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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Not from the XML file it's a missing prop point in the DAE file ( Which is also a XML file although different)
  2. As many as physical persons under the roof of that IP. One IP per person. That's in the Term of Use.
  3. That was mostly my question Thanks. The thing is the more we spread the more coverage we get but the more likely we will spread outdated erroneous information. Also, I hope it won't but if Wikibooks goes down, you have nothing left the same happens if you stop updating it
  4. Hello Sturm, Thanks for your initiative. Why do you think wikibooks is a better solution than our own wiki on trac.wildfiregames.com ?
  5. The game doesn't use the textures inside the DAE Materials should have no influence on models. Id have to have the files to see but from the black model I saw I would assume the unwrap either did not go right or the texture is a different kind of PNG. can you upload a small mod with the model and the textures ?
  6. You can try to disable TLS in the game options that should fix it
  7. The lobby is really confusing to me. I thought we had a mute ban for bad words ?
  8. @fatherbushido Do you guys want your own subforum ? or are you putting together yours ?
  9. Congrats So you are now 10 ? Pizzas sound good. /me was gonna ask if Molvania was a good place to go on holidays, but it doesn't exist... *sad*
  10. Howdy how. Aye I did plus the old one did already have some
  11. Speaking of which. Credits to bigtiger.
  12. In one of my old games, one was able to save pastes and load them at another time on another map. So serialising the clipboard into the disk
  13. One could serialize copy paste. Here is what is put in memory when copy pasting actors <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Entities> <Entity> <Template>structures/maur_civil_centre</Template> <Player>1</Player> <Position x="212.32877" z="625.73713"/> <Orientation y="2.35621"/> <ActorSeed>5395</ActorSeed> </Entity> </Entities>
  14. That's fork AD 9001 (The ASCII code is fork and knife)
  15. Looking forward to hearing from you. Let me know if you need anything else
  16. Somehow though all games with constant updates with a complex technology tree always end up simplifying the whole thing. See WOW League of legends and a few others.
  17. What's going on here ? XD
  18. Well we have a dependency system but that doesn't apply to binaries
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