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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @elexis Maybe a side effect of the MT_PlayerColorChanged message ? @Servo Have you experienced this on your Mac ?
  2. Maybe we could put up a challenge on art websites. People love contests.
  3. References ? Or Artistic license ? What is the difference between tavern an inn and lupanar in shape ? EDIT : Just saw the image above.
  4. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Code has been written by @vladislavbelov so it would be possible. Not implemented though. Also not sure it wouldn't mean having to re-export every single anims.
  5. @jonbaer Maybe the commit about floating units ?
  6. That's the goal of Ticket #2577 which probably needs rebasing and is now that I resigned worked on by @bb_
  7. Hey @Lucas Barclay and welcome to the forums. I don't know what happened to your application, but it was not formatted correctly. Could you please fix it ? Thanks for your interest.
  8. @Lion.Kanzen Sketches for what ?
  9. I guess the initial goal was to make capture the only thing units could do. You can set a building on fire true. But most of the time you wanted to capture a city not ruins.
  10. Well to your disappointment it was decided it wouldn't be done because unrealistic. It's perfectly doable right now though. Just adding empty props to everybuilding and using the damage variations would work I think it was to better reflect how good their cavalry was. Don't need to copy everything though 0 A.D. has it's own set of buildings and it's good like that How are spartans going ?
  11. Indeed it's not implemented I wonder how hard it is to have it though. Maybe something like trigger able auras dealing damage around. Maybe adding those two things to aura would be nice. So for instance let's say you can trigger a unit boost aura for some time will triggering a special anim and changing the model with another variant here with firework <animName>Cheer<animName> <animTime>10<animTime> <UnitVariant>fireworks</UnitVariant> <auraDurationTime>200</auraDurationTime>
  12. @Imarok maybe. Maybe he could also make a patch himself. I think that would provide a whole new experience and new players. @vladislavbelov Would you be up to it ?
  13. Well Could be. Can you try to print the values of those two variables ?
  14. See also delenda est by @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  15. @bb_ was working on that maybe you could join efforts.
  16. We need to have that feature in a non hacky way, I consider tweaking the camera not being one and I wouldn't mind it triggering sound changes and cloud tweaks. but that's just me. For the correct way I can't help though. In the meantime I'm making progress with D557 will push a patch update when I fix traders. So far everything else is working except formations, and maybe the fact that the're are a lot of lines when many units are selected. However it's playable. Will still have to go through the review process though.
  17. I'd look at the bottom view of visual studio, there are different kind of outputs, so should appear there. We are going to figure this out. Thanks for your time an patience so far.
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