits This wiki page contains additional info (compared to the pdf document) with regards to setting up your mod, to work with the Mod Selector found in 0 A.D. Tutorial Unit creationv1.pdf
  19. Is PaintTileClassByHeight() a good alternative for the Height placer?
  20. Will be hard (I'm quite busy with school currently, I've got my hands on a very large, time-consuming project): TODO: - make map circular - revert biome changes - Rewrite path placement - Make sure the water and a open space around it stays clear of trees. (Might even require a total rewrite of heightmapgeneration) - Add resources - add eyecandy This is an initial list, there might be items added to it.
  21. Not necessary to crash in case of an error, is it?
  22. I don't like the signature to be too modernistic. (Who is the T guy?) Marble give a nice soft distortion of the background and is a material that was often used in ancient times. + is a material that is often used for plaquettes. Also marble opens the way to some nice text effects. But in fact it hasn't necessarily to be marble. Associations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey "Gray is solid and stable, creating a sense of calm and composure, relief from a chaotic world." http://www.empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com/color-gray.html
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