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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @gameboy Thanks ! I'm not sure if we can fix it but I'll ask @vladislavbelov maybe he has an idea > pyrogenesis.exe! PerformErrorReaction (ErrorReactionInternal, er=ERI_BREAK, unsigned, int, flags=0, volatile, int * suppress=0x00000000) line 426 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! Debug_DisplayError (const wchar_t * description=0x0138e158 unsigned, int flags=0, void * context=0x0138ed18, const * wchar_t lastFuncToSkip=0x011dc150 wchar_t * pathname=0x0138e670 int, const, line=0, const, char * func= 0x0138d150 volatile * suppress=0x00000000, int) for 483 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! Wseh_ExceptionFilter (_EXCEPTION_POINTERS * ep=0x0138e7e4) line 289 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! CallStartupWithinTryBlock () line 365 C++ [external code] [the following frames may be incorrect and / or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll] Pyrogenesis.exe... CShaderProgram:: Uniform (CStrIntern, id={,}, float, v0=-1.#QNAN000, float, v1=4.764e-044#DEN, float, v2=3.44938300e-010, float, v3=1.01771369e-010) line 755 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! CShaderProgram:: Uniform (CStrIntern id={...}, unsigned, int, count=34, const, CMatrix3D * v=0x2fbda1c0) line 765 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! InstancingModelRenderer:: RenderModel (const std:: shared_ptr<CShaderProgram> & shader={...}, int, __formal=1, CModel * model=0x2f7a0ec0, CModelRData * __formal=0x306e2ba0) line 376 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! ShaderModelRenderer:: Render (const std:: shared_ptr<RenderModifier> & modifier={...}, const, CShaderDefines & context={...}, int, cullGroup=1, int, flags=1) line 765 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! CRendererInternals:: CallModelRenderers (const, CShaderDefines & context={,}, int, cullGroup=1, int, flags=1) line 379 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! CRenderer:: RenderShadowMap (const CShaderDefines & context={...}) line 910 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! CRenderer:: RenderSubmissions (const CBoundingBoxAligned & waterScissor={...}) line 1501 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! CRenderer:: RenderScene (Scene & scene={...}) line 1885 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! CGameView:: Render () line 489 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! Render () line 228 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! CGame:: ReallyStartGame () line 322 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! ProgressiveLoad () line 233 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! Frame () line 322 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! RunGameOrAtlas (int, argc=1, const, char * * argv=0x03370008) line 581 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! SDL_main (int, argc=1, char * * argv=0x03370008) line 623 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! Main_utf8 (int, argc=1, char * * argv=0x03370008) line 126 C++ Pyrogenesis.exe! Wmain (int, argc=1, unsigned, short * *, wargv=0x015d5730, unsigned, short * wenvp=0x015e71f8) line 151 C++ [external code] Pyrogenesis.exe! CallStartupWithinTryBlock () line 364 C++ [external code]
  2. @Lion.Kanzen I tried to do something similar to this https://sketchfab.com/models/d51cfc75bb684d1e9d4f63aafb44b45c
  3. @Lion.Kanzen So what are the buildings we are talking about for the minifaction ? What hat ?
  4. I think the repo has some copyrighted material in it that what licensed only for WFG, you'll also notice it's not visible when you are not logged.
  5. @Lion.Kanzen Whadaya want from me ?
  6. Here is something I've wanted to work on for a long time. As thracians were a really rural population I decided to give it an overhaul. I'll provide props when I release the thracian civ. If it is ever need here are the high res files. High definition Low Definition (When resizing) Original (Celt version) Textures Zip Textures.zip Contents
  7. Hopefully visual movement indicator. I'd like rally point (#657; D557) but that requires time, and I'm not sure I'll be able to provide it (Some recent changes broke it) Something I'd really want is minimap ping but I'm not sure I can do it. Apart from that you can refer to the milestone on trac.
  8. Then let's keep adding features so we can see the full potential then can be used to Always nice to see what people come up with with little (or big) things we do
  9. Indeed, Those would have been great as promotional and for future artists...
  10. @xanax I think videos get deleted if you do not have a premium account,
  11. @gameboy I'm not able to open your crashdumps. Here is what you can do. 1. Make sure Visual Studio is installed. 2. Reproduce crash with latest version 3. Find the crash dump 4. Open it (Double click) (It should open Visual Studio) 5. Click on debug native. 6. Look for the call stack panel, and copy paste it here.
  12. @Sundiata Well that would have meant remaking it from scratch, and that's what I did, so here you go hope you'll like it.
  13. @Sundiata Below is the model currently in Aristeia. Is it good enough or do you want a different version ?
  14. @gameboy That's a bit retarded but I'm going to need a zip file with pyrogenesis.exe, and pyrogenesis.pdb.
  15. I think I made a khopesh model for Aristeia at some point, might be good to look into that. I always wondered why they had such a shape. Maybe because of the quality of the metal ?
  16. @gameboy Did you compile yourself or use the autobuild ? I can't use the minidump...
  17. @gameboy need the *dmp file aswell.
  18. @LordGood I currently have the temple, four houses variations, barracks and civ center for thracians, I haven't released them yet
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