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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @Alexandermb Let me know if you manage to do something, I believe they could be pretty useful. I think the anim you sent me is broken, it's a bit bouncy on certain parts.
  2. @Itms Hey thanks for your interest in the game ! Have you tried going through transifex ? We pull our translations from there.
  3. Hello and welcome to the forums ! Glad you like the game. I think it was first because nobody implemented it and also because there would be chaos in games were players constantly change the settings as that would reset the ready buttons. That was before the kick options though.
  4. @Alexandermb before I check did you take @Sundiata's feedback into account ? Also any reason why you bake the wole animation ? Have a look at the smooth keyframes option in the curve panel it's useful. I wonder if you could use a curve for the mesh to follow.
  5. Well I guess start looking at where those are used. Then a sane implementation IMHO would be to put those new resources in civ.json files, and parse them to do stuff afterwards. I believe @elexis has somewhat unified the json parsing functions so that should be easier.
  6. @Alexandermb with more bones you can make it ondulate more smoothly. But as @wowgetoffyourcellphone said it's not necessary. Especially since that means you'll have to redo every crocodile anims.
  7. See my last post here https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21614-multiplayer-on-lan/&tab=comments#comment-325645
  8. Okay thanks. @Alexandermb Can you smooth the anim a little ? After that no more nitpicking
  9. At best all the files you modified in a zip file you can upload here. Passive abilities yes active ones not yet
  10. When everyone is okay with them I'll commit the horses, then we'll see for the riders.
  11. Ah okay, if no one @Sundiata @wowgetoffyourcellphone have an objection i'll commit it.
  12. I don't understand lol Maybe it's fine for @leper's usage, I'd need to see it in action.
  13. @Alexandermb Is it just to fast or is there something wrong ? croc_swim.dae
  14. If you give me a minimal test case I could try to make it work.
  15. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant name="Base"> <animations> <animation file="hammerbro/Hammer_Throw.dae" name="Idle" speed="40"/> </animations> <mesh>hammerbro/Hammer.dae</mesh> <textures> <texture file="props/Hammer.png" name="baseTex"/> <texture file="props/Hammer_Bump.png" name="normTex"/> </textures> </variant> </group> <material>player_trans_parallax.xml</material> </actor> @Hello try this instead. Notice I changed the material to make use of the bump. Also note it won't stop turning once it hits the floor.
  16. Can you show me your actor file ? @Hello And tell me a bit more what you are trying to achieve.
  17. @Hello I think you should use the Idle animation instead. I meant that you'll have a way to make grenades and stuff like that explode on hit.
  18. @Hello Yes it's possible to change the topic name. Just click "Edit" on your first post and rename it there. Yes you should be able to add rigs to projectile to animate them, however I fail to see why you would do that ? In the next version you'll have projectile it animations. You need to apply rotation, location and scale, and make sure the mesh is centered in the scene (at (0;0;0))
  19. @Imarok Then it is and this is indeed the old anims ;D
  20. Minor ranting : I'll add updating those actors to my list of tasks. It's a good occasion to clean up the actor files.
  21. If I remember correctly @Enrique slightly tweaked the blender skeleton after @Jos3BV made those making them incompatible. However, I think Enrique did make a seeding animation. (He did in r14993) The file is under binaries\data\mods\public\art\animation\biped Not sure it's compatible with the new unit meshes looking at how old it is.
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